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| lil angel girl
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
i luv my life!
sorry i haven't updated in a while, but i've been really busy. an friday and saturday i had all star games, and we lost both. T_T and i made mac and cheese with my grandma and it wasn't out of the box either.
sunday i had a party with six of my friends. we went to youth group and messed around there from six til eight thirty then we ran around town with walkie talkies and came home. at midnight my cousin walked the half block home and the rest of us watched spirited away. for all it was their first anime. usually they hate it and me when i talk about it so i wuz surprised.
monday we took all my friends home to their houses which are an hour there and an hour back, but my good friend lauren stayed with me til eight thirty at night so she could go to vacation bible school. then she left too and i wuz tired. but i still didnt go to bed til eleven.
and today i went to my grandma's down the street. i went grocery shopping with her and got her mail and played cards with her for two hours. i left for her house at ten then i came home at three thirty. after i got home i rearanged my room and cleaned it. i dont like cleaning. then i had dinner and went to vbs with neil, my cousin. we made tye die shirts and played no rule tag. thats tag where you make up your own rules. it wuz alotta fun.
ok i know that i talk alot but i gotta do sumthin dont i? you can talk to me ifin ya wanna.
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sumthin bout me
What's your favorite anime song?: | cloe | Fav. anime?: | trigun, cowboy bebop, inuyasha, gundam seed, wolf's rain | Fav. Shoujo manga?: | pita ten | Fav. Shounen manga?: | jing king of bandits | Fav. male character?: | vash, spike, inuyasha, kira, kiba | Fav. female character?: | millie, ed, kagome, flay, blue | What anime do you hate the most?: | code lyoko | Which character do you wish would just die?: | everyone on code lyoko | Which character do you wish you could marry?: | dark or vash | Which anime do you wish you could be in?: | all of the above | Do you like J-pop? J-rock?: | j-pop | O-genki desuka?: | uhhhh lunch? | What anime animal or creature do you wish you had as a pet?: | tiger, wolf, or a dragon | Its the end! Are you happ? Sad? Dunno?: | i m cool |
Anime and You brought to you by BZOINK!
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
i am sooooooooo happy!!!!
my doggy dusty was really really sick and we thought that we might have to put him to sleep, but lo and behold... we didn't!!!! yay! but i did have to give a bath so now hes clean and still sick but better than he was! yay!
today was humid and 81, and i had another softball practice. we were doing sliding so i got really really dirty. YAY! i love to get dirty! anyway i was plastered in dust and i had a really good tan, until i took a shower, but i am still tan! the tournament starts friday a 6:30. i hope that we win the tournament! go us!
i also had clay class this morning and i have made eight hamsters in an army that i am building. they all look like some anime chacter like vash and dark! i did a hello kitty one too! i also made this tile sorta thingy and i drew a picture of dark and diasuke on it. and lastly i am making a replica of inuyasha's neclace!
i love my life! ^_^
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
ha ha ha
last night i had softball practice, and it hurt. i got hit in the neck, the arm, and the knee. well i had fun though last night after i got home. about elven caleeb came into my oom to talk to me about something and before he came in i was doingthis secret agent thing with theme music and i stuck my "gun" (reakky my fingers) out in his face, and naturally he yelled and jumped. so then he asked me and went back to his room and closed the door. after he closed his door went i after him theme music and all. then i turned the handle on his door, kicked it, and stuck my "gun" in and did the fianl note of my theme. he screamed really loud and fell forward on his bed! hahaha, i had fun!
Also anther thing to be happy about is i got the newest animerica and it said that the inuyasha was coming to america! yay! i also got pita ten 4 and
r2 (rise to the second power)! double yay! and i also got new glasses, frames and all! triple yay!
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
way too busy
ok sorry i haven't updated in a while. i've sooo busy. lets see we had our last softball game and lost 37 to 6. pitiful. i got picked for the all star team so we have lotsa practices. on tuesday i didn't get the chance to get manga, but i did the new issues of animerica and anime insider so i wuz happy enough. i also got the yu yu hakusho game and i am almost to the part where you are in the finals in genkai's tournament.i also found this great trilogy of books at the library. they are sabriel, lirael, and abhorsen. they are super good. i've been watching my cousin's dog and cat formhim while he's away. we also had a yard sale this past week and that took alot out of my room. yay.and so as you can see i've been busy. i am also suffering from insomnia and algergies so i am tired. see i don't go to sleep til two or so and i wake up about seven thirty or eight. now i am watching top gun and goose jist got really hurt or died. T_T sooo sad.
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Monday, June 28, 2004
kuz i'm bored
 You shall be Kurama! Yes, that's right, the redheaded (cough cough PINK cough) bishounen we all know and love! You're soft-spoken, and say "unwise" instead of "stupid", and have man-eating plants. Ok, so maybe you don't have man-eating plants, but you probably want some. I mean, who DOESN'T wish they could just pull some random bloodsucking pansie out of their HAIR? Oh well. Have fun!
A Yu Yu Hakusho personality quiz like you've probably never seen! brought to you by Quizilla
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i like this one!

Which InuYasha Character are you most like? by Deji-chan
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i am sad T_T
on wednesday i was gonna see the new spiderman 2 movie but since my softball game got rained out tonight i cant go cause it got rescheduled for wednesday at 6 and the movie starts at 7. so sad.
but on a happier note, we're going to elmira tommorrow and i can get a new manga. ^_^
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
ha ha oh yes
i forgot to say that last night i watched inuyasha for the first time and i LOVED it! yay sooo cool! ^_^
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ahhh livin the good life
yesterday was sooo much fun! my dad got called to work right before we were going to leave on a family picnic. we went anway jist with out my dad. we brought dusty puppy instead! we went to colton state park in pa and ate our lunch there. then we went on this three mile hike through the woods with dusty and we all had lotsa a fun, but now every time we try to leave dusty wants to come too!
today was our first youth group in a while and it was FUN!!! we had ice cream and soda. we launched water ballons with a homemade slingshot made from a funnel. and on wednesday we're gonna go see spider-man 2! this ROCKS!
tommorrow is my last game of the season. T_T i hope that we win! no i know that we will! like the little engine that could we have to believe that we can! wish us luck!
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