Love, Life, Hurt
Welcome. I've had this webiste for two years, and I'm darn well proud of it. Please, if you don't abide by the rules.. well your toast, so please do. I change my theme every month just to keep it fresh. Right now, your looking at
Slave, Angel and Devil
Syaoran && Sakura from the manga, anime, movie and game(to be released)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. I couldn't have done this layout with the help of
ALLRIGHT! Call me Tiffany. I'm runing this cracky site. I've been here for two full years, and it's been great. I've lived a very semi-troublesome life, probably like everyone else in the noobish world. I love my games, anime, friends, Jpop&Rock and manga. My recent top 5 mangas [I read a lot, trust me] are:
1. Paradise Kiss
2. Fruits Basket
3. Hana Yori Dango
4. D.Gray-Man
5. Jiraishin
Anyways, thank you for coming onto this site, and I hope to see you around sometime. Please be respectful.
The Rules
1.Don’t add me if your never gonna’ visit again
2.No chain letters
3.Be nice
4.Site is yaoi and yuri friendly
5.No flaming
Monday, March 14, 2005
The Memories

I'm in complete panck mode. Man, exams suck ass, espically when you have to make the grades to make it into a good dam Uni. Sucks ass, it really does!
Anyways, yesterday while studying and making notes, I thought about making my new layout, so I decied to get started at least. Went to my
Masters for some help, because really I suck at layouts. It was a very long day. I got to learn some new things though, which was very awesome. I also got some tips on making icons from
Vicky, while
Shanny helped me on some new codes for the next layout. It was an action-packed day, alright XD.
So, I've been working on it, but it doesn't look so bad so far, which is always a plus. Took me awhile to get used to some things, but I'm getting the hang of it.
Alirght, so I have a math exam on Tuesday and a Anthro,Psy and Soc. exam on Wed. Great ne?
Bleach 112 was awesome. Seriously, I'm loving it. XDD. Gosh, I'm sadded what they did to Ken-chan in the dubbed though. That voice sucks balls! EEEKK!
Vicky: Okay, if you can come on again today, that would be awesome, need to ask you somethings again XP
"Without despair, and grief you cannot experience happiness and love."