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| lil angel girl
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Monday, July 26, 2004
safe and sound
today i thought that i was gonna have to run far far away with the way that this guy was looking at me in the mall. gaww i thought that he was gonna take me away and i wouldnt come back at all. T_T that really scared me alot!
my grandparents got here safe and sound, and have invaded my room. ahhh well, live with it.
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
i go everywhere but nowhere at all
slowly my life is coming back together yet falling apart at the same time. those "friends" havent emailed me in a long time, but i got a new cd player from wally world. my grandparents are coming in and i have to give up my room, but i get to go to buffallo and get out of here. school starts in five weeks T_T, but i might move. from this my view my life is staying in the same spot that is has for weeks, in the pits.
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
parents cant live with them wouldnt be here with out them. i got voulunteered to house one of those affor mentioned "friends" at my house in my room. she's one of the worst of them too! sure i got asked, but the answer was already yes! why, why, why me?!
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
thanks for the adivice guys!
that was great advice to leave them and find new friends who respect me, but i still have a problem. see i would get new friends if i could but i go to a private school and the top number of attendies is 180 and the average number of kids in my class are 17. and i know all of them already. so all i can do is hope for new kids. and also in my home town the nearest person to my age is my brother and my cousins. i get tired of them too fast because my cousins are some of the affor metioned "friends".
i also got this other problem. guys. last night for the second time this summer some guy in the back of a pick up has said to me that i was really great. and i also have guys whistleing at me and staring at me and they're all about 2 or 3 years older than me. ive tried wearing close that are alot of sizes too big and i tried wearing glasses alot but it just doesnt work. ok those are my problems and i need some suggestions,please!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
question for yall
ok. i have these "friends". their the only ones i got and we do stuff together but their not very nice at all. see here is how this "friendship" works. i support them and suffer through their talk of their older sisters and brothers (which i dont have either)and of the boys that they like and wish that they could ask out but when i try to talk they simply ignore me and walk away. and the only time they pay any attention to me is when they are calling me immature and a baby for liking anime. here's what really gets me about that, they all watch sponge bob and fairly odd parents and all that then they call me a little kid for watching anime! i dont like it or them and i dont know what to do. every year (school year that is) it gets worse. what do you think that i should do?
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Sunday, July 18, 2004
life has improved a bit
well ya. ok. here it goes. well the balloon rally came to town so i went down to the park and saw the ballloons go up and i got cotton candy thursday and two snow cones friday. i got two cause the lady messed up my order so i got one free! yay. yesterday i went down to main street for the balloon rally bazzar, but i didnt get anything cause of the no money factor. oh well. and today i got asked to the movies by a twenty year old guy! sadly my parents said no to him and the movie, i, robot. well dats all for now. bye-bye.
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
i m depressed.
today went really really awful. first i got this really nice stereo for thirty from a yard sale and the people said that it worked, but, of course, it didnt. then i was sad about that. after that i went to youth group. that was really really bad too. my friend would only talk to her sister and not me which really only left my brother to talk to and tonight he was in his jerk mood so he was being really mean to me. and they were handing out packs of gum and free sunday things for mc donalds and they wouldnt give me either but gave em to my mom and brother. so now i have no gum, no ice cream, no stereo, and no friend to talk to. i am very depressed.T_T
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
today was good and happy!
i m luvin it! yay! i went to sam goody's today and got a new manga called crono crusade. its really awesome. i like crono cause he's funny and he looks cool. and today i got my tye die shirt from youth group and its got blotches of color but instead of a white background its pink though the leader says that its purple. anyways i m happy with it.
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cute and fuzzy am i
 Your a chinchilla:
Super cute and adorable, groomed to be the fuzzy master!
Your the FUZZIEST!!!!!!!! You have so many layers of fuzz you cant even find your own feet. Your cute and proud of it, so fuzzy and outgoing, no wonder people like you! And just look at those whiskers! =^_^=
=^_^= What fuzzy animal are you? =^_^= {-With Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
did yo know?
if ya look through a magnifyin glass from a ways a way that the world is upside down even if the magnifyin glass is. cool huh?
and a cilp from the fairly odd parents.
cosmo: i have good news and bad news the good news is that i found a nickle and named it philip. the bad news is that its a girl nickel.
i luv it!
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