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Member Since
Christian, trying to shine her light and joy to a dying world. I also love to make everyone smile. When i see someone down i make it my job to cheer them up. (usually it is acting stupid around them) ;)
um.....graduating from high school and starting my new college life
Anime Fan Since
1998 i think i started with pokemon. Wait I forgot, i guess it was my neighbor Toturo. i remember when we were little we used to rent it all the time. Anyways, in 04 one of my friends reintroduced me to anime with orphen and i fell in love.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Rurouni Kenshin, DNAngle(the mangas at least), FMA, fruits basket, Fate/stay night, Ah My Goddess, Naruto, Wolfs rain, Orphen
learn how to snowboard and fence
I LOVE playing frisbee, drawing, playing video games(my favorite games are:anything zelda, sonic, tales of symphonia, and kingdom hearts), reading, and did i say this-i Love frisbee!!
playing video games? umm...drawing, singing, and frisbee
| linkinuzelos
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Monday, May 8, 2006
A very funny check up!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Lol today i have a really funny story. I have never gotten my hepatitis B we decided to get a check up and get them done before my college asks... Well i went to the doctor today with my mom to get this shot i was supposed to have before i entered high
They said they wanted to go ahead and give me my 18 year old check-up...They checked my height and she commented on how i used to be in the 50th percentile of kids average heights but now im in the 25 to 10th percentile! lol that means im short! (5 foot 2)
everything was fine but....I had to have 4 SHOTS!!! I thought i was only going in for one.. :( I was not very happy...i haven't had a shot since i was in kindegarden.(which is prolly not a good thing) lol and i was whining...they didn't hurt that bad but afterwards i didn't feel to good. the doctor told me to lay down and my mom said i was very pale. She came up to me and said poor baby! lol Oh and this is the funniest part, the doctor asked me if i was having any problems and i told her my back has been hurting a lot lately...She said it could be becasue i carry a heavy backpack. well she checked my back and said something like.."hum...i wonder?" She pointed out to my mom that one side of my hip was higher than the other!! She said, "I think one of her legs is longer than the other." WHAT?!
there is more to that but i don't need to bore you guys with i just wanted to tell you the funny stuff
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
...a preview
 | .:linkinuzelos:.Here is one of my sketches...i'll tell you more about the story sometime soon and a little more about the characters. i still can't think of a name for them yet....Make sure you read the other post i put on earlier today!
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 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well how is everyone? Well Friday was the Ren. Festival and i had a lot of fun! I got to run around as a pirate, eat turkey leg, watch some jousting, and just look at some really cool stuff!
Yesterday i went to an old friend's (pachecoa) house and he showed my friends and i some animes that he had "discovered" at college. He showed us the first 3 eppisodes of Fates/Stay night and the first 3 eppisodes of Bleach. they were both pretty interesting and im pretty confussed right now on the fates one. Lol he also showed us some eppisodes of FMA that i hadn't seen (i unlike all you special people do not have cartoon network, and can only watch anime by borrowing or buying). Pachecoa also told us where he is going on his mission to (yeah he is a morman). He gets to go to JAPAN!!!! No fair! Im so jelous! But im VERY happy for him! :) He has always wanted to go to Japan and he had been hoping to go on mission there.
I was going to be going to Korea and possibly Japan this summer with my aunt who is living there for a graduation present, but she is getting transfered to Germany, so im going to go visit her there next summer when she gets moved in. I'm still excited even though no Japan, because she said we will be like 4 to 8 hours from almost anywhere. places like paris,France; Italy; Greece...all these cool places! So i guess i can wait a year for that! ;)
well im going to go draw or actually working on 2 characters right now. I have an idea for a manga, maybe ill tell you guys about it sometime. Im definately going to submit some artwork on the 2 characters soon! :)
oh yeah and make sure you check out my updated artwork!
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
It is finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.YAY!!!!!!!!! Im done with ap tests! i will never have to take one again! I of course probably failed this one...what is the point of english? blek i hate timed writings....i knew exactly how to answer the questions but i just couldn't organize them and write it....oh well. Its over! lol half way through the multiple choice (you have to read a passage and answer questions about it...usually analizing it) i was too tired to think and started thinking...hmmm that sounds nice, lets put that answer. I mean come on! my teacher even told us the average multiple choice questions have one definite wrong answer and the rest could be possible but there is only one BEST or the BETTER answer....grrrrrr I feel like that pic i put on the top of totaly drained!
At least i have something to look forward to! tomorrow im going to the renasance festival with my ap english class. Im going as a pirate! Argh! ;) Afterwards im heading over to a friends house. The people from my statistics class are going to burn their practice ap statistics books. we are then going to put the ashes in an urn and give them to our math teacher. He said that he was not ever going to teach statistics again while he was teaching calculus 2 and calculs 1! so we thought we'd give him a nice memory of his statistics class! ;)
oh yeah and as promised more pictures from the new zelda game

