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Member Since
Christian, trying to shine her light and joy to a dying world. I also love to make everyone smile. When i see someone down i make it my job to cheer them up. (usually it is acting stupid around them) ;)
um.....graduating from high school and starting my new college life
Anime Fan Since
1998 i think i started with pokemon. Wait I forgot, i guess it was my neighbor Toturo. i remember when we were little we used to rent it all the time. Anyways, in 04 one of my friends reintroduced me to anime with orphen and i fell in love.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Rurouni Kenshin, DNAngle(the mangas at least), FMA, fruits basket, Fate/stay night, Ah My Goddess, Naruto, Wolfs rain, Orphen
learn how to snowboard and fence
I LOVE playing frisbee, drawing, playing video games(my favorite games are:anything zelda, sonic, tales of symphonia, and kingdom hearts), reading, and did i say this-i Love frisbee!!
playing video games? umm...drawing, singing, and frisbee
| linkinuzelos
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Yes I am ALIVE!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well hi everyone! I've been busy! Last week I didn't have any work! YAY!! I am done!! But this week I did help out someone with a mommy and me swimming class. No i don't have a little one (many people asked me that when i said i had to go to that class). She had two little ones and couldn't swim with them both. They were both so addorable!! One had just turned one and the other was about 2 1/2. Lol i had to sing the wheels on the bus and the hokie pokie........I had to catch the older one and stuff when she jumped. It was a lot of fun.

Also I have been working on some contest submissions. I submitted a story for elvesatemyramen's Ducan contest. After the contest I will post my story for you guys to read. Also I just submitted a drawing for arcticfoxdemon's drawing contest! Go check it out! I think a couple weeks back i also submitted a syaoran (from tsubasa) drawing (which is much better than my contest submission i think). Please go check them out and tell me what you think!!!
I also have discovered a new internet game! You guys should check it out! Its called tales of pirates! It has wonderful graphics....and its COMPLETELY FREE!!!! Here is a screen shot or too to give you a taste of it!

here is a link if you want to download it or check out more shots:

I also have submitted another music video! This one is for all you Fruits basket fans! *cough* elvesatemyramen*cough*
anyways please watch and tell me what you think! I'm very proud of it! here is a link to it! (just click the button!)

also...its been a while so i don't know if i showed you guys my other fate/stay night one...i have two so here is the link to the other video if you would like to see it!
 (im also pretty proud of this one too!)
well I'm going to check out you guys' sites! Oh and I'm heading back to college on the 9th! I'm getting kinda excited! (excited as in i get to see my friends and live in a dorm/apartment again....not really excited about the school part!)
well ttyl!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
AHHHHHHHHH!!! It's been so long! I miss you guys!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Again....AHHHH I miss you guys! I really need to get back on here again more.....
Well I'm still working with the kids. I just really wanted to tell you what happened today. Well i usually work from 12:15 to 5:15 week days. Today, however, I had to come in at 8 and go to 5:15.....and man, i felt like i was working all day when i was only working 5hrs a day. Anyways, the first half the kids had some free time. They wanted to listen to a high school musical cd. They were dancing and singing to it and it made me laugh so hard. I probably have the whole thing memorized now...and i haven't even seen it yet. I was singing that it now that i found you? some thing like that?
Lol well anyways during the time i teach science we did something that involved vegtable oil.....and some kids spilled it. At frist i thought they only got it on the table and i was going to clean it up after the experiment....but then i looked over and they were dancing in it!!!! they were slipping and sliding and tracking it EVERYWHERE!!! and if you didn't CANNOT clean up oil with water! I had to put bakeing soda on it and someone later came in and swept it up and then mopped it up for me. My goodness kids are a mess!

I haven't had much time to draw besides at work...and it kinda makes me sad. lol at work its just little doodles on my role sheet or the board. And occationally one of the kids will ask me to draw them something. I'm hoping I'll get more time too.... you can see I'm on a wolf's rain high....I might change my profile to wolf's rain sometime. Lol and if i ever get to drawing I might attempt to draw some again.

OH and this friday i get to play some frisbee!!! I'm so excited!

Well thats about all i have. I'll try and visit some sites today! sorry i haven't been able to lately!!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Hi everyone! I've been so busy! I'm sorry i haven't had much time to visit everyone's sites!
Today (well i guess now its yesterday) was pretty funny so i wanted to share. As most of you guys know, I'm working with kids this summer. Well this week is volcano week. I thought it would be cool if i let the kids make their own clay volcano, decorate it and erupt it. well today was the day they made the clay...and let me tell you....they used think about this: kindergarten through 3rd, LOTS of flour, and a really gewy substance that sticks to their hands!
They made a HUGE mess!!! flour was all over the room, all over the hall by the water fountain, there was a trail to both of the bathrooms, and both the girls and the boys bathrooms were coated!!! I had to clean it up all by myself!! Thankfully a few kids helped with the sweeping and one of my fellow teachers came and helped me out and i didn't even ask! lol my mom said i should have. lol she said, "bat those big green eyes of yours and make a sad pouty face and those boys will help you!" lol sometimes my mom just cracks me up! but what can i say....some guys can't resist! ;)

