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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Well i am stcuk home with my younger brother today i hate it beacuse now i can not pull out the n64 game ystem and play it beacuse then he would be wanting to play it
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
god i am going ot kill my sister she got to go to wild advertuers with her bf toady while i am stuck home well hopefully something will come out of this were i can get my naruto poter today
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Saturday, April 16, 2005

I'm Trowa Barton!
Which Gundam Wing Character Are You?
by Quistis
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Well looks like today is going to be a buesy day for me i have to help my mom clean the house up becsue my bro and sister were to lazy to do it yeasterday when they came in from school so that realy made me mad exspecily since i was trying to clean my room up yeasterday witch i have to do today because yeaster day my bed broke down on me and i had to sleep up front last night and all which was not all that bad but the couch was unconfutrable for me so i sleep on the second cauch we had and all. ALso my dog Qubealey had 6 puppies in her second letter and I am going to kick a dog in the butt if i see him ariund here ever again i mean that to
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Hello everybody God yeasterday was hell around my house with my family i can not stnad it eney longer and all so when the going got tough i left the house and went to the park until everybody cooled down for a bit. After that i cam back home to Watch choppers withc i thought was cool the are building the 9/11 bike again and that is still the best bike in my book that they have ever built on the show in memeoery of all thoes who died in the 9/11 attack on that one fatel sepetmber day witch i still hate and all and i think everynody would agree.
ALso i am goign to bring up something that was caught to my attion on a friends post about this fan arts with cus and stuff on them. Well that i am aslo geting sick of i know it is freedom of art but the cuts and stuff on the girls picture that you drew that needs to stop beacsue it is like you are telling
pepole that it is okay to cut and it is not it is dangerous and all becasue that cuting could kill you. Sorr if i am a little rude but that i just can not stand.
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Hello every body spring break is over which i hate. Well eney way i will be delayeing my story again becasue right now i have a lot of work to do around the house before summer comes and all and it is going ot be Hell to get my bro and sister to help out with the cleaning so i ma better off doing it by my self with out them fighting me to get it done and all well see you all later today
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Just got back in to town fom atlanta around 10 something
Well i just got back into town about 10 something this morning and i am tried as all can get out becasue we got up and left the house around 4:00 this morning with my mom and her friend
Roxanne to take her son back to the Atlanta Airport this morning. i must say i do miss him know. He is cool person to know and funny. But hey at lest i got to spend time hageing with him and i am glade well g2g see you all toomorwo
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
Today is already going to be a boreing day i can tell becasue my dad will not go to albany so i can dule beacasue the gas prices werei am at is geting to hight oh well. eney way my sister and i are eating sone popcaorn with Garlic and Pramisane Chesses on it and it is good
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Well yesterday we got my moms car unstuck from the mud thnks to my uncle ronnie pulling her out also had to give are puppy a bath becasue she was so muddy and i did not want her running around the house tracking mud every were and all
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