Elemental artistry is your specialty.
You are a naturally artistic person. You can draw,
dance, sing, play instruments, anything that
pretains to art. Multi-talented is your middle
name, or perhaps it is your first. You love
being creative in everything you do. You are a
very balanced person, and in tune with your
surroundings. You love natural settings, and as
a matter-of-fact, that is where you work best.
You don't really like the raucous crowds of the
city, and would rather be somewhere rural once
in awhile. Whenever you become creative, the
elements would be more than welcome to bend to
you. You are one with the elements and they are
one with you. Whenever you dance, the waters
rise. Whenever you paint, nature rearranges
herself into your best composition. It's still
a mystery as to why nature cherishes you so,
and perhaps that's what makes you so unique.
Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics) brought to you by Quizilla