After work i had to go babysit again. that was not too bad. the little 2 and a half year old was not feeling good so she just watched tv and slept most of the time. The little 11 month year old boy was just having fun playing with toys...(and me!) after a bit i put on fern gully when the girl feel asleep (lol i was tired of blue's clues) I like that movie! lol you gotta love robin williams as batty! I ended up drawing crysta from it while i was watching!  I'm going to finish it up and color it and submit it later
speaking of drawing, I'm still working on the link manga....its harder than i thought it would be. In the process of making it, i picked up my other one that i started 2 years ago but never finished. Its my ultimate frisbee one. It was a lot of fun! that one has a lot of stuff written so it was easier to work on. I will probably submit it first because it has more done.
Well i think i'm going to watch some naruto before i go to bed! 
hope you all have are having a great week!
tell me how your weekends went!
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wow its been a while! Have you missed me?
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
I've been very busy! Last week i had my first week of work and vbs(vacation bible school)....all in the same week. I had to be at the church at 8:30 and then it ended at 12. After that i had to go straight to work! I had to be there at 12:15....
It was fun though, yet crazy. The kids at work don't listen to me sometimes but I'm starting to understand how to work these and how to scare them into paying attention to me. There are a few that are so sweet and addorable that i just die everytime they come up to me and give me a hug! XD
On saturday I helped a lady watch her 2 yr old and baby. That was fun too. the baby was so cute (except for the spitting up on me and so was the little girl. I'm kinda doing a nanny service for the mom. Her husband is away and she is trying to pack for a move.
Well I haven't had much time to draw except for at work. The kids found out that i know how to draw and keep making I never should have started drawing because they all want something and some ask for something every day! Well I'm hoping to do some drawing this week though. I really want to get going on that Link manga.
OH I JUST REMEMBERED!!! I have completed my very first AMV! I used the series fate/stay night and the song Going down in flames by three doors down. Check it out and tell me what you think! oh and remember this is my first one so don't be too hard on me! ;)
well its about time for me to go to work...So I'll check out you guys sites later today ok?
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Friday, June 1, 2007
I wish the house would quit swaying!!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well hey everyone!! I got back from my cruise yesterday! I had so much fun!! The ocean was so beautiful and there was a lot of fun stuff to do on the boat. One of the things I enjoyed the most was the dancing classes. We didn’t discover them until after we missed 2 (disco and salsa). My family went to the swing dancing and country line dancing. I really liked the swing dancing. Lol my youngest sister danced with me and my middle sis danced with dad. My mom recorded it and took pictures. It was SOOOO MUCH FUN!

We went to the fancy dinning room every night for supper. It was really nice dressing up every night and being waited on. Also we could order whatever we wanted and as much as we wanted with out worrying about paying for it! Appetizers, main courses, and desserts! YUM! We the same main waiter, assistant waiter, and table every night. All of the waiters were foreign. Our main waiter was from Taiwan and his name was Damrong…lol and yes….his name is pronounced exactly like you think it sounds. We were laughing so hard when we realized that was his name. I think the other guy was from India. His name was Luhur. He told us we could call him Lulu or luhu.

I read a lot of fruits basket on the cruise too when I was laying out and when I was relaxing in our room. Oh wait! Did I not tell you? Before I left on the cruise I went to Hastings (a movie, book, and game store) with some friends. I went to the manga section just to see what there was. I noticed that they had the first 6 Fruits baskets used for only $5 each!! I had been thinking about buying that series for a while, so I just bought them because it was a deal I probably wouldn’t have again. I mean come on! They still look brand new, hmmm $32 or $65? Well I’m just happy I got such a good deal!

Anyways….It still feel’s like I’m on the boat. It feels like the house is swaying and it feels like the house is bobbing up and down a bit. According to some people that have been on this carnival cruise said this trip was really rough. It was really funny walking down the hall and watching everyone suddenly start walking to one side! I got a little sick but we had some sort of patch that made us feel better. I put another one on later that made my eye’s dilate….and that got annoying.

Also the second to last day I tried to lay out and at least get a good base tan….and well….I got burnt pretty bad. I had spf 10….but the chairs rubbed some of it off my legs. Lets just say it REALLY hurts to walk and sit down. The back of my legs hurt the most….up to my bathing suit line. Lol it is kind a funny though. I keep going around saying….my butt hurts!!

