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Kokiri Forest ---> In a Hollow Tree
Member Since
College student/ Work
Real Name
You can call me ~Kyoko~
Anime Fan Since
Forever (Sailor Moon, that's how far i remember )
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Megaman, Bleach, D.N.Angel, Ruronin Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gundam Wings/08th MSTeem/Seed, Hellsing, Lain, Get Backers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Shamploo...The list goes on guys
I'd like to make it as a manga artist or something related
base ball, basket ball, video games MORE THAN ANITHING, wathcing anime and reading mangas^^
Drawing (anime style or real life) I can do odd flips lol^^
| links lil faerie
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
Hey guys!!
Hey guys well yeah it's late here & i have time to post...well not much but here goes. Hey!!^^lol yeah W00t i did my finals & my classes are over now & it feels so good to bee free don't you agree?!^_^ & now i have time & gotta finish my christmas shopping for everyone, i hope you guys finished yours! the last minute thing is almost impossible lol^^' but i'll do it. Well now i gotta go to bed, i'm getting sleepy ^^' night guys
Thank you all for the warm welcome^^ & yeah i'm still alive len LOL!!!!^^ well now i gotta give a shout out to my love I LOVE YOU BABY!!! MWAHS *BLOWS KISSES* THAT'S MY BABY KAISEN!!! & YEAH OUR LOVE IS 4EVER^_^!!! I LOVE YOU!!! oh & sorry about my pm box boo, it's clean now^^' (it was full of your pms lol^^)

much love,
~Kyoko a.k.a Tsukiko
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Friday, December 15, 2006
I'm back...for a while again -_-;
Hey guys, wow it's been a long time since ive been here,...i feel like i missed a lot sheesh lol^^;
I missed you all, sorry i haven't been on lately, life happend you know how that is & well it's been hard 4 me to get back on & see you all. i'm sorry you all. well i dont have much time now cuz i gotta wrap up my final essay for my english class. well how is everyone doing now adayz?^_^ hope it's going good!! well i'll ttyguys later love ya!!
take care
P.S I love you baby!!! (Kaisen) mwahs^_~
~Links lil faerie (Kyoko)
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Sunday, August 20, 2006
Hey you guys wow it's been a really loooong time since i last posted!! i can't beleive a year has passed ^^'. well just to let you kno, i'm doing good now a days just enjoying my life as it comes you know hehe. I'm still on my summer vacation untill september 5th^_^ but my sis just made me an aunt! she just had her baby girl!!!
well i gotta cut this short cuz i'm bout to go to bed so i'll ttyl cuteys^_^
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Hi guys sorry it took me a long while to return, you kno how it is when you got school, work and etc. so much time consumed on that, well finals week is comming next week i guess you all kno since the semester is almost over lol^^. then i'll have time to be online with you j/k lol^^
*sighs* reason why i'm hurt inside is because my dog (which was more than just a dog to me, he was family) died. all i have left of him is memories *cries* i loved him so much! i miss his bark, the way he wagged his tail everytime he's happy to see me, playing fetch with him....i miss all that.
well i gotta go i'll ttyl
[Oso Ramirez 1994-2006
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Monday, March 13, 2006
awesome weekend^_^
Time of Post: 1.00pm

Hey you guys, well the ice skating thing on Friday was fun^_^ i fell a couple of times >.< now i got somwhat of a bruise in my a$$, not to mention the freezing that was going on (obviously). It was cool because i saw a couple of my friends there too unexpectedly, so we all ended up having a good time (with my lil sis too ovcourse)!!^_^ what else.....
Oh remember my good friend taht was bugging me to hang out (lol i shouldn't say bug^^lol) well we did & yeah i had a good time too; we whent to the arcades and i beat him in Capcom Vs. SNK!! haha i kick butt^_^'lol
oh yeah here were i live it was hailing like daaamn!! it was sooo cool! sorry i love the cold weather and all it brings, i just keep hoping that no one gets hurt...well i gotta get my homework done so i'll tty guys later^_^
*husg & kisses*
much love,
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Friday, March 10, 2006
[insert tittle]
Time of post: 8.39am
current mood:...happy^_^

Hey you guys, well i'm gonna have to make this quick cuz my class starts in 20 min & since the school comp is kinda slow...i gotta be quicker.
Lesse..well today i'm gonna go with my sister to the iceskating's actually my first time going iceskating ^^'. & one of my friends is bugging me to go hang out with him cuz it's been a long time since we hung out ^_^ so i might have some time, plus i wanna hang out too so it'll be fun just like old times^^.
Oh yeah i've also been working on some fanart (not done yet lol) so i'll be posting it up...not sure when though^^'
alright well i gotta go to class now so i'll probably be able to visit your sites^_^ bye.
Much love,
Comments (7) |
Thursday, March 9, 2006
hey you guys ^^'
time of Post: 9.36am

Wow it's been a while...again lol^^' sorry i keep dissapearing on you guys like that...i don't meant to, but i'll try to come as often as i can. Well updates on my life....lets see oh:
School- (i don't think you wanna hear about that so nevermind ^^')
Work- what can i say. busy, busy, busy. Sometimes it's fun depending on my co-workers lol^^ we full around sometimes.
Other- Well i'm more on Gaia now trying to get my avi to look like a ninja^_^ and an angel^^ so this is what it looks like now:

yeah i need to work on in a lil more lol^^
I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT SOON!!! my sis is expecting & we think it's gonna be due on my birth month^_^.
and lesse....oh yeah i did the unthinkable!!! i said it!!! actually my friend's been bugging me about i finally gave in. it's not ready yet but i'll post the link up sometime.^^
Well i'll visit ur guys sites soon^_^
much love,
Comments (7) |
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Stage fright!!

Hi guys well my speech was okay i guess....well i was really nervous at first when i got up in front of class, i was fidggiting a lot lol (i'm sure every one experiences taht feeling) then when i started talking for like 10 sec i kinda got the hang of it & i was going at it like i own the spot lol^^ well overall i think i did okay....well there was some stuff i wanted to say that i didn't cuz i forgot lol^^' what else...oh yeah tommorrow ima go to the salon & get my har cut, it won't be a bigo change or anything...just a trim lol. with this said i bid you adeau. take care
much love,
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hey you guys thanx for the frendly welcome back lol^^ i really appreciate it.
Well Today in my 6.00pm speech 101 class i'ma have to make my introduction speech & i'm soo mervous...speeking in public is my biggest fear lol^^' well i'll just have to get it over with, just like that lol^^ What else....oh yeah yesterday was my bro's bday^_^ i gave him $50.00 & ofcourse he was happy btw he jsut turned 18^^.
Well i have to cut it short cuz ima bout to go to class now lol^^ wish me luck! *hugs & kisses* Have a happy Tuesday!
much love,
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Monday, January 9, 2006

Hey myo friends, sorry i haven't bee on in a long while I miss you guys *gives big hugs*...i have been busy & all. I'm acutally taking winter classes...(Speech 101 & Sociology).
lesse....Oh yeah wow i received like 10 messages 4rom you i feel loved^_^ You guys are the best myo friends!! it just goes to show who will stick by you lol^^. Well I hope yall had a fantastic Christmass & a Happy New Year!!! you guys are so sweet here's what i got from some of yous...

hehe^^ well here's one for you all
I thought i should at least return the favor^^

HOpe you guys like it^^
Well i'll ttyguys later or soon^_^ take care
much love,
P.S. I'll try to visit you all
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