Female Member Since 2005-02-18 Occupation Christian, trying to shine her light and joy to a dying world. I also love to make everyone smile. When i see someone down i make it my job to cheer them up. (usually it is acting stupid around them) ;)
Achievements um.....graduating from high school and starting my new college life Anime Fan Since 1998 i think i started with pokemon. Wait I forgot, i guess it was my neighbor Toturo. i remember when we were little we used to rent it all the time. Anyways, in 04 one of my friends reintroduced me to anime with orphen and i fell in love. Favorite Anime Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Rurouni Kenshin, DNAngle(the mangas at least), FMA, fruits basket, Fate/stay night, Ah My Goddess, Naruto, Wolfs rain, Orphen Goals learn how to snowboard and fence Hobbies I LOVE playing frisbee, drawing, playing video games(my favorite games are:anything zelda, sonic, tales of symphonia, and kingdom hearts), reading, and did i say this-i Love frisbee!! Talents playing video games? umm...drawing, singing, and frisbee linkinuzelos
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
well i know not many people are going to comment on this because it is late, but oh well! i just wanted to stop by and submit a post! I am still alive! ;) I've just been really busy. sorry i haven't stopped by some of your sites in a while either. oh guess what i just did! i submitted some e-cards! i made some the other day. dslegends said i should make some again so i took his advice and found some sweet pics and made them into e-cards! go check them out!
there should be 4 new ones. 1 fate/stay night one, one inuyasha one, and 2 KH ones.
Well i would talk more but i really need to work on some hw or something. I missed you guys! I'll try and post tomorrow or something.
Today is my first day of fall break...heh all 2 days of it! Yup in college all we get is monday and tuesday off. Oh well it still feels nice. Thanks for all the comments last time....i think thats a record for me. I don't think ive ever gone over 6 comments before. Heehee you all make me feel special. The movie was good. For those of you that couldn't think what that movie was, it is the one about the coast guard and has Ashton Kutcher in it. It was pretty good and had some funny scenes in it.
Well i finally was able to go back home this weekend becuas of the break and our exibition was canceled on saturday (which is a bummer because i was looking forward to it!). I didn't realize how much i missed my little sisters! They are growing up without me! *sniff* it is just wierd not being home with them.
OH you guys have to check out this site my youngest sister discovered! It is really neat! It is called It is an anime site where you become a member much like this one and you get to make your very own anime character and buy stuff for them and build a house and stuff. You can chat and make friends and you automatically have a site like this one (although i prefer myotaku site over that one). I just love that i can make me as an anime persona and it is fun to meet new people. Some of you should sereiously check it out! Then maybe we could chat on there or go exploring together or something. if any of you get it tell me! Or if you already have, my name on that is still linkinuzelos.
here is my person:
well i need to get started on a paper! I'll try and visit some sites later if i can!
well grrrr i just remebered the hard at home and i forgot that it won't let me post on this dumb computer!! I was commenting on your site elvesatemyramen....grrrrrrrr and it was a long one and then when i hit submit it said an error has occured...grrrrrrrrrrr ill make it up to you by commenting when i get back to my dorm tuesday night. Sorry everone!
Since i don't get much of a response when i submit a post at night/afternoon maybe i should do it either late at night or in the morning...
Well im in the library right now. Heh this is my first time to be in the school library..isn't that sad? heh ive been here since aug. The funny thing is for the longest time i didn't even know where the campus library was! I had to come down here for a class. We were learning how to use the library's electronic databases. I had to pick a topic for a retorical annalisis (gosh my spelling) paper. I think im going to do NASA funding.....
