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Member Since
Christian, trying to shine her light and joy to a dying world. I also love to make everyone smile. When i see someone down i make it my job to cheer them up. (usually it is acting stupid around them) ;)
um.....graduating from high school and starting my new college life
Anime Fan Since
1998 i think i started with pokemon. Wait I forgot, i guess it was my neighbor Toturo. i remember when we were little we used to rent it all the time. Anyways, in 04 one of my friends reintroduced me to anime with orphen and i fell in love.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Rurouni Kenshin, DNAngle(the mangas at least), FMA, fruits basket, Fate/stay night, Ah My Goddess, Naruto, Wolfs rain, Orphen
learn how to snowboard and fence
I LOVE playing frisbee, drawing, playing video games(my favorite games are:anything zelda, sonic, tales of symphonia, and kingdom hearts), reading, and did i say this-i Love frisbee!!
playing video games? umm...drawing, singing, and frisbee
| linkinuzelos
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
new music!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
How do you like my new music? it is from sonic adventure 1. I might change it to metal harbor though, from sonic adventure one. what do you think? (those of you that have played those games)well g2g!
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Hey im thinking about starting some fan clubs! Do you think you might want to join any of them?
First of all i want to have a Link Fan club, also a Tales of symphonia and a tales of phantasia clubs. And i can't forget a tsubasa one!!
what do you guys think? would you be interested?
i'll try and make an "image" for them this weekend or next, depending on how busy i am.
well i'd like to hear what you think! :)
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
busy busy busy!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Well this week is going to be cazy!! I just got back from all-state and i have so much stuff to do! My math class is getting to be really crazy because we are starting to review/practice for the AP test. For those of you that have ever reviewed for know how hard that is. We basically have to remeber everything that we have learned over the year, and in calculus II, i have to remember stuff from calculus I also! It is just crazy! My teacher at least gave us a calender for both classes (im taking statistics and calc II from the same teacher the same period, alternating days so it gets pretty confusing). Besides all the work i have to do, im also reading a big ole book in english called return of the native by thomas hardy....bleck!! At least she is not pushing us too hard on getting through it fast....
well i prolly should go, i have to go do a practice multiple choice test for calculus (45 questions and i have to show work and check my answers and make sure they are right), try and to a little of my practice test for stats that is due thursday, and read 3 chapters of return of the native...just a little right?
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
Did you miss me?
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
I'm back! I had a lot of fun at all state! I got third chair out of 6 bass clarinets! The music was cool and fun. I was ready to come home.....but also not ready because i have a lot of hw to catch up on....bleck!!!
well ttyl!
Oh and Happy april fools day! Did you get fooled? ;p
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Monday, March 27, 2006
The First Day Back
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
.......bleck! Today was my first day back from our 2 week spring break. the first day is allways so hard!! But the cool thing is this week i get to go to all-state band!!! I get to get out of school on wed and stay there until saturday when our performence is. I'm a little scared but some of my friends tell me it is so much fun so im looking forward to it!
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Friday, March 24, 2006
The day after
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Wow I feel much better! I actually got a lot of sleep last night. The past couple of nights I had been getting little sleep because of the mission trip. All the girls tried to stay up really late everynight. There was only one shower for the girls so i tried to get enough sleep and get up first so i could have a warm shower. Where we were it was an hour ahead so i was getting up at 6 there time, but really 5 our time. So my body didn't like that too much. The guys kept trying to play pranks on us too. The last night was really funny. The girls wanted to prank the guys so they went to the bathroom to discuss their "plan." I stayed downstairs to try and see if i could get to sleep early. I finally got to sleep and I heard an aweful high pitched scream! I opened my eyes and there was a strob light going off in the hallway. The boys thought we would come out to turn it off but i just closed the door. Then my mom thought we should play a prank on the girls that were upstairs so we took all their pillows and hid them in another room. While i was gathering the pillows, my mom went out into the hallway to turn on the hallway light. Heehee and the boys threw a net on her!! It was so funny! They were so dissapointed that they got my mom and that most of the girls were not even in the room! So they came in the room and hid in there beds (just two of them). So when the girls finally came down there, they where scared half to death when they pulled back the covers and there was a guy there!! I couldn't stop laughing! And then they finally decided to go to bed and they had no pillows! Oh it was great! The girls also went back up later and got all of the guys with ranch dressing! Heehee it was fun!
well ttfn!
Have you ever pranked anyone or been pranked?
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
I'm Home!!!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
Wow that was fun! I just got back from my mission trip and I'm pooped!! We went to a city in my state and went to government housing and helped at a baptist center. We helped with a market they did ever tuesday and thursday, were people living there would get a number and come and "shop" for food for free. They could get on item from each made me really think. I'm really blessed. I have a nice home to live in, clothes and my parents can afford food. I also was truely blessed by the workers there. A lot of people there where committing there whole life to these people. there was one guy there who gave up his job as a dentist to come and help the people there, and he does it for free!!! All volunteer work! It just amazes me...
We also held a block party for the neighborhood youth, 6th to 12th. We had some slam dunk contests and we got a lot of them to come because we were giving away a free x-box 360. If they came they got a ticket and if they brought a friend they got another. then there was a drawing. I didn't get to share my faith with anyone, but a lot of my friends did. It was really neat.
Q: Have you been on a mission trip before?
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
How is everyone today? Well right now im packing to go on a mission trip. It's a pain because i still have to use half of the stuff tomorrow. (make-up and stuff). Im afraid ill forget something. We're just going somewhere in-state, but i can't wait! The only thing is that we are staying at a church and there will only be ONE SHOWER!!!! how will we all get showers?! It is going to take forever!! oh well. i can take fast showers if i have too. and i vote only 5 minute showers and if they take longer than that im comin in! ;p lol
we'll figure something out.
Q: Do any of you have a pet?
A: I have 3 cats: Fred, Ethel, and Gus. Gus is our youngest cat (probably about 1) and he's completely grey. We've had fred and ethel for a long time. they are probably around 13. I also have a crazy dog named Jake. He's about 1 and is so crazy!! He is part border collie and part australian kelpie (whatever that is).
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Happy St. Patrick's day!
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
I hope everyone remembered to wear green today! I was quickly reminded by my mom with some pinches to my, i quickly changed. If I ever forget though, I'm lucky, I've got green eyes so i could use that as an excuse! ;)
Well i hope you guys find lots of people to pinch! I'm going to the mall today to go get my Easter dress. I hate shopping!! Wish me luck! I hope i come out
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
 | .:linkinuzelos:.
me sleepies....last night i had an all-nighter. It was so much fun!! I liked the lazer tag the most. laser tag at 1 in the morning! I got to play 3 20 minute games. My code name was tinkerbell and db03 was peter pan. heehee! One of my other friends (for those of you that know me, it was spiderman) won 2 out of the three times and got in the top 5 scores for the day. And believe it or not, but my youngest sister got 2nd!! for those who have not played laser tag, you really should try it! it is so much fun! Make sure it is a pretty big one, though. Ive been to some that the area you play in is pretty small. The one we did...gosh i wish i could remember how big it was...but it is a big ole maze, with lots of levels and mirrors and just lots of cool stuff! Ah...i wish i could go again.
well i think im going to be lazy today...i mean i was up all night long! lol i got home at 7 and slept till 1:40.
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