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myOtaku.com: Linden Rathan

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M 19 NOW!!! TODAY IS MY B-DAY!!! I'M 19 WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GO ME!!!! alright well thought i'd update and say such! ^_^ my doggeh is doing good! i luffles my snoopers!! ^_^ oh i bought the Devil May Cry series for the PS2 today!! all for $30 alltogether!!! so cheap i had to buy them although i've never played any of them!!! XPPPPPPPPPP anywayz i'ma go for now laterz folksies!!!
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

alright sorry folks i had to take the piccy of my doggy off cause it wouldn't load my cb so if you want to look at him some more you'll have to go to my archives but anywayz sorry again!! ^_^ alright well laterz for now! ^_^
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Monday, July 21, 2008

*trying to put a pic up of my doggy!! ^_^* i hope that worked
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Friday, July 18, 2008

so i uploaded 2 new drawings since i last updated on here!! i uploaded a Hinata pic that i drew and a Neji pic that i drew!! i'm taking art requests so if anyone would like me to draw them a character from Naruto, Bleach or fruits Basket (sorry i'm only limited to those at the moment) just give me a holler!! lol anywayz if you want just clicky that link up there that says my portfolio and take a look at my artwork! it's nothing special but i'm proud of them all the same!! ^_^ alright well this post is over with!! have a great day everyone and laterz!! ^_^
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

o em effin gee!!! wolfer's has gotten me hooked on a band!!! they are called M.O.V.E i'm watching one of their vids right now it's the vid i put up on my site under my cbox!!! i love wolfer's so much for getting me hooked on this band!!! *huggles wolfers* well anywayz thought i would put that up there that i'm hooked on a new band at the moment!! and i've never really listened to Japanese music before....yeah i said it!! anywayz i reckon that's it from for me today oh my dog Snoopy is doing fine *just realized i hadn't mentioned him in a while* T.T but anyyyyyyyywaaaaaaaaaayz i love this new band i'm hooked on!! well anywayz laterz for tonight folks!! ^_^
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

well i tried to upload that pic but it wouldn't let me!!! T.T so we'll have to settle for absolutely nothing!!! T.T if i did put it put it up it cut some of it off!!! T.T soryy folks!!!

anywayz about the backs of my legs peeling!! ya'll know how paper looks after you put it in a paper shredder??? well that's what the skin on the back of one of my legs looked like it was just hanging on like that!!! O.o okay anywayz i thought i would put up mine and chokolate's masterpiece!!! lol but for real i like it!!! ^_^ well laterz folks!! ^_^ have a great day!! ^_^

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

well folks my back is done peeling FINALLY!!!! tg but now it's my legs that are continuing to peel!! T.T but it's alright cause it isn't as bad as my back!! ^_^ so how has everyone been??? i've been okay just chillin as alwayz since there is nothing to do here! T.T o i bought a new manga called Rosario+Vampire cause i read some of it in Shonen Jump and it's awesome!! i love it!! ^_^ hmmm let's see what else?? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gah i know i'll think of something!! OH i bought Flyleaf's cd!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! i love all the songs on there but my fave is Fully Alive followed closely by Red Sam (Acoustic) ooo i love the acoustic version of red sam!!! <3 is that how you do it??? idk but i did it anywayz XPPPP hmmm let's see what else???? nothin really i started to like Katy Perry's song I Kissed A Girl i know not many ppl like that song that i'm friends with but i think it's a hilarious song! XPPPPP hmmm what else???? oh i bought the Guitar Hero: Aerosmith since the last time i updated!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! lol hmmm well it's getting late so i think it best i go for now!! ^_^ have a good day everyone!! laterz! ^_^
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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my life is quite boring at the moment i'm peeling from my sunburn so that sucks and i have nothing to do during the day so i've been playing my vid games!! but anywayz hope everyone's doing good and have a great day everyone! oh and chokolatealkemist has tagged me so i'm putting something up!!! here it is so enjoy!! laterz for now folks!! ^_^

Birthday: August 2, 1989
Birthplace: Anderson, SC although that's not where i live
Hair: right below my ears and blonde
Height: 5'7"
Tatoos: 0 but really wanting one
Righty/lefty: Righty
First sport: baseball
First Pet: dog named Dana
First love: never had one actually
Favorite movie: hmmm i'd have to say either Stay Alive, Disturbia or House of Flying Daggers
Favorite colors: blue and orange
Favorite band: Evanescence, Flyleaf
Favorite song: currently it's Fully Alive by Flyleaf
Favorte restaurant: ain't got one
Favorite store: ummm Hot Topic i reckon???
Currently Admire: i don't think i admire anything
Currently thinking: about one of my friends that i didn't get to talk to tonight
Future:kids: idk
Future:living: idk i'll cross that bridge when it gets here
Future:car: no gas hogs
Future:girl: idk she's got to love me for me though
Ever:cried when someone died: yes
Ever:cheated on a test: yes i have
Ever:faked being sick to get out of a test: yes i have many a times
Believe in:'god': yeah i reckon
Believe in:ghosts: idk i've watched Ghost Hunters so many times that it looks real but anything could happen
Believe in:aliens: no but there are probably alien life forms out there

now i tag.....suichiro8705, emeraldsky, shred, and wolfofsorrow! ^^ have fun

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

well due to an unexpected complication i will not be deleting my site....that was the most comments i had ever gotten since i'd been on here....but i shall not be deleting my site! so i'll still be here! ^^ thanks to those who commented! well anywayz thought i would update to say that i won't be deleting my site! well laterz folks!
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

leaving myo.......
well folks this will officially be the last post i have on myo! i've been contemplating over the past two days about this and i'm deleting my site....to those of you who comment on my post it was greatly appreciated that you cared enough to read my post and comment which is more than i can say for some of my so-called friends on here! umm chokolate you are a great friend and i will miss you! ^^ Sinny you are also a great friend and you will be missed as well! ^^ suichiro i also consider you a part of this catagory and i shall miss you as well! ^^ i'll leave this post up until Friday night then i'll be deleting the whole site! i shall miss everyone! thanx to everyone who visited my art and commented and faved and hugged!! it was greatly appreciated because i don't think i would have kept on drawing if i hadn't gotten such good comments on my art! ^^ anywayz this will be up until Friday night so if you read it you read it if you don't you don't i'm sorry but that will be the day that i'll be leaving myo! oh btw Snoopy is doing fine it gets really hot outside where i live so i have to take him water frequently but i plan to get some tall stakes to put in the ground and tie a tarp onto those stakes so he'll have some shade! but anywayz this post is over with i will be on between now and Friday but i won't post and this post is over with! good bye everyone!
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