Speeking of NASA did i tell you all that im thinking about possibly working for nasa one day? I think that would be so cool! Everyone needs mechanical engineers. Heehee i might even see if i could work for nintendo too helping with making the systems or working with programing games. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Wow im just rambling. Tomorrow im going to see The Gaurdian! Im so excited! I love movies. Since ive been at college i haven't been in a while (not only because i have no money and no time...but there hasn't really been any movies out that interest me). Going to the movie theater (or drive in) is one of my favorite things to do. And Gosh...popcorn is one of my all time favorite foods! I could eat an extra large popcorn if someone let me. lol then i would probably get sick. Oh have any of you tried eating chocolate with popcorn. Next time you go get popcorn and a bag of M&m's, its so good! The only problem with movie theaters is they jip you on food...heehee i usually sneak a water bottle in in my purse and some candy and then split a popcorn there. Drive in's have much better pricing on there food.
Heehee man I'm just getting of topic...
oh do you think i should change my avatart to this?
it makes me laugh...heh..fai
I kinda prefer moving icons though
hmmm whatelse can i fill up space with
heehee check out this icon...if it was a little slower it would be better...the words go by to fast
ok well i probably should get back to my room and eat a snack or something...i have a lab soon and it is from 10:50 to 1:40...right in the middle of lunch and i didn't have breakfast this morning!
*stomache grumbling*
hmmm maybe some ham and cheese
lol well ttfn! when i saw that in the manga i about died!
man its been a while! Sorry for not being on so much and not being able to go to some sites. For one thing the internet keeps messing up...and the other im just busy. Oh my dad just ordered a new hard drive for my lappy so it should be all fixed soon! Yay! Um lets see...i bought the FMA movie not to long ago. I got a great deal. Wal-mart was selling it for 20 and it came with the first dvd of the series for free! I had to buy it..heh even though im not done with the series yet. it is such torture! I want to watch it SO BAD!! I need to watch some more episodes...heehee i think im only on episode 27.
the exibition on saturday was great! We got such a good response. The bands were yelling and screaming for us...i liked it! heh
Heehee one guy was like "foget GA im going to that college!"
Well lets see...anything else interesting. I don't know other than me procrastinating on EVERYTHING...heehee
man i need to draw some stuff. Im in such a drawing mood but im not doing anything about it.
hmmm lets put a question on here, haven't done that in a while
Q: What is your favorite Superhero and why?
A: SPIDERMAN! Do i have to explain? because its spiderman! I love how he can swing around on his web and climb up walls and all that stuff (heh check out my quiz result at the bottom of this page!)
wow it has been a while...sorry my lappy is messed up. It had been giving me the blue screen of death for a while and yesterday it finally warned me and said i bettr back up my data because my hard drive was about to die! Aieeiiii! My poor computer! My dad is going to pick it up this weekend and buy it a new hard drive and try to fix it. Oh well at least that dude is still letting me borrow his lap top...that is just so nice. hmmm nothing much has happened ive just been pretty stressed...but i know everything will turn out alright.
This satruday we have another exibition and im so excited! another bus ride! it is an hour and a half away in chatsworth GA. Band will probably get my mind off all this college stuff. Oh and i have a video for you all today! I just love this song! It is for all you college kids out there! (don't even watch the video it has nothing to do with the song and the video is was all i could find so just listen!)
(this is a band called relient k if you didn't know) i hope you enjoy!
well i hope you all are having a better week than me and your computer doesn't die!
gosh this dumb computer...i had just wrote a long post and then it knocked me off before i could submit it!! GRRRRRRRRRRR
basically yesterday i had to write a paper and my computer got a virus so i went down to the baptist center (we call it the B) to use the computer lab. I realized that it was going to take me longer than i thought and was worried about having to walk back to my room around 3 in the morning. I told a friend that i might be spending the night at the B and he offered to let me borrow his lap top! I couldn't beleive it! He said it was no problem becuase he doesn't need it and he said i could use it until my computer starts working again! Wasn't that nice?! So because of that kindness i was able to go home, get comfy and do my paper. I finished by 1 am...which is not that bad for waiting until the night before to do it. it was only a 1st draft too so i have time to revise it...i just had to bring it in to class today to have it pier reviewed.
Well i need to go get ready for my next class....linear algebra...which i HATE!!! I love math but not this...bleh to matrices!
heh i don't even have time for pictures...sorry i might put some on here later!
