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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
here is another one....
A mask.
An empty canvas.
Waiting for emotions.
The colors of feelings,
To paint a mask.
A mask of the day.
With the
Black's of hate,
Gray's of saddness,
Red's of anger,
Pink's of love,
Purple's of victory,
Yellow's of joy,
Blue's of knowledge,
Green's of growth and understanding.
All of these painting.
Painting a mask.
A mask of emotion.
People can't always see the true colors,
But they're there.
Mixed and blended to show you.
To show others.
What you feel you can't say
Can be told by the colors.
Always wiped clean at the day's end.
Ready for the next day's use.
hey all. whats up? not too much here. we went to elmira today and i got the new issue of anime insider and i got fruits basket volume 1! they are both very very good! well its almost three days til christmas! yay! but sadly, my dad, once again, will miss, yet another, holiday. a word of advice for ya, DON'T WORK FOR NORFOLK SOUTHERN!!! my dad don't even get holiday pay for missin out on it all. *sighs* ah well. i should be used to it by now....anyways i hope that ya'll have a great vacation!
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
got kinda bored....
The empty feeling inside of us all.
The desire to be wanted.
The desire to be needed.
The desire to be loved.
Most of us
And lonely.
Turned away for someone better.
Someone more important.
The favorite.
Alone we cry.
Inside we long for someone.
Someone to love us,
And comfort us.
Most of us never find someone,
But we hope.
And we look.
Never finding what we seek,
Though we try so very hard.
We never find someone to love us.
To cherish us.
To treat us like there is none better
There is always someone better.
Leaving the rest of us to wonder.
To wonder our value.
Our worth.
Onward I move.
Seeking that someone.
Someone to love me.
Respect me.
Comfort me.
"Help me!"
Is my cry.
"Just a minute, I'm busy!"
Is the reply.
Alone again,
I begin to cry.
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Friday, December 17, 2004
hey hey!
thanks to all who responded! i feel recognized. first day of actually seemed rather short. oh well. the party was depressing, sleepover dissapointing, and yeah...i ran out into the snow, in 28 degree weather. i was freakin' COLD!!!well anyways...we got new music in band and i got 2nd part AGAIN!!! trent always gets first and luke and i get 2nd and is agrivating since we are just as good as trent. so anyways i started singing chim-chim-cha-ree, from mary poppins, and luke said "wow. you must really like that movie."and i was like"yeah. i guess so!" L:"ya know that the dvd is coming out tuesday." me:"yeah. 40th anniversary edition."and luke being the guy that he is said "maybe thats what i'll get you for christmas." omg! he is soo sweet! luke is like my bro, so its cool. and i have homework over vacation. i gots to do a mural for english class. fun fun. it is almost one week til christmas! laur went to her dad's so i am sad since i can't see her until the 27th. no one to hang with now since my cuz is gone and she's gone...well there is my bro...but oh well. well i g2g! ttyl!
~peace out
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
hey all!
is something wrong with me??? no one has been commenting is sad. and my cousin is moving over christmas vacation...his going away party is tomorrow....sad. but i only have tomorrow and i am done with school til 2005! yay! and we don't gotsa dress up either! yay again! game tonight and amamnda hurt her knee, again, so she doesn't know if she can cheer...bad. but no homework!! and i am sleeping over at dark angel 2009's house tonight because i can't get a ride home after the game...yay! happyness. well thats all for now! ttyl!
~peace out
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
we got our butts whopped!
in our game we lost sooo bad that its not funny, but i am happy so its aight. only four more days of school this year. when we go back it will be 2005! has anyone heard the song my name is micheal? its our cheerleading song that we all sing. not in the game or anything just for fun. it goes
my name is micheal
i have a nickel.
i have a nickel all shiney and new.
i'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy
that is what i'm gonna do
there is more, but that is all that we sing. it gets really annoyiny, unless you are the one singing it. i am in a very good mood tonight! yay! i went to see national treasure today and it was good. but i wanna see the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy! yay! well thats all for now! ttyl!
~peace out
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Friday, December 10, 2004
yay, yay, happy day!
well hows ya'll doin? our game went really good. oops! i mean well(stupid lecture we got in class just for saying good instead of well, long story) our concert was good too! yay! ooh and there is a new guy in our class and he's actually cool! he's as cool as john, evan, and trent. ok. laur says he's cooler and cuter too. but i don't see it. oh well. anyways i HATE spanish. miss carroll is truly evil and hates me and john for all she's worth. i got a 79 on the test and she flipped out even though there were people who got way lower than me! grrr! oh well. anyways lotsa tests, but now there is only four more days of school!!!and two games before break! yay! i am sooo happy!
~peace out
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Monday, December 6, 2004
game day is coming!!!
ooh yeah. our first cheerleading game is wednesday!! but our shoes aren't in yet so we don't know if we will be able to cheer so lets hope. and tomorrow is our christmas concert at school, so that makes for two excessively long days this week, but looking on the bright side....only eight more days of school before vacation!!! yay i am soo happy! well i did get to most of your sites yeah. have a nice day!!!!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving ya'll
Luke: Shouldn’t we give thanks first?
Jess: Thanks for what?
Luke: Well, that we’re not Native Americans who got their land stolen in exchange for smallpox infested blankets.
Lorelai: Amen.
well yesterday was somewhat relaxing, i got to draw five pics in one day! consecutively! i haven't done that in forever! so that was happy, but i also got in huge trouble for calling my bf in ky. because its kinda long distance and it wasn't exactly my phone card i was using, so yeah. well how was you day?
 Winry Rockbell
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 19, 2004
*sighs* hey guys
well this has deffinately been an interesting week. last week i was sick with one form of the flu, but didn't stay home from school. and i got better, but then i made cookie dough and my dad was sick and he had some then i had some. so now i am sick again with a different form of the flu. this one is evedently worse since i have now missed two days of school and the thanksgiving banquet. sorry. i am really stressed right now because my brother didn't get all of my homework and i think that i missed alot of important stuff. so that's all for now. sorry i haven't really been visiting your guy's sights, but as i have said i have not been feeling so well. well i hooe that you guys have had better weeks!
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
so... what do ya'll think?
i changed my avi and i wanna know what ya'll think. its ed from cowboy bebop. i got it from nuttin much goin on here... well i did go to rochester today, and i got this kewl hat with the cat from fruits basket on it. so ya thats pretty much it. wud up with ya'll?
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