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myOtaku.com: Linden Rathan

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my life is quite boring at the moment i'm peeling from my sunburn so that sucks and i have nothing to do during the day so i've been playing my vid games!! but anywayz hope everyone's doing good and have a great day everyone! oh and chokolatealkemist has tagged me so i'm putting something up!!! here it is so enjoy!! laterz for now folks!! ^_^

Birthday: August 2, 1989
Birthplace: Anderson, SC although that's not where i live
Hair: right below my ears and blonde
Height: 5'7"
Tatoos: 0 but really wanting one
Righty/lefty: Righty
First sport: baseball
First Pet: dog named Dana
First love: never had one actually
Favorite movie: hmmm i'd have to say either Stay Alive, Disturbia or House of Flying Daggers
Favorite colors: blue and orange
Favorite band: Evanescence, Flyleaf
Favorite song: currently it's Fully Alive by Flyleaf
Favorte restaurant: ain't got one
Favorite store: ummm Hot Topic i reckon???
Currently Admire: i don't think i admire anything
Currently thinking: about one of my friends that i didn't get to talk to tonight
Future:kids: idk
Future:living: idk i'll cross that bridge when it gets here
Future:car: no gas hogs
Future:girl: idk she's got to love me for me though
Ever:cried when someone died: yes
Ever:cheated on a test: yes i have
Ever:faked being sick to get out of a test: yes i have many a times
Believe in:'god': yeah i reckon
Believe in:ghosts: idk i've watched Ghost Hunters so many times that it looks real but anything could happen
Believe in:aliens: no but there are probably alien life forms out there

now i tag.....suichiro8705, emeraldsky, shred, and wolfofsorrow! ^^ have fun

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