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myOtaku.com: Linden Rathan

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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kyoshiro elric (12/23/07)

Hi I love your site. I haven't beaten FFXII yet! It's so goddamn hard! well see you around.


zero.or.die (12/11/07)

well im glad you stopped by my site
well rock lee is definitly my fav character from naruto
i like hime because even thou he is a major underdog and no one takes him too seriously he still trys all the time and is an awesome fighter

Wings and Dreams (12/11/07)


Wings: Hi Nata... *spaces out*

Dreams: HI NATA! XD

Wings: ...

Dreams: Come on Ellie u know u love him!!!!

Wings: WTF?! >.<

Dreams: *backs down* ok ok, stop foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog...



Wings: GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

Dreams: uhhhhhhhhh... well cya nata! talk to us on here! Acutally we'll be on seperatly though... TALK TO US WHEN U CAN! PLZ?

Wings: Stop begging u damn idoit *drags off*

Dreams: BYE NATA!!! *waves*

~Spreading Wings
~False Dreams

SydmosKyo (12/05/07)

yo ^^ tis i the SiDMO!!! ^^ i have changed the background on my site and yea....thats about it and i left som shit on ur shat box oh and i added u of course and im kinda pissed at u. ^^ and i gave u a comment on ur post.
MWAAAAA!!!! now ur site is infected with SiDMOLiSiOUSNESS!!!! XD lame right? hahaha ^^


Inuyasha 939 (11/29/07)

HEY NATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for signing my GB I would of signed it earlier but I cant go on the internet during the week T.T but Im always on the weekends ^^ I'll add ya and see you on the chat ^_^

- Inuyasha 939

Jakxon (11/26/07)


False Dreams (11/24/07)

Hey NATA!! IT'S ME!!!!! Rach! I'm remaking my site and for some reason that i do not know of the damn access to my profile is turned off everytime i click on my site! but i can stiill add ya!!! right? THANKS U FOR ALL U'VE DONE LAST NIGHT!! U R A REALLY NICE PERSON!!! XD DEATH NOTE!!!! I LOVE L!!!!!!! He's my kind of guy!!! XD Anyways cya later!

King Pogo (11/16/07)

Hey Nata, it's Wings, except i'm signing ur gb on my friend Donnie's site. He's the one I was talking about, some how we managed to get his site up. Talk to him sometime, cya and don't forget to sign his gb as well. cya!

twilight1326 (11/16/07)

hey kool site death note rocks

shred (11/12/07)

ooooooo awesome theme and such i'll be adding ye again and all that good stuff

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