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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Although, it's just 6:45 in the morning, so nothing of interest has happened yet. XD I did however, get a cell phone two days ago as an early present from me Ma.
And sorry for not really being here the past few weeks! I've gotten really caught up in real life lately XD Though, I promise to write at least a paragraph on everyone's latest journal entry to make up for it. >:3 Even if it's a really short journal! XD
But not now...as it's 6:50 XD
I'll update tomorrow to inform you of the swag I've recieved, not to mention a *real* update. XD
Good day!
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/Lindus/ken.jpg)
LOL! MS Paint's pretty fun when you really don't feel like doing anything XD
Sorry for the closeness of these last two journals. The last one wasn't really much of an update, so much as me celebrating the pic's done-ness XD So without further ado...the *real* journal! XD
So my brother and I wiped my laptop's memory clean and whatnot. It's running really well now! I'm NOT a computer-savvy kind of person, so I kiiiiinda let my laptop get into bad shape. XD And it wasn't difficult to part with the stuff I had since I really didn't want to keep that much. And now I'm using the profesional edition of Windows XP rather than Home edition, and even though it reminds me a lot of the school's computers now (those comps have XP Pro too), I think I like it better than Home.
I FRIGGIN' FIGURED OUT TORRENTS. Somehow, I was having a lot of difficulty figuring them out, though in retrospect, I realize I was just being a dumbass XD So, thankyou Chaos for helping me! *showers with lesser llamas*
My brother left for Florida today (visiting his gf >:D)! He'll only be gone until Wednesday, so I don't think I'll miss him much XD He told me that he already got my birthday present too! I'm going to search the house/his car tomorrow and look for it XDD
OoooOOooohhh that reminds me; only 12 days (theO time) until my birthday! And it's interesting because that's the day Anime Club has it's big DDR party. It's a pretty nice gathering whenever we have it.
I need to think of a Halloween costume >_<
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Oh jeez, this pic killed me, revived me (Phoenix Down-style XD), and killed me again. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT.
![Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us](http://img321.imageshack.us/img321/6756/deviantversion4vb.th.jpg)
XD I think my favorite part is the snake. It's giving the giraffe a really *weird* look, and I'm not sure why XD And doesn't Noah look even *more* like Al. The insanity!
Next, I have to do the actual pages. I'll post those up too if anyone wants to take a look.
And sorry for not visiting people the last few days! This project's really taken up my time. It'll be done by Monday though, so no worries ^^
I should have an actual journal up tomorrow. I was just so excited about finishing this XD
(btw, it's in my gallery, if you want to come vote on it *HINT HINT* XDDD)
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Monday, October 3, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/draw.jpg)
I realized the other day that I forgot to add a small rant to my post. I've had a couple days to stew over it XD If you don't want to read the rant, I suggest you skip down two paragraphs or so.
OMG I HATE ANIME CLUB. Every year, we have a t-shirt design contest for our club t-shirts. The first year the contest was held, I won, though we ended up not having t-shirts. The second year, I *didn't* win, but they put my design on the front of the shirt (without my consent no less! XD).
Anyway, for this year, I wasn't able to make it to two meetings in a row (personal business/homework yadda yadda). Then I come to the latest meeting, and it turns out the t-shirt contest was OVER and people already voted. Now, I wouldn't have minded at ALL, if several things weren't wrong with this situation; 1, I know the president very well and we're always in close contact. 2, there was no announcement in the school bulletin. And then there's this last thing, which I like the best out of the 3; I saw a friend working on a picture, and judging from the content, it kinda looked like a t-shirt design. I asked her: "oh! Is anime club doing the t-shirt contest already?" AND SHE SAID NO! (btw, after the latest meeting, I stayed behind to look at the submissions, and one of them was the picture I caught my friend working on)
I'm really not as miffed about this as I seem to be. I just can't stand dishonesty. ^_^
Now that that's outta the way XD I really don't have too much to report. Except! I have the coolest project for my Bible Lit class! We get to make a children's book! =D It's a lot of fun to work on. I'm doing the story of Noah, which is funny since I can't draw animals worth a crap XD But here's the sketch of the cover. I'm in the process of photoshopping it now.
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/noah0032.jpg)
Colored!Noah looks like Al. I swear I didn't mean for that to happen XD
Ooooh, on another note, I started reading School Rumble. What an adorable manga! I've been avoiding it since I thought it was a fight manga (it's NOT. But who could blame me with a title like that? XD). I really like this series though, it's really interesting. The installments are usually only around 8 pages are so, but it's just so funny! I kept finding myself saying things like "oh NO" or "awwwww" aloud XD It's romance-y, but it really pulls it off well, and I love how everything that can go wrong, does. XD It kinda reminds me of Azumanga Daioh in a way, which is a really good thing, and I love all of the characters.
