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myOtaku.com: Linden Rathan

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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phoenix dragon (01/10/08)

Thansk for signing the guest book and i add u as will Vandread is cool

crimsonredsoldier (01/09/08)

Thanks for Signing my guestbook ( it was getting kind of dusty). Your sight looks really cool! I like the final fantasy bg, and I'm adding you as a friend as well, K.
Hope to talk to you later



hey lol yehy i have all the guitar heros (yay) and got everything on them (apart from the grima dn god of rock grr!) lol yeh me likes the site too! lol and i dont have a favorite character in deathnote :( lol i guess i only like to watch it for the fun lol well i guess i should add you too and im gna pm you too

twilight samurai (01/09/08)

Well hello there! My you signed my Guestbook AND left a comment on my post for the day. Thanks a bunch! ^^'

Well, to answer your question, the fellow in my background is Legato Bluesummers. He's from the anime/manga Trigun! If you've never heard of that anime, I would highly recommend that you check it out. It's really good.

To answer your other questions, my favorite characters from the ones you asked about are as follows:

Bleach - Ichigo Kurosaki
Death Note - L
Inuyasha - Sesshomaru
Naruto - Naruto or Kakashi

Anyway, I won't hold you up any longer. Have a great day!

P.S. I'll add you too. ^^

~twilight samurai~

Kabuto Princess (01/09/08)

i like your site, its Awsomee.
i hope we can be friends or something. message meh any time!

taa taa for now


Angel Kenshin (01/06/08)

Hello there! I'm wandering around MyOtaku visiting fellow Otakuites' sites and I decided to stop by yours.

I like your site. Your icon/wallpaper are pretty cool too. (Final Fantasy is the bomb. XD)

Well, I gotta run. See you around and take care! ^_^

~Angel Kenshin

Hiashi Hyuga (01/03/08)

Greetings Honorable Samurai.
Hiashi,here Please Try to sign on as
soon as possible. and give me some
Ideas to post
Samurai Out!

Tursaku (01/02/08)

i'm randomly going around signing bgs & ur site site really good! so i signed! hope we can be friends!

XxRukiaXRocksxX (01/02/08)

hey whats up?? thanx for signing meh GB and ur site rocks!! the question u asked meh earlier about other anime...well i like naruto,death note,inu-yasha and i thinks thats it for now...bye the way ill add u!!
have a nice day!!

Sesshomaru 101 (12/31/07)

hey nata what u doing guess what!!! i am finally signing ur gb!!!! go chelsea will anyway sorry it took so long i thought i be nice and sign ur gb i guess i will talk to u =on the chat box later byebye ~chelsea~

p.s. hmm schould i add u ?...... i think i am lol

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