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Supreme Goddess Aneetar
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.. Forever
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Heeys! I'm Aneetar.. And I don't really know what this is yet. So yeah.. We'll see. Heh. Uhh. Yeah. I still got 1,400 more characters to use up and nothing to say. =\ What a shame..
Have fun Buddy!
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
OMG! An update!
Mah friends made me make a Lj. Sorry. I'm not being a traitor! =O I'm just doing that one aswell? >.o Yah!
Uhm. On Tuesday I went to Nathan's house. Fully Awesome. Started off with just me, Matty, Jack and Luke going. Then when we got there Travis was over.. Wagging school. Har. Then later Gary came and then a little bit after that Chris and Ben were there too. It was fully crazy.
I found out that almost everyday on their way home, people stop off at his house. Lol. That funny. Heh. Uhm. He has a massive Tv.. like Huge Plasma Screen TV.. Cains! I love it! And the coolest computer case. Mwaha. When I go over there again I am going to steal it! =D
On my way into the house though.. I was attacked by his little doggies. =( I am really scared of dogs so it was quite bad for me. =(! But Matty protected me and then Nathan put them away. =D
Gary got his nipple peirced.. again. Fell out while having sexz0rz last time! XD And yeah.. It was still bleeding. Nyuckie.. He was so flirting with me. And Ben too.. And Travis.. He's just weird. And yeah.
OMG! Me and Chris actually spoke to each other.. just so very slighty but hey. Just want to be friends. x_X Really. Uhm. Nathan is heaps cute. But he has lost alot of weight. =( So thats not good.
OMG OMG! This is the BIG one! Antoni.. Probably haven't mentioned him yet.. We were fully bestfriends for a looong times. He lives in Queensland and we would call each other like.. every night. Well.. he sent me somemore pictures last night. he is so cute.. Like a Baby. And OMG! YOU SHOULD SEE HIS BODY! HE IS A TANK! I'm like OMG! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SCRAWNY! But oh no. Tank.. Massive Tank. Sexy. =P
And yeah.. Thats like.. The lot? I think.. >.o;
Oh.. And all the guys in this post.. I've either dated them or became so close that we were practically dating. =P I'm such a slut..
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Yay! 16
Weee! I'm 16 now!
Har Har! Take that all you 15 year olds! Har!
Yep, 16.. It kicks arse. =P
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Only 1600 yen! Get your own at Hamstar's Noodlebar!
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Birthday Birthday Birthday!
Weee! My Birthday Tomorrow!
Thats basically the only reason why I even posted today. =P Nyah.
Ah. So bored. x.x; Pissed off too.. But yeah..
Uhm. On Tuesday.. Me, Matty and Jack are gonna go and sees Nathan! ^^! He lives really close to the school so after school we is gonna go and sees him. Cause we all miss him. =( DAMN HIM FOR BEING SO SICK!
And I gotta call Emmar tonight at like 9:30. Har, if I'm even still awake.
Yay for long weekend!
Edit:- An' I made a new Avatar! Yaaay! =)
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
WHOA! o.o!
This Just In!!
Ben says:
so will you go out with me
My Birthday On Friday! Its On! says:
You're A Dork!
My Birthday On Friday! Its On! says:
And its my turn to get you back.. So settle and let me have my fun now.
Ben says:
no seriously
Ben says:
will you go out with me
My Birthday On Friday! Its On! says:
Har. Ben's a Funny one. =P
Ben says:
its not a joke will you go out with me
Ben says:
come on babe
My Birthday On Friday! Its On! says:
Lol. Wtf. You're such a Dork.
Ben says:
Ben says:
I saids to Ben that I was gonna get him back for asking me out.. I haven't come up with nothing yet.. But I told him I had. =\ Hm.
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Har Har Har.. I Hate You All! o.o!
Okay.. Start off with.. Was it Pick on Aneetar day or something? God. x_X;
I had an orthadontist appointment at 11. So I didn't go to school in the morning. And i hate my Dentist guy. Gave me fucking elastics... and they make it so I can't open my mouth properly. Gay!
Then I go to school for 3rd and 4th period. Which I have double VYDP. Don't ask. That was gay. And I couldn't find my class at first.
Then at lunch time I am told that my friends had told this reject Daniel Bazil guy that I like him.. And his responce to that was, "Oh Yeah, I thought so." What a fuck head. I hate him. Wish he would die. So yeah.. And he comes up to me at the end of lunch and goes, "So will you go out with me?" I was just all What The Fuck and I walked off.
THEN! In maths, last period. Ben comes up to me and goes, 'Can I ask you a question? Will you go out with me.' Again I was all What the Fuck. And yeah.. That was scarey.. But it was just a joke. So that made it all better. Cause yeah, uhmm.. I dun likes Ben like that. x_x; And I'm always to nice to say no. =(
So yeah, It was Ask-Aneetar-Out Day.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
And its only so True? =P
Lol. Yay. x_X; Such nice Answers. Eh. e.e;
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 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm.. I actually through I was more of a Dory... I'm a bit slow. =P but yeah. I love Crush so whatever. I'm happies! =D
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Another Day Of School.. Oh The Joy
What the hell is that Face? =\
Eh, it was just another day of school really. Nothing happened. I don't think. And if it did I really don't remember it.
Uhm. My friends are all teasing me about how Ben likes me.
Ben is an old ex of mine. Embarrassing story.. So yeah. Shut up. Hmm. And I don't want Ben to like me cause yeah, his friend.. Chris. And yeah. Whatever.
I really have no energy at the moment. Har Har. I did heaps of Maths homework so I could pass Maths. i really don't know what I am going on about anymore.
This show.. Something About Miriam. Its so wrong. Shes a dude! But she is really good looking. All the guys in my class said they'd be with her... If they didn't know she was a guy. Hehe. She is just there for all the fame but.
Not going to school in the morning so I might think of something to type while I am sleeping or something. Who knows?! Dun Dun DUUUUN!
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