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Saturday, February 11, 2006
long days+short nights=extreme tiredness
blah so much to say. don't know if i should, but since no one has commented in a while i think that i shall say it since those people prolly won't read it. i'm losing my best friend again, but i think that i should be used to losing her to guys by now. i want to get a boyfriend and leave her. just once. just to show her how much it sux. but i understand i'm just being selfish, but whats new? i am already selfish enough as it is. my little brother is being a jerk, but nothing new there either. i went to houghton last night and had a good time with shelly, emily, beth, and xiao ying. didn't get to talk to luke much tho cos there is this girl that's mad for him...i think that he should go for her. woody does too. then today...we, my mom and me, were supposed to be changing sprinkler heads and they said that the water was drained so we went around and loosend them. but we couldn't find the new heads so we called the dude and he had to come over so he came and found them and then went to go get a key made and so we started putting the new heads on, but guess what! the heads weren't drained!!! so water went everywhere! my mom and i got soaked, but got it back on. all the papers were wet in the architects office. so then we had to go buy all new clothes after we cleaned up the water cos it stunk soooo bad from sitting there for soo long. so yeah. i'm beat...lonely...and leaving. buh-bye
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
haha well folks i'm back! we have finally got the internet back up at home! so happy! well there is alot i could tell ya, but we'd have to be face to face for ya to get the full force of it. so i shall just tell ya what i can. zetsue escaped and is prolly dead now. T_T i got invited to a party hosted by gibbs. MY FIRST REAL PARTY!!! YAY!!! i'm happy bout that one case ya couldn't tell. haha uhm..there is hw as always. school as always. not as bad since gibbs and dante have been talking to me more! ^_^ and uhm...i think that is all my friends! well i shall talk to ya'll later then!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
2 min to tell ya
HI real quick tho. not much is goin on here. i got lil time to just say hey then i gotta go. haha hullo. whats up with ya'll? not too much here. g2g bell is ringin!
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Back b4 expected
well with our schedule changes (which i forgot about us going into the second term) i will be able to get on c and e days. i don't know if i'm even aloud to be on this site, but until i get caught all's good right? well there's really not too much to report cept levi still insists upon making my life a living hell here, and still only one person talks to me. wonderful, no? haha well uhm...i've been reading alot. Oh well i guess theres two people that talk to me come to think of it...james asked to borrow fma one today cos its blocked on his tv. haha well i got to hang out wiht laur yesterday and talk to luke over aim saturday so i suppose i have a lil human contact haha. iight well i've pretty much run out of things to say so i shall talk to ya'll later, k?
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
T_T i'm really sorry comp. got another virus....
hi again...i'm sorry that i haven't been on in so long. i know that lotsa people were worried about me and it was wrong of me not to contact ya'll in some way. i think that luke might be too mad to ever talk to me least thats what he sounded like in his post...not too much has happened really. its regents week at school so monday was regular classes and today was the only day i had to come in for testing. oh! and i got a pet iguana named zetsue. for pronunciation watch s~CRY~ed. its the name of ryuho's alter. ryuho is the green-haired aweseome guy! ^_^ haha uhm so i'm going to elmira friday with my aunt and grandma. sadly my mom has to clean so she can't go, but tomorrow just me and her are going to take dusty to the vets in hornell. dusty got hit by a car, but now he's fine and well! for those who don't know, dusty is ma doggy! well one of em. the other is sanji. i'm on library council on c-day's so i shall have comp. access deffinately then. unless i have musical practice that day..we're doing the king and i and i play a nobody! haha i have music practice in half an hour. aww all my bestest buds get outta school in two minutes. uhm...i'm reading a really good book right now called the convicts by iain lawrence or summut like that. if ya like older england ya should enjoy this one. uhm i'm trying to think of anything i can tell ya!!! OOH for those who watch full metal alchemist...CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE ARE ONLY 9 EPISODES LEFT?!?!?! and whats up with ed and al's dad? did anyone else catch what lieutenant ross said? when honenheim said that he remembered a time when no rail-roads came there, lt. ross said, in a voice that you could hardly hear, rail-roads we're built through here over a hundred years ago! OMG! WHATS UP WITH THAT?!?!? hahah well uhm..i wrote my spanish essay about a kid who bought his city then he and his family got turned into chickens. all in spanish cos i had to use words i knew so yeah...i don't know i really donno when i shall get on again...look for me next wednesday tho. then i shall try to get on, even for a sec, so that i can make an update for ya'll kay?
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
well it HAS been a while now hasn't it?....well it seems so anyways....
ah well hello all. sorry for the lack of posts and what not...but my comp has had a virus and we just got it back, and its been a long week. see there is this guy at school who was virtually stalking me. and i went to mr foster and miss harris with it and so he started spreading all these roumors and lies about me. of course. so then i think that somewhere around three people are still talking to me, not counting teachers. friday, i didn't talk once during school hours. in s.e. hintons book, taming the star runner she writes, "loners don't choose to be alone. they are forced into it by everyone else." so i don't really expect anything to get better. maybe even worse. iights well i shall leave ya with a quote from lord to ya'll later
Yes. I want you to squirm and suffer much much more. But you must never run away. No matter how much you suffer, you must rise up like the phoenix. At those times you will become much, much stronger. Right now you feel alone because the ones who usually orbit around you are in pain. But when you have grown stronger and are able to see the truth you will under stand that you are never alone. Live the way you want to live. Thrust away the fate that torments you. Then you'll be able to laugh at it. You should be able to do that.
-Lord Zaphikel
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Monday, January 2, 2006
hello again...
not too much goin on today, but i did finish my pic of lacus clyne! haha like you didn't see that one coming. im at lauren's house once again. not that, that should surprise you....ah well...uhm...nothing else really to say at the moment so i shall talk to ya'll later!
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
shortest post so far
HAPPY 2006
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Friday, December 30, 2005
 You're Asuran!
Gundam Seed Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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so much, yet so little
ahh how fickle are the minds of youth. haha yeah you know it's true. half of us won't admit it, and the other half are too accepting of it. iight well lots goin on and no time to tell ya'll about it. i must say tho that my granpa is doin better. but now im gonna go! talk to ya'll later!
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