This post has gone on long enough I think XD Have a good night!/week/til the next time I update XD
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Friday, September 30, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/Untitled-1.jpg)
Ha ha! I tell you what, it's been a good week for me =D
I *finally* went to the mall and bought the first volume of Eyeshield 21. So far, I've just been reading scanlations. The translation is actually pretty good! The only problem I have is one of the character's language. I don't mind so much that they change the F word to 'damn', even though it's an Older Teen manga. But! on the very first page, they have the guy saying "Darn it!" Darn! D: I think part of my soul died right there. XD Anyway, it's still pretty good, and I'm still in love with the series.
So, homecoming is this week! I'm not going to the dance or nothing, since I find it to be a waste of money. But this whole week has been Spirit Week, where each day, we're can dress accordingly. And Tuesday was the best! That day was Super hero day, and I went as Obvious Man!. So that was fun XD
I also got dragged to my friend's church scavenger hunt on Monday. I have to say, the church experience was kind of weird. I'm not atheist or anything (maybe agnostic?), but I don't usually go to church. The unity of the people was interesting to see.
Oh yeah! Chaos suggested I do this, and HE R MAN, so I must obey XD Anyway, you'll notice there's a little drawing board at the bottom of my page now! So, feel free to leave a doodle if you'd like. ^_^ you can erase the Aeris. I just drew it for kicks.
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Friday, September 23, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/500.jpg)
Whoo! Finally got to the big 500 *confetti* I didn't have any pic planned, so I just took one of the sketches I'm working on and did crap to it XD Thanks for visiting so much you guys!
I had an interesting day the other day. In chem, we convinced our teacher (a first year btw XD) to do something she probably shouldn't have done, and as a result, the beaker we were using for an experiment *exploded* but not before the contents caught fire and started smoking all over the place XD The whole school had to evacuate because the alarms went off. XDD my teacher was so embarassed.
Our ap latin III/IV class is thinking about having t-shirts made since there's only 7 of us including the teacher, so it's like a small club. We'd put something like, "Vergil is my homeboy" on the front and "Catullus writes dirty jokes" on the back, both in Latin of course XD
Uhhh, I baked a cake! XD yesterday that is. I also realized that it's less than a month til my birthday. I'm going to be SEVENTEEN O_O; So ooooold XD I still thinking about what to ask for.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/smile.jpg)
Whooo, I have just had a splendid week. ^_^ Sorry for the lack of updates and comments during that time. I've been distracted.
Anyway, who's seen Advent Children? *raises hand* I've got it on dvd >w< and I must say, it's incredibly hot. XD Seriously, it's a very very pretty movie and you must watch it. If you haven't played the game, play it or read an overview, then watch the movie.
I think my favorite character is Kadaj, though everyone's just so likeable in the movie. Rufus and Reno and Loz and Vincent and Rude are really great too. I love 'em all! Sephiroth's alright by me, can't say I ever fangirled over him ^^; But his theme song is like, the epitome of badassery. I <3 it.
Can't wait til the legit dvd comes to the U.S. I can buy it and marvel at it again. X3
In other news, I got an accordion. And it's just as awesome as I'd imagined it would be. XD
I also picked up a copy of Silent Hill 2 at Gamestop for 8 bucks. eeee it was difficult trying to sleep last night, let me tell you XD What a freaky game!
I'm pretty sure that's not all, but I can't recall anything else at the moment. So goodnight, and here's a pic of Kadaj for good measure XD
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/ff7ac163.jpg)
Cutest lil' mama's boy in zee world!
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Monday, September 5, 2005
w00t! It's that time of year again! When baseball's on its way out and football comes roaring in. And with that, a change in my layout! New theme= Eyeshield 21 which I love thiiiis much <3
Best part of it is that a liking of football really isn't necessary to like this series. And it's just so frickin' cute and funny. >3 The only problem is that there are NO wallpapers for this series. None. Zip. Nada. And I don't want to/can't make them myself, so there's a temp manga image up for now ;_;
That's all to report on this end methinks. But ah! my brother is turning 21 tomorrow! or today...whatever. He told me he wanted respect for his birthday, but since I can't afford that, I'm getting him some cd's =3
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/LindersPinders/crap.jpg)
I think there needs to be seperate section for Final Fantasy art. So much of its art is clogging the video games section, that pics from smaller series get buried under ff X-2 ho-bags. Try going to the video games section, and go to some pages. It's practically guaranteed that there'll be at least 2 FF fanworks on that page XD
What do you think? It's obviously one of the more frequently submitted kinds of pictures, so it only makes sense. I'm not going to suggest anything or nuthin', just was curious about everyone's opinion on this.
btw, no offence to Final Fantasy. They're good ('specially 9!!)
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
busy busy busy!!
However, I did find time over the past three days to work on THIS
And as an added bonus, I'll show you the original sketch and lineart. Aren't you special XD
And for those of you who want to see a bigger version w/o having to navigate through my DA gallery, look no further cuz here it is (again XD)
Hope you guys are having a nice week! *dies from exhaustion*
ps! My school's anime club starts up tomorrow! Here's hoping it's not as craptacular as it was before, now that we have a new Prez and a new sponsor.
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