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myOtaku.com: Linden Rathan

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

leaving myo.......
well folks this will officially be the last post i have on myo! i've been contemplating over the past two days about this and i'm deleting my site....to those of you who comment on my post it was greatly appreciated that you cared enough to read my post and comment which is more than i can say for some of my so-called friends on here! umm chokolate you are a great friend and i will miss you! ^^ Sinny you are also a great friend and you will be missed as well! ^^ suichiro i also consider you a part of this catagory and i shall miss you as well! ^^ i'll leave this post up until Friday night then i'll be deleting the whole site! i shall miss everyone! thanx to everyone who visited my art and commented and faved and hugged!! it was greatly appreciated because i don't think i would have kept on drawing if i hadn't gotten such good comments on my art! ^^ anywayz this will be up until Friday night so if you read it you read it if you don't you don't i'm sorry but that will be the day that i'll be leaving myo! oh btw Snoopy is doing fine it gets really hot outside where i live so i have to take him water frequently but i plan to get some tall stakes to put in the ground and tie a tarp onto those stakes so he'll have some shade! but anywayz this post is over with i will be on between now and Friday but i won't post and this post is over with! good bye everyone!
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