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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

what up?
what up juggalos i know its been alil. but they pessed me off wiht some shit they did.n-e-wayz im back ill be posting more art soon so dont be worryed.but the bells about to ring(im at school) so -BLAZE
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Thursday, March 24, 2005

   Differance Between a Friend and a Juggalo
Friend: Calls your parents Mr. or Mrs.
Juggalo: Call your parents Mom or Dad.
Friend: Has never seen you cry.
Juggalo: Has the best shoulder to cry on.
Friend: Askes you for your number.
Juggalo: Ask you for their number.
Friend: Will leave you hanging to be with a crowd.
Juggalo: Always has your back.
Friend: Runs for help in a fight.
Juggalo: Jumps in the fight to help.
Friend: Will bail your stale ass out of Jail.
Juggalo: Will be sitting right next to you saying that was fucking awesome.
Friend: Will help you move out of a house.
Juggalo: Will help you move a dead body out of the house.

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   My Inner Vampire

Your Inner Vampire
Favourite Color
Your Vampire Age Ancient
Your Weapon of Choice Fangs
Your Hair Color & Style Long & Black
Your Eye Color Innocent Brown
Your Wardrobe Consists Of Things of every color
You Belong In a Vampire Book by Robert R McCammon
This quiz by GodsmackedAngel - Taken 2309 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   I love this song
This is a song by ICP called Mr. Johnson Head off the cd Ring Master it an old cd i know but I love this CD

"Hello class."
"My name's Mr. Felcher."
"Mr. Johnson is out today with a virus, so I'll be your substitute teacher this afternoon."
"Now children, I don't want any shenanigans or horseplay."
"There'll be no gum chewing and please raise your hand if you wish to speak."
If any of these rules are broken, I'll write your name down, and Mr. Johnson will punish you as he sees fit."

Sitting in my class with my head on the desk
Teacher's trying to talk but I could give a fuck less
I'm staring at the freak that I know I'm in love with
But she don't even know my name
It's always been the same
I just lay my head down and drown in my spit
Nobody even notices I'm here cause I ain't shit
I'm hearing voices but I don't know what they saying
Sweat is on my forehead cause my brain's inside decaying
And this bitch that I love probably don't have no idea
She's talking to her friends, I'm in the corner, and I see her
Something's happening, but it isn't very clear
Sounds like a bell, sounds like an electric chair
Next thing I know, I'm walking in the crowded hall
So many different faces that I throw up on the wall
Some are yelling "sick" and the others stop and stare
But I don't care
I'm in a hurry going nowhere
See, my head is spinning cause I'm lonely and I'm twisted
But I have a secret everybody missed it
I'm just a nobody and I think it's a drag
But I got Mr. Johnson's head in my bookbag

I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag

I wish somebody knew me cause then they could say I'm wrong
But since nobody knows me, I got it going on
I'm staring at the clock, I listen for the tock
I got a couple food stamps folded in my sock
I guess I'm just a ghost cause everybody walks through me
If I died in class they would probably say they knew me
Or they wouldn't care, they wouldn't even move
A dead body rotting in the back of the room
For weeks and months, stinking up the class
Until somebody noticed then they'd throw me in the trash
I can hear the teacher man talking about Columbus
He's nothing but an old dead fuck with a compass
Ran up on a beach and threw everybody off
And then he claimed discovery and now we all applaud
I don't give a fuck to learn, you're all going to hell
I'm trapped in mind and my brain is my cell
But I have a key
It's called insanity
I stick in my brain to unlock eternity
Just a nobody and I think it's a drag
But I got Mr. Johnson's head in my bookbag

I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag

"Okay, today we're gonna learn about our great freedom."
"If you'll turn your textbooks to Chapter Four we'll get started."
"America's the Land of the Free."
"All races live together in harmony, and we are all treated equal, we all live togerther in the same wealthy community."
"Man, Mr. Johnson already taught us this."
"Ain't he ever coming back?"
"Uh, uh, he's, uh, very ill ya know, but uh....."

