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Monday, August 8, 2005
Duno know what to realy say is all that i did was saty up late to watch Hard Rock live Good Charlotte that was awsome to see. Then stayed up even later talking on the phone to madden lover17 till 12:45 last night man me and her are so evil when it comes to talking about guys we like from differnt shows and bands. I have now ideal what time i went to bed last night but i went to bed realy late and stuff. Eney way i had a good day yeasterday and all even thow i had to clen house i did not care it needed to be clean so my dad would not yell at me. When i seen that Good Charlotte hard rock live last night i was jumping up and down as if i was sugar high. But i can not help it Joel Madden is Hot. well hope every one has a good day today talk to you all later

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Friday, August 5, 2005
Figured that i would do a qick post today before i did other stuff and forgot. Well My bro and sis got back to school today and summer vication has come to and end. This time it went by rather fast since the last summer vication we had and all. I did have a grate summer even thow i did get ticked of at my bro and sis here and there casue they would not help keep the house clean but that is a way difffernt story. I did enought the lil vication i had up in Kentuckey while we were out on summer vication . Labor day weekend in in september i am going to see my older bro Nacoma before he is shiped back over sea's to iraq again for who nows how long this time so i will be glade when i got to see him well i will update you guys more on how my summer vication went till then talk to you all later and enjoy the picture of the day......

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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I am finely going to have my own computer at the end of near the end of August casue my mom has a friend comeing down to vist it and i am going to get the computer she is bringing with her as my own and will not have to worrie about my lil sis and younger bro wanting on when i am on doing what i need to do so whe i get that computer its only mine to use and my best friends when ever she is over here and needs to check here emails i do not mine my friend on it but oh my sis and younger bro can forget it they are not geting on it when i get it well hope you all like the pic of the day

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Posted: August 2nd
mood: mad
Today started out great. I was thinking i was going to get my spike coller today. But then i came to relized well how can i get it do to my bro scwering up his glasses. I have to waite a hole nother two weeks just to get my spike collar. But the best thing that could happen to me was i got to talk to my friend sindalla on msn messenger. Then i got my stupid lil bro annoying me and my lil sis running me off the computer and i am being nice to her. But soon i will be able to go over there once Jessica/ madden lover17 on the myo team step dad forgets what he did to me and all. I have been listening to my cds all day today. Since my bro found them behind the Tv were i nevr thought of looking at. Got to talk to madden lover17 online yeaasterday and all. But i realy had a ball talking to sindalla on messenger she is so much fun to talk to. Then there is dragondtyrant on aim i finley got to talk to him after not seeing him in for awhile. I then met kallie the other twin to a friend of mine on myotaku. her and aher twin sister are both funny little girls and all. All three of us are like three peas in a pod witht the way we goof around online. Friday school is starting back and i hate when school starts back becasue school is so boreing.

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Saturday, July 30, 2005
Oh yea oh yea oh yea. I finely found all my cds and if it was not for my younger bro looking behind the tv they would never of been found and all so now i have them all back but one witch i will be geting back today casue my friend who has my one cd is comeing over today and all so hopefully she will rember to get it and all ME SO HAPPY TO HAVE THEM ALL BACK!!! enjoy the picture of the day..

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Friday, July 29, 2005

Okay i am so sick and tired of my bro. I was trying to put a new sheet on my bed and i accsadently steped on his foot adn he goes ouch my foot heavy weight and that realy makes me mad. But unlike him who is a coach potato and a game freak like he is. Cause i was out it the hot sun yeasterday moweing lawn tryin to get it all done but i am not done with it yet i still have to get it done tommorw cause today is my day to spend time with my mom and rest. So he next time he say that he need to fo look in a mirror he is the heavy weight not me i am loseing my weight. Plus my dream is starting to take flight and i so pround that it is cause i am looking so forward to meting my adopted online sis, the drummer,and the keybored player...well hope you like the pic for the day
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Well I was not accpeted back by for friends of mine. So it is time for me to move on with out them in my life and never look back at the past just look foward to the futare of doing this pun rock band with my other most loyel friends by my side. I know they will not kick me out out unless i do something that is to stupid to be unforgiven by them. Now my maind is set on the futaer of the punk rock bacnd with them. I have to finsh moweing the lawn toady. cause yeasterday to much plastic got caught aroun the blade and it locked down on me. I even got to talk to my bf yeasterday and that made me feel good. Now all i wish is that i could find all my cds that i have lost. But no they are still missing an that is realy geting on my nevers that i lost them and have yet to find them well hopefully they will show up soon.

Well hope every one has a gret day
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Dange i am going to be so tired tonight i am back out side Finshing up moweing the lawn and all so right now i am hot but man me doeing this is realy going to hit me tommorw when i wake up in the morning i am going to be thinking what the fuck did i do that for but then i will just think of it as geting a reward for doing it from my paretns and so i am glade i am doing it.
Oh and take this davice i am about to give all of you.
If you have a dream and want to start it with some of your friends and the turn on you. Do not look back to the past to move foward and never look back on what they did it is all on them for it you had nothing to do with it.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Okay that is the last time i stay up til 1am on the morning
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Alright that is it if i every get mad and punch awahile again it is going to be in a milliom years. Casue now i have a brused and swollen nuckle on my right hand and brused also. Well that is what i get for being so mad when i can not find my cds and all so now i am paying the price for loseing thme and punching a wall when i get mad and i am never punching a fucking wall again.

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