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Supreme Goddess Aneetar
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Woo.. Went to a Party Last night.. Well.. 2 Parties actually. The night started off with me and Sheree going to Tebble's party.. But she wouldn't let our other friends in.. and that party was getting boring so..
We left and went down the road to Drew's party. That was fully awesome. There were so many people. And yeah.. Okay, I got a bit drunk.. Maybe alot drunk.. But yeah.
We had to go home really early but cause we was going out the next morning. But we had to be picked up at Tebble's house. So then we had to run back.. Massively off our nut. We didn't know what we were doing. We were singing! And yeah.. When we got into the car my Mum was all, "You've been drinking!".. So yeah.. She knows. But whatever. I still maintained a perfectly normal conversation with her..
And then I went onto the computer. Couldn't type properly. It was funny. and I called up my boyfriend and I was just talking crap to him. har Har. And then I went to bed.. And I couldn't sleep.. I woke up at 1 and I needed to piss but I couldn't find my keys so I couldn't. Tried to go back to sleep but I really needed to go so I looked again. They were just sitting on my desk. Pissed and went back to sleep. All good.
So all in all.. AN AWESOME NIGHT! Would have been perfect if I had of hooked in with Chris again. =P
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Thursday, June 3, 2004
Almost my Birthday!
Well last night I was up till 12:30 online. And now I'm all tired for school. Har.
I stayed up all night doing homework and talking to one of my best buddies Antoni. We're getting married in 8 days! Cause I'm turning 16 in 8 days.. and yeah..
It was a good night though. I got like 4 things done for English plus I talked to my other friend Nathan for ages. I like Nathan heaps but he is all sick and hardly ever comes to school. So thats all sads. =( And I don't see him no more cause of that. So it was awesome talking to him. Me and him still have to verse each other in Unreal Tournament.
And the thing that I wanted to type yesterday was about how I played Hockey in sport the other day. We played with the year 9s. I got a mass bruise on my leg from the little ball thingie. Stupid Tim hit it at me. But don't worry. I smacked him in the back of the legs. It was really funny and I didn't get picked up for it.
I love Hockey and it was like.. four onto like ten. So gay. The other 4 girls in our team just wouldn't move! It was all up to me, Sheree and the teacher and this Lachlan guy. I swear, was really to smack the girls aswell.
But.. I Love Hockey!
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9 Days Till My Birthday! Woo!
Well.. Lets see.. Haven't posted cause of school.. I got heaps of work to do so I can pass all my subjects. And yeah.. Massively sucks.
Omg. Production camp in 3 weeks! I am looking for for ward to it! Its gonna be so good! Our cabin is gonna be the King cabin and we are gonna take over everyone! Woo yeah!
Uhm.. Me and my crush on Chris. I swear, its just getting worse and worse. I hate it. I hate him! FUCKING BASTARD! No.. He really is. He like.. used me.. but yeah. Its bad.. and wrong. I should die..
And theres something else I wanna type about but I don't remember.. Whatever. I'll post later if I remember.
Har Har. =P
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Saturday, May 29, 2004
A Quiz! =O
Clothes, Sidekick, Attitude and Weapon.. Oh so close to the truth. XD
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Stuffs 'n' Stuff..
14 days till my birthday!!
I watched Troy today. Its alrights. Nice fighting scenes. Hehe. And Orlando Bloom is just so sexy in it.
Stolen from Demon Fairy Sin's thingie thingie. =P Nyah!
I wanna go out tonight. =\ But where...
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Friday, May 28, 2004
Teh Grand Life Of Teh Aneetar!
Well it was a Friday. Worst day on my school time table. I had double Science, Double Peer Support and then double maths. I mean, nothing gets worse than all those subjects in one day. Its gay.
School over all wasn't that bad. I just hate school. So yeah. Uhm.. Science we had spares.. So I just drew the whole time.
Peer Support.. Don't ask what that is. I don't know. but it is so bad! I HATE IT! The teacher hates me. And my friend just kept making me laugh and get in trouble the whole lesson. I'm suprised I wasn't kicked out right away.
