Hello and welcome to my page. My name is Megan but my friends call me Megg, at least they would if I had any friends *wink*. Enjoy your stay! Oh, and feel free to sign the Guestbook, I'd love to hear your Opinion!!
My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 恵美 Emi (blessed with beauty). Take your real japanese name generator! today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator. 
awww I love him :D
Meg Decided that since I have no prince as of yet...she would give me one....
give Megg more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Monday, February 28, 2005
So today and last night I was really stressed about this paper that was due today in English. I was having some serious anxiety attacks it was crazy. But Brice was being really sweet Texting me messages every once in a while encouraging me. so I didn't finish it today and I couldn't turn it in and I was pretty disapointed in myself. But I went out to my car to go home and as I started to drive off I saw something slip down my windshield. "What the hell??" I get out and grab a Beautiful White rose that "someone" Had left under my windshield wiper. I called my mom to make sure it wasn't from her and then called Brice, when I asked if he left something on my car he just said "Maybe..." and I told him that if it was then thanks cause it really made my day and made me feel super special... :) He's so sweet! The only time anyone else got me roses was because the jerk had stored his porn on MY computer and he wanted me to forgive him....f that!! I'll go with the sweet not needy raven haired blue eyed cutie that gives me sincere roses and comments and that I can be who I really am around :D:D:D
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Friday, February 25, 2005
So yesterday I smashed my hand between a door handle and a table so, dang, I couldn't play my clarinet! Shucks! So I just didn't go to the basketball game and ended up hanging out with Brice until 11:30 ish....We went to one of his friend's houses and there were a bunch of people there hanging out... it was so much fun... AND HE TOLD ME I WAS PRETTY!! *blush* *knees wobbles* *sigh* He was teasing me about my klutziness (after the hand smashing I ripped my pants at the knee, hit my head on the car door when he came to pick me up, then tripped in walmart, right in front of him!)and I made a little pouty face and he told me to stop it right away and don't do it again...defensivly I replied Why not? and he said "Because you're too pretty to pout." *sigh* haha I'm such a goon...It was fun...and I think that his friends like me so that a good sign... if you're in with the friends then you're in with them...teehee... Anyways, it kinda sucks cause I'm going to a youth retreat this weekend and won't be back until Sunday...I'm gonna miss him :D But you guys have a good weekend and I'll be back to chat on Sunday!!
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
So movies tonight isn't gonna work out... so He's gonna meet me after school and we're gonna hang out until I have to go to the basketball game! teehee! I feel like a little schoolgirl again...well...I've never really felt like a little schoolgirl... I was always trying to be the older more mature one...haha..Yay! Have a great day everybody!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The date went SO good!! Sorry I didn't write about it sooner! I haven't really had a chance!! but anyways, he picked me up at 2 and we went and got some ice cream :D YUM Our movie started at 4:25 (We saw Hitch) and we got there a bit early so we drove around a bit then went in. The movie was hilarious!! He even snorted once! It was really cool! haha! and then he took me home. I felt so relaxed once I got into his car and such! On the way back to my place he asked if he saw me taking notes and that he made sure to get the 90-10 one down (Watch the movie and you'll understand:D) haha, but then he said that he was working and that I was welome to come in and hang out....so I did...and he gave me a movie that ever so convieniently needed to be returned the next day....when he was working!! :D hahaha...so I'm supposed to watch some movies with him tomorrow night...and he's going to the coast with Meg, Josh, Scott, Marissa, and I on the 12th of March!!! YAY!! I can't wait!!!!
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