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| lil angel girl
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
my mundane life
blah not much going on here. three essays due tuesday, but i'm wanting to get em done today. blah blah blah...wanna hang out? haha call me ifn ya do!
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
i have good news and i have bad news. good news is we may know what's wrong with me, the bad news is that i will probably end up getting my gallbladder out. Cabe says that I should get in a jar and put it on my shelf. I asked him if he wanted it and he said "No. That's gross! I'd feed it to Sanji (my dog) then I would go wash my hands for five hours, puke for ten hours, and then I couldn't sleep for a week." And those are his exact words. lol. alright well that's all for now, i'll let ya'll know if i really do have to get it out or not. let's hope.
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Monday, March 20, 2006
quick update
i'm in a bit more pain than usual so i am going to make this quick. i had the gallbladder ultrasound today and the hiada scan. i'll know the results thursday. more then.
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Friday, March 17, 2006
tossed by the winds of fate
well here i am again im computer apps, but i am dropping this course. ::sighs:: it was bound to happen. well i'm still on half days of school and they might know whats wrong with me. finally. they think that my gall bladder might be infected. well...thats all for me...what about ya'll? what's up???

Which of the Twelve Kingdoms Would You Rule?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, March 10, 2006
hullo! i had a really wierd dream last night. ok. this is my first celebrity dream so it's kinda a big thing here. ok sanji was in my house and the kitchen was full so we were in the living room making some kinda sauce and i accidentally spilled some on the couch. then i went off and got some greased lightning, but when i sprayed it on the spots it foamed up all yellow and crap then my mom came and watched it foam. then she came in and woke me up. but the wierdest part was she was wearing those exact same clothes in my dream!!!!!!!! iight well i gotsa go!!! ttyl!
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Can't stay long...
well i can't stay too i can't visit anyone's sites, but i shall try to tomorrow. i'm supposed to be catching up on my homework, but i don't think that's gonna work so well.. ah well. i must be going now, but what's up with ya'll???
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Well i'm at it again. looking at exchange programs to Japan. This year i think that i'll have a better chance of going seeing that i'm in public school now. there will be more scholarships and people will take me seriously about it too. what do ya'll think about it? any advice would be welcomed! thanks!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Well it has been a week
Hey all! It's been quite a while really and I'm here to say hi! I've almost gotten over my sickness, but I fell down the stairs this morning, while carrying Dusty down the stairs. Now I have bruised my back! whoopa! I didn't get to go to the party because I didn't go to school last week to get the where's and when's. Well I'm going to Elmira tomorrow. Should be..well fun I guess. It'll be different going with out Lauren, but I guess I'll need to get used to it, eh? I am hoping to get together with Laur this weekend though, so here's hoping! Luke and I still aren't talking, and so that's not getting anywhere either. But with any luck I can salvage my friendship with Laur, to...well...friends. If your reading this I'm dreadfully sorry. I didn't need to say any of that to you. I shouldn't have even brought it up. But, well..I can't help likeing you, and missing you. Your right I'm a horrible, self-centered, spaz who you don't need anymore, but...well yeah you get it.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
happy v.d. haha yeah..ok i have the flu yay me! i went to school, but i'm glad i did cos now gibbs dante and i are making a manga. iight that was fast...i g2g but hey what are you all up to?
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Sunday, February 12, 2006
You know who you are
Millennium Actress
You've hurt me
I try and hurt back
But your there
To far away to touch
I don't know you anymore
Not like I used to.
I used to love you
Call you my friend
But you've never cared,
Not cared past yourself.
I see now.
You used me
Abused me
I'm done.
If I could escape you
I would.
But I'm wound tight
Stuck in you
With you.
No more escape.
It hurts
Deep down in this place
My soul
Darkened always by your shadow
Always there
Never ceasing.
I try to remain untouchable
Nothing can hurt me.
That’s how I try to come off.
Some people see it
But others see past
And others try to understand
I can't stop them.
I don't know why.
No. That's not true
I know.
I want someone to care
Someone to love me
Tell me I'm important
Someone you never were.
Never will be.
And that's ok.
I understand.
That's not who you are.
It's hard on me.
But that’s life.
Constantly acting the part
Never speaking out
Always doing as I am told
That's how I'll always be
I won't like it,
But I can't change it.
As Shakespeare said
"All the world's a stage
And a critic."
Me the constant actress
You the constant critic.
My acting never close
But when you’re here
You don’t see me.
Not the real me at any rate.
But what I’ll never let you see
Is the pain we all suffer
It’s your fault.
Not all though
I’ll admit to it.
I’m to blame as well,
You will blame me.
I know you all to well.
No amount of apologizing
Could ever bring us together.
We’re all sorry.
But we’ll still keep on hurting,
Denying all,
Hating all.
So now all that’s left to say is
I’m so sorry and
Dear ever lost companion.
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