And yeah.. Gay Subject. Never doing that again.
Then Double Maths.. I don' even remember what happened.. But it was gay too. It was maths. So pfft.
I was 15 minutes late to tennis. =( But the assistant coach SooOooOoo has it in for me! Hehe. I swear! Har. Nah.. He's cool.
And I have nothing else to type. So yeah.. kthnxbye
This Is Nucking Futs!
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Quizzes.. What is Your Anime Zodiac?
Thats pretty cool. I am a Gemini. So yeah.. Weee. Am I that easily predicted? Aww. u.u
Anyway.. No school today.. So at home all over again.. And I have nothing to type about. =\
 You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You display a perfect fusion of heroism and compassion.
Now thats way cool. I have a crush on Keanu Reeves so its only right to be like him. =P Hehe. Nawh, he really is a cutie!
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This Shall Be... ABOUT ME! And that ryhmes and you know it does!
By the way.. My Mood is fucking crazy! Woo Yeah!
Listen ya'll.. You're gonna know ME! So here it goes...
My name is Aneetar.. But formally known as Lil around the internet. I have no idea why anymore.. But yeah.
I'm 15.. 16 in 15 days! WOO YEAH! June 11th.. Don't you forget it. And I live boringly in Aussie Land.
I have the biggest family you've ever heard of! I'm serious! I have 1 older brother.. And he moved out.. but still basically lives here cause he is always here on the computer.
And then I have a younger brother. He is a computer nerd. A sister.. She isn't related to me... And another Sister.. And she is a pain in the arse.
And then I have my little 3 year old brother.. Who looks more like a girl. And he is gorgious!
Now something more personal..
I am absolutely inlove with Keanu Reeves, Paul Walker, Michael J. Fox (When he was in back to the Future anyways.), Seth Green, Ashton Kutcher!!And! OMG! Orlando Bloom.. And Johnny Depp I guess. =P I dunno, that list just goes on forever.
I Filled out one of them quizzes! Lookies at my Answers!
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A Quiz..
I had fun finding out which Kill Bill vol.1 Character I was.. Yay!
You are Go-Go Yubari..Oren Ishii's personal bodyguard.. At 17 years of age..she is insane, she likes to watch others suffer but more importantly she likes to cause the suffering. she is the type to hunt down her prey....she is strong and confident. She is loyal but at the same time she will turn on you... she is mad
HeyHey.. Thats cool. I am a psycho really.. x.x; Blah. YEAH! BACK OFF BUDDY! I'LL CUT YOU FUCKING HEAD OFF! RAWR! GET NEEKID!
Yah, I just did a quiz cause I was bored.. And I knew you would love it.. I need to find a picture of Go-Go actually.. Kill Bill was really good, ne?
Which Kill Bill volume 1. character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wee... My First Post! Yaay!
Anyways, I never knew this site was also like a LiveJournal. Hehe. Thats weird. x.x; Oh god, I'm so whacked.
I think I'll fill out one of those quizzes about me.. For all my fans of'course. You will see that I am really quite a strange one. =P Har har. HAVE FUN!
Well gee.. I got nothing better to do so I'll tell you about my day really.. You're gonna love it!
Okay, I'm in year 10.. Yada yada yada. I didn't go to school. Instead, I went to Kindergarden with my Mummy, my little sister and my little brother (Who you would swear is a girl cause he has blonde curly hair.. Oh.. And my sister dresses him in her clothes sometimes too...). So yeah. I went to kinder today. Sooo much fun. I got to Paint! =D WITH PAINT! I got paint on my shirt. =\ But hey.
And the little kiddies.. They all LOVED <3 me! I swear! they all wanted me to sit next to them for story time.. And wanted me to lay next to them for Dead Fish. I was a winner in Dead Fish, btw. Har Har.
But the best thing about going to Kinder was the fact that I didn't have to go to school. And we had English exams on today.. Which made it fully rock even more! Yay! No English for me. I'll probably have to make up for it on Friday. Blah.
So yeah, That was a bit of my day.. I have no school tomorrow either so I'll have more to type then. =P
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