I had another wonderful day today. Even though i was tired from staying up last night, I still felt wonderful! God is good! I think that i just need to make sure i don't get distracted and get stuff done (although im distracting myself right now while im doing this...heh)
Clarinet lessons were a blast too. I didn't have a lot of time to practice for them so i was nervous but i actually did better than i thought i would. I love my teacher! She is making me feel more and more confident about my playing.
On friday im going with my friends to see disney on ice because it is in the arena we have on campus and students get a discount. lol it is going to be fun!
well i REALLY need to get started on my hw.
(i know! that is kyo kissing tohru!! Man i think i want to read the mangas now!)
and more cutness of anime:
(i just love this scene!! I hope someday a guy will hug me like that!)
Hello everyone! Today linkinuzelos is feeling much better. Lol during band i got REALLY HYPER....i still am a little hyper now. i was bouncing a lot and making faces at my saxaphone section(it was an inside rehearsal today). i just had a blast. Man it feels good to be back to normal, bright happy linkinuzelos.
now i must do some hw. Oh and i forgot to remind you all, i updated my fan art. I just put in 2 random sketches, my favorite on is the one of sakura (tsubasa)
well i don't really have too much more to say...wait, how do ya like the new bg...gosh ed is so cute here!!
I'm so confused right now...something happened on the bus ride back from the exibition...i want to tell you all, but not. lets just say it has something to do with a person of the opposite sex. I'm kind of upset right now and don't really feel like talking so lets change the subject. Um yesterday played frisbee with some new friends and it was a lot of fun. band was fun and stuff but at the performance i didn't feel like we did very well. i was a little disappointed. hopefully it will go a little better today. Ive got a lot of work to do today and this thing that is bothering me really isn't going to help. well i need to go get ready for church. hopefully i will feel better soon.
How was everyones friday? i had fun. i went to a friends dorm with my roomate and we played smash brothers (my roomate just did hw...) and it was a lot of fun. i also introduced them to inuyasha! yeah the guy (the one whose dorm we were at) had only seen one anime, DBZ. My roomate and him thoughte it was pretty funny although i started them out in the middle of the second season. i was going to show them some other stuff but they didn't look they wanted to watch some in japanese. lol i was going to show them some fate/stay night and some tsubasa. oh well. I then played tales of symphonia with the dude. ive beaten it but i felt like playing with him. i was so tempted to tell him about kratos (you guys that have played know what im talking about). he just now is on the second disk. heehee i played as zelos and he was lloyd. when i got back to my room i watched the 4th inuyasha movie! it was pretty good. i was going to buy it but i can't find it anywhere so i gave up and watched the english version on youtube. I think i still like the 2nd and 3rd one better. although sesshomaru in the fourth movie was pretty awesome!
as you can see i have wind up! YAY!
lol actually im starting to get tired of the naruto theme. im thinking FMA next? Tsubasa (just found some great bgs for that one) or fate/stay night or even ruroni kenshin i haven't done that one in a LONG time. what do you all think? ill prolly keep this up for a few more days though.
Today im going to play frisbee with some of my new friends from band. lol they are so funny. it is these and yesterday when we played frisbee they would play paper rock scisors every time they missed it to see who had to go get the frisbee. one of the guys was right by the frisbee and still did the paper rock scisors with his friend (who was pretty far away) and he won. lol so the poor guy had to walk all the way over to get it when his friend was right there! lol it was pretty funny to see them chasing after the frisbee doing paper rock scisors as they ran. lol boys are nuts! Today i also have an exibiton! I can't wait!!! I get to
oh and yesterday i finally got to here the pit! we have an electric and bass gitar in our pit! it makes our music sound so cool! we are playing sir duke and i wish by stevie wonder, suck my kiss (i think red hot chilie pepers?), and love roller coaster (i have no idea). It is so much fun!!
oh and im uploading some of my drawings today so don't forget to check them out!!
Well i need to go get dressed and try to do some hw before i go play frisbee today.