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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
after the ap calculus bc test
 | im drained! That test wasn't so bad, it was just really long! Im happy though. i think i did very well. lol much better than that stupid ap statistics one...i think i bombed that one. Tomorrow i have english liturature....blech! i hate english! id rather take the calculus one again. It is nice though. i have no homework. it gives me plenty of time to relax and play a little tales of phantasia. it is getting very interesting. I went to wal mart today to see if i could pre order the new zelda game and they said i couldn't! :( i think im just going to order it off of amazon. How do you like that picture? That water looks pretty sweet! im so excited! here are some more shots!
isn't this town gorgeous?!

heehee link fell off!

more pretty water! ;)

i'll show you guys some more pics tomorrow!
oh yeah and i updated my artwork! make sure you check it out! I have 4 new pics added! Tell me what you think!
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Monday, May 1, 2006
Just having a little fun
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well today went well. I didn't do very much today because it is the day before all my ap tests. I'm so excited i don't have to go to school the rest of the week! ;) If you are taking an ap test you are not required to be at school that day. Tomorrow i have my ap stats test at noon....~_~ joy...
that night my calculus/statistic teacher is throwing a pre calculus, post statistics party at his house. that way we arn't stressing out so much for the test. it was so much fun last year! he invites his cal 1 and 2 students (and now stats). I can't wait to play frisbee!!!!! I feel like i haven't played in so long!!!
well anyways, calc 2 test is wed at 7:30 and then i have ap english literature at 7:30 on thursday. And finally i get to go to the renasance festaval with my english class on friday! what i nice way to end the week!
and i don't have any hw all week! today i just tutored, played with my doggie, and played tales of phantasia. well i prolly should get to bed or something...wait i don't have to be anywhere until around 11 something! I can sleep in!!!!! Wa ha ha! lol
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
Thank you!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.I just wanted to thank you all for coming to my site. Especially the ones who check my site very often and comment almost everytime *cough* lordsesshomaru, all my t-town buddies, *cough* edmari, kittymeowmeow, and a few others *cough* I just wanted to let everyone know that i do check there sites almost every time they update. I would comment but my computer will not let me comment for some reason. everytime i try it says error and im not logged in.....i don't understand. grrrrrrrrr. but i do enjoy them (especially lordsesshomaru yours always cracks me up!). i will comment whenever i get my laptop (i love graduation presents) or get on someone elses computer. Thank you all again for commenting! I enjoy reading them and it is nice to see that someone actually reads my site! ;)
well time for hw
 (heehee isn't that funny!)
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Friday, April 28, 2006
My marching band!!
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
 | .:linkinuzelos:.I'm so happy! The pirate thing is going to work! And also....MY TSUBASA MANGA 9 IS IN!!!!!
IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! lol yes i really like tsubasa. Oh and i made some new buttons! check them out!

If you want one of them just ask! ;)
Oh and i took my very last timed practice test!!! No more staying after school for these stupid tests!!!!!!
Heehee....i think im getting a little hyper! still hungry too. i think i need ice cream. :)
well ttfn!
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
The end is near! Ap stuff is almost over!!! I have 3 ap tests next week and them I'm free!!!! Then i will finally let senioritus set in and have fun! YAY!!!! Our english class is going to a renasance festival next friday. I can't wait. I want to dress up but i don't know what to be. lol db03 says i should be a princess...^w^
i think i'd want to be something a little more different. ;) Im too wild to be a princess. I think i want to be a pirate or something! Arrr matey! OH i know just the place i can get a pirate costume too! last year ago our band had a pirate show and all the gaurd members wore pirate costumes! I think ill ask one of them if i can borrow it!!!! I've always wanted to dress up as a pirate!! lol
changing subjects.....
I'm so happy! My younger sister tried out for field comander and made it! My little sister! (for those of you that are not in band that is the person that directs the marching band)
well my dad needs the computer.
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