They can sit and front about it all day
But I left his fucking body in the hallway
And in the morning, they opened up the door
And seen his motherfucking carcass laying on the floor
But they would never suspect me, I'm just a nerd
I try to speak my word
It always goes unheard
I could chop my arms off and run around the class
I doubt they'd even notice, but I'd be dying fast
Cause they'd rather learn about redneck chicker
Who owned a couple slaves but I guess it doesn't matter
Fuck Washington, Benjamin, fuck them all
They can suck my nuts till they wood teeth fall out
And the class wanna know who could it be
But I'm like Dewey Boondye, you never heard of me
I'm just a nobody and I think it's a drag
But I got his motherfucking melon chilling in my bookbag

I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag
I couldn't stand the pressure, not another day
I didn't like the fucker Mr. Johnson anyway
I sat up in his class, he hung a rebel flag
I cut the bigot's head off and I stuffed it in my bag

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Thursday, March 3, 2005

About me

Bored? ((Over 100 questions))

Created by xSwtLilAngel666x and taken 73269 times on bzoink!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::ruben
Birthplace ::readly,ca
Age ::15
Age you act ::about 17
Current location ::wagoner,ok
Eye color ::dark brown
Hair color ::black
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::right
Zodiac sign? ::aquarious
Height? ::5'7
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::mexican and white
Your hair ::black
Your fears ::being old alone
Your perfect room ::dark,black lights,psychopathic stuff all over
What you practically do in a day ::go to school,come home go to my room rock out to anything psychopathic
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::dude,sweet,cool fuck and alot more
Phrases you overuse ::waths up juggalo
Your first thought when you wake up ::5 more minutes
Your greatest accomplishment ::i got hell's pit first day out
Something you want to do ::talk to ICP fase-to-fase and tell them Thank You
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::neither,Faygo
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::mcdonald's
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::christina
Chocolate or vanilla ::vanilla ice cream,other than that chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::nike
Black or white ::black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::i like to play quarters at school,so coins
Burgers or hot dogs ::Burgers
Egypt or France ::Egypt
Rock or rap ::Rock,but i like anything PsychoPathic
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::not all that much
Cuss ::yes
Sing well ::no
Sing in the shower ::sometimes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::yes
Believe in yourself ::no
Like taking these longass surveys? ::no
Play an instrument ::no
Want to go to college? ::yes
Want to get married? ::yes
Want to have children? ::yes
Think you're a health freak? ::no
Get along with your parents ::most of the times
Get along with your siblings? ::most of the times
Think you're popular ::no,i have no friends
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::no
Drank alchohal ::i dont think so
Smoke ::yes
Get high ::yes
Done any drugs ::yes
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::no
Been on stage ::no
Gone skinny dipping ::no
Been dumped ::no
Dyed your hair ::yes
Stolen anything ::yes
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::thomas
Loudest ::thomas
Most shy ::april
Blondest ::thomas
Smartest ::kevin
Kindest ::kevin
Best personality ::thomas,jeremey
Most talented ::no one has any talent
Best singer ::april
Most ghetto ::jeremey
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::i dont hag out withany drama queens
Pain in the ass ::jason
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::jason
Funniest ::jeremey,kevin
Best person for advice ::kevin,thomas
Dependable ::kevin,thomas
Trustworthy ::thomas
Druggie ::jeremey
Most likely to end up in jail ::i dont know
Person you've known the longest ::thomas
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::my gf dumped me and started fucking my friend in front of me
Last nightmare ::same as top^^
Car ride ::i went on a ride with my gf and her mom
Last time you cried ::i made my gf cry,it made me feel like an asshole
Last movie seen ::swan of the dead
Last movie rented ::i forgot
Last book read ::i forgot
Last word said ::said
Last curse word said ::asshole
Last time you laugh ::i forgot
Last phone call ::my gf called me like two days ago
Last CD played ::RiddleBox by ICP
Last song you listened to ::Please dont Hate Me by ICP
Last annoyance ::this survey
Last IM ::i dont know
Last weird encounter ::i dont know
Last person you hugged ::my gf
Last person you yelled at ::i dont like to yell
Last time you wore a skirt ::last night
Last time you've been evil ::im always evil now spank my evil butt
Sarcastic? ::i dont know
Last time you fought with your parents ::like 2 or 3 days ago
Last time you wished upon a star ::when i asked the star to make Pinocchio a real boy
Played Truth or Dare ::when i was like 10
Spent quality time alone ::everyday
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::no
Do you feel lonely ::all the time
Ever TP'd someone's house ::yes
How about egging someone's house ::yes
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::i dont know you
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::they can suck a juggalo dick
Yo Momma ::what the fuck was that for
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::ya haHaHAHAHA
What do you think of George Bush? ::i think he is gay
Any secret fetishes? ::no
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::yes
How many languages do you speak? ::2
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::somewhat
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::sweet your going to stalk me then YES HAHAHA

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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

happy late V-day
happy late V-day.did any one have happy V-day.this was my 1st V-day having a grilfriend.i got my grilfriend a black rose (its her fav kind of rose) it was sent to the school she was so happy
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watz up juggalo and juggalettes yes to day is my b-day 15 a lot of ppl say that 15 is a good year
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