The Memories

Anyways, yesterday while studying and making notes, I thought about making my new layout, so I decied to get started at least. Went to my Masters for some help, because really I suck at layouts. It was a very long day. I got to learn some new things though, which was very awesome. I also got some tips on making icons from Vicky, while Shanny helped me on some new codes for the next layout. It was an action-packed day, alright XD.
So, I've been working on it, but it doesn't look so bad so far, which is always a plus. Took me awhile to get used to some things, but I'm getting the hang of it.
Alirght, so I have a math exam on Tuesday and a Anthro,Psy and Soc. exam on Wed. Great ne?
Bleach 112 was awesome. Seriously, I'm loving it. XDD. Gosh, I'm sadded what they did to Ken-chan in the dubbed though. That voice sucks balls! EEEKK!
Vicky: Okay, if you can come on again today, that would be awesome, need to ask you somethings again XP
"Without despair, and grief you cannot experience happiness and love."