Well I submitted a drawing today too! I was practicing drawing young Link for that manga I was talking about making. I’m at my grandmothers at the moment to the scanner didn’t work as well as I wanted it too….sorry. but still tell me what you think! I’ll try and resubmit it with better quality later. I’m very proud of it! ^^

Well ttyl!
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Short but sweet!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Ok well this has to be short because I should be packing right now. I just wanted to say by to everyone! I'm leaving for my cruise today and we won't be back until June 3. We will be staying at my grandmothers a little before and after too. I hope you all have a good week! Oh and a quick thing! I started trying to make an AMV! heh which was kinda dumb because now i won't be able to work on it until i get back. but oh well!
Have a wonderful week! I know I will!
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Ok first of all, summer is still going great. I went in for my first day of training on Tuesday and i got excited! Today is my makeup training day and another training thing that everyone else has to do. I'm also working on making a sundress...and its pretty funny. the other day i spent about an hour on the first step and all that was was sewing around the edges so the material won't stretch! Yeah this is my first dress. I've sewn a few other things like purses and guard flags for the band, but this is a bit more and I actually have to wear it so it needs to look decent! Its fun though. I'm enjoying it. And my mom's having fun laughing at me. No really she's enjoying teaching me.
 (time to cut the thread!)
Anyways, I've been working on that kakashi pic, and so far it looks...well ok. I'm debating about starting over. Oh and I think I'm going to make another fan manga....yeah i know i never finished the frisbee one, but this one i did a long time ago and gave it to a friend. I had a friend who hated Link, because a friend and i would talk about the legend of zelda all the time. She had a pet flying squirrel so i got a crazy idea. I made a couple of short comic strips called the adventures of young Link and flying squirrel. Its just about Link coming to the boss portion of a dungeon and the boss...well is a little bitty flying squirrel. Basically its really funny. I don't think it will take me long to recreate it. and it will be fun. I keep saying I'm going to make it again....but never do. BUT I WILL BEFORE THE SUMMER IS UP!!! heehee at least i hope so.

Oh here is randomness for ya, check out this video my youngest sister showed me. Let me warn you its kinda stupid, but its one of those videos its so cute its scary. I like listening to my younger sister try and sing it with the video....It makes me laugh. well click on this link to see it:
Heh, well i don't think i have much more to say after that....well besides...WHAT ON EARTH?! lol
Well I'll try to get around to some sites today!
oh and btw, I've been watching the second season of tsubasa....and its GREAT. ^^
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Friday, May 11, 2007
I got a job!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well I finally got a summer job! I had applied at a lot of places and hadn't heard from them and started to worry. On Tuesday though, I went to get my hair cut and my hair cutter (who has cut my hair since i lived here before....maybe about 10 yrs?) anyways she suggested I go check out this after school program for kids who's parents can't pick them up right after school because they are at work. Well they have a summer program for those same kids from 8 to 5 every week day. So i went to check it out and got the job yesterday! I'm so excited! I have the afternoon shift. I will have kids from kindergarten to 3rd. I will be watching them and taking them on field trips and such. I'll also be teaching some sort of enrichment class. the kids get to pick what kind of class they want like music or arts and crafts. They said they'd like me to do some sort of science one, where i would do fun little science experiments and stuff. Now that is right up my alley! I really can't wait!

OH and guess what i get to do in a couple of weeks?! GO ON A CRUSE!!! I'm so excited! I can't wait to relax for a whole week!

Well I'm not going to be doing much today. I guess I might try to draw some, play some video games, and maybe surf some more.

I haven't done this in a while, but here's a question for you: What are you going to be doing this summer? Are you going on vacation? Are you going to get a summer job?
well ttfn!
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Friday, May 4, 2007
Finally a break!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
So I went job searching again yesterday....and unpacked and cleaned my room. But today i get to relax a little and im so happy!!
I slept in until 10 and now im just messing around on the internet.

I think this will be a short post today because i can't think of much to talk about.....hmmm
Well as you can see i decided to change my theme to Sasuke. I was debating between sasuke and gaara because i have a lot of cool pics of them both...(as you can see i still put a cool gaara bg on the guest book stuff).
Well today i think i need to still clean some, but then im going to relax some more! It feels so nice. I haven't had much time because of finals and stuff.
OH!!! are any of you excited about spiderman 3?! I can't wait to see it! I'm going to see it tomorrow night....i really want to see it today, but i promised my friends i would wait and watch it with them tomorrow....

Speaking of spiderman, i got the coolest idea for a drawing! (and none of you better steal it!) you know how kakashi has a mask and no one ever see's under it right? Well i have been thinking about a manga idea that introduces a new female character the the naruto series. She is a fun and happy teacher and kakashi is going to fall in love with her. the image i was thinking about drawing would be him standing upside-down on the cealing and my character pulling his mask down to kiss him like in the first spiderman movie! don't you think that would be awesome?! I'm going to experiment drawing my new character and kakashi some before i do it...but i hope it turns out all right! please no one do this before me!

well i think im going to grab me some lunch. You all have a wonderful day!
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Just a quick hi!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well how is everyone! I just thought I'd post since i haven't in a while. I really don't have that much time to post so I'll just give you a quick lowdown of what been going on.
So I have finally finished my first year of college! I'm so happy! My last exam was tuesday morning and my dad came to pick me up. i was so happy and ready for a break, but yesterday mom mom got me up and made me go job shopping! I must have filled out a billion applications! of the places that i have applied for, the jobs i want the most are Hastings (a movie, game and book store) and lowe's. this morning my mom gave me another list of places to apply to today....bleh!
i went for my 3 week check up about my foot. he says i can run again! yay! i still need to wear an ancle brace for support just in case. im so happy though! here i come frisbee! :)
well i might get on later and fix this post and add images and stuff. And i think im going to change my theme to Sasuke what do you think?
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