lil angel girl
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
rollercoaster christmas
haha well i have had an interesting christmas my friends. i mean present wise it was awesome! but the mood was dampened by the fact that my 87 yr old grandpa had a minor stroke yesterday and was taken to the hospital. he has bleeding on the brain and isn't doing so well. so my mom is really upset about that, and my dad doesn't want to drive to florida, but if things don't improve we i said its been a roller coaster christmas.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
I Have Dreamed
iight well folgies i just got back from musical tryout about an hour ago...well i sang the song I Have Dreamed from the King and I, which is the musical that we are doing. i SUCKED sooo bad at the begining of the song, but by the end i ROCKED! YEAH SON! then the reading i wasn't even worried about so that went well. ^_^ we get our parts tomorrow. i really don't care who i get, cos i'm doing it no matter what! YOU KNOW IT!!! well thats my big news so i shall talk to ya'll later!
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Monday, December 19, 2005
The Day is Coming.....
Am I the only one?
Am I the only one who is scared?
Unsure of what tomorrow will bring?
And if I can handle it myself?
Who cries all alone?
Wanting someone to come
Wishing someone would comfort me
Take me into their embrace
Let me know that I'm not alone?
Is it strange to wish such things?
Is it human nature?
Or something else?
Something more than what meets the eye?
What is love?
Can anyone really tell me?
Is it something that must be felt?
An unexplicable feeling?
Please I need to know.
I need someone to find me.
To love me.
To let me know that they are there.
That someone really cares.
Simple love.
Hey all. Been a while. I doubt anyone will comment, but if you read this, that is enough. If you take it to heart and find me, all the better. Thanks.
Yes. I want you to squirm and suffer much much more. But you must never run away. No matter how much you suffer, you must rise up like the phoenix. At those times you will become much, much stronger. Right now you feel alone because the ones who usually orbit around you are in pain. But when you have grown stronger and are able to see the truth you will under stand that you are never alone. Live the way you want to live. Thrust away the fate that torments you. Then you'll be able to laugh at it. You should be able to do that.
-Lord Zaphikel
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
its sad...but its true
 You're crying because you're afraid. I don't know why you're afraid of course, but lots of people are trying to tell you to get over it. But to you, it's not that simple. You're sick of people trying to understand you. All you want is for somone to just listen to you and let you clear your mind. You want more than anything to not be afraind anymore. You also want someone to understand you.
Why are you crying? (beautiful pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
nvr mind about the bbsitting
one of the lil kids, the youngest, elise got the flu last night so i didn't get to bbsit. i went to angel food this moring tho and i saw croz, chris, brandi, and kelsy! they were all really glad to see me too!!! whoopa!!! and brandi and kelsy thought that i was dating my lil bro! LOL no im not! iight back to ripping hp2! TTYL!
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Friday, December 16, 2005
no snowday
T_T no snowday. still had school, but no bio review but still a test. i think that i failed...we had our play so thats over! it was a horrible mess of lil kids. im soo tired..i was counting on a snowday yesterday so i got four hours of sleep last night. blah. but my room is clean. well i gotta babysit tomorrow. get up at 7AM...T_T oh well...its money right? im talkin to ya l8r my friends.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
rents fighting again
eh whats new right? this is my least favorite part of christmas. the gifts. especially the ones that my dad buys himself. he just bought himself a digital camera for christmas. not cos he needed one, but cos he wanted one..::sighs:: i don't know. no one seems to know. we might have a snow day tomorrow tho! i hope so..
to say i love you
i don't know how
i'm not good at that
but now
maybe in a day or two
i can tell ya
you might know who you are.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
is honesty really the best policy?
im not so sure it is. not anymore anyways. i've got laur mad at me cos i told her that people really liked her and she sounded p/o'd and called me her mom when she was signing off tonight. and when i asked levi why he was so mean to his bro, he got mad and said that his bro deserved it. and i'm not sure but luke and i had a really wierd convo last night and im not sure if he's mad. and for some reason, and i know that part of it is losing my hair, i've been on the verge of tears all week. a few times yesterday and just as many today i almost broke down and cried in school and i don't cry in public. yeah im sorry, but i've been feeling bad about yeah thanks for taking the time.
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
aren't friends wonderful???
hi people...i love friends...they are soo not mad laur...just im freaking out...i love my hair...its the one part of my body i am/was proud of...but please don't feel just getting used to it...for anyone who wants to know i got my hair cut tonight. lauren did it. four inches shorter on one side. but its ok. it'll grow back. eventually. right?
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
hey all its been a while
well i don't have in bio haha wonderful use of bio time, no? ahh well my dad is gone, my hair has black highlights, i have another stalker, and uhm...well i think thats all the big news of the week...blah blah blah is our current mood here in wellsville. and so i shall tell you of my upcoming plans cos i have nothing better to say! whoopa! well tonight is softball conditioning...i don't quite know what it is, but oh well im going. and tomorrow i get to babysit. lil kids suck, but they give me money ^_^ and lastly on saturday i may go to see narnia and im goin to play d&d with james and i don't really know who thats all i gots to one has really updated but i shall check! ttyl!
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