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Kokiri Forest ---> In a Hollow Tree
Member Since
College student/ Work
Real Name
You can call me ~Kyoko~
Anime Fan Since
Forever (Sailor Moon, that's how far i remember )
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Megaman, Bleach, D.N.Angel, Ruronin Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gundam Wings/08th MSTeem/Seed, Hellsing, Lain, Get Backers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Shamploo...The list goes on guys
I'd like to make it as a manga artist or something related
base ball, basket ball, video games MORE THAN ANITHING, wathcing anime and reading mangas^^
Drawing (anime style or real life) I can do odd flips lol^^
| links lil faerie
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Awesome Day yesterday!!!!
Hey guys ^_^ i miss you all *hugs tightly*
Again i appologyze for the long absence T_T finals week is coming & i gotta stay on track...i'm sure it's no different for you guys. it sux i know >_
Well moving on. Yesterday was a special day for my best friend Blanca!^_^ We celebrated her birthday, well her actual birthday is on the 5th...but since it was a saturday we had lots of time lol^^. so she kinda turned 20 1/2 lol^^ We spent some time in her house....talking about some funny stuff^^ then we went to the movies & watched Harry Potter...not sure which one, i'm not really a Harry Potter fan ^^' but we busted out laughing at parts that weren't meant to be funny...i don't know why...oh yeah this bad guy said somekind of word & it just sounded too funny, it was hilarious!! wierd i know. Anyway...
After that we went to the mall & we had soooooo much fun!!! The sucky part was when we got to the mall when they were almost closing the stores inside, but we still manage to have a good time. Her cousin & sister joined us, we laugh way too much on the way to her house & it's cool^_^ We also ate cake it was Chocolate flavor w/ Oreos^^ yummy!! ...i'm kinda tired now.
i hope you guys are doing good aswell *hugs* i'll try to visit your sites^_^
much love,
Comments (9) |
Friday, November 25, 2005
Hi guys, yeah i know it's been such a long while & i missed you guys!!! well i hope you guys had a nice turkey day yesterday^_^.
Me we just had a family gathering & there was a lot of food. I wasen't too hungry though lol^^
It kind of sux, b/c i have to write 2 essays during the break...what a bumber! & they're both due on monday. I hope your guys' break is going good. Well take care i have to get back to work *hugs*
much love,
Comments (9) |
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Hi you guys^_^
I'm really sorry i haven't been on in a while....come to think of it it's been a long while lol^^ well i've just been really busy, all the school work is killing me -_-;; I missed you guys
So yesterday i went to the theaters to watch 50 Cent's "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" I thought it was pretty good, i liked it better than 8mile. I hope y'all are doing cool^_^ i'm kay if you're wondering *sighs* i just need to get all the homework off my back then i'll be fine. Oh yeah i just saw my best friend Blanca in the theaters wich was cool^^, but the sucky part was when she was about to leave lol i did say hi to her ofcourse^^. Well I guess taht's all for now, take care ya'll, i'm not sure if i'm able to visit your sites today cuz of all the work i have...but i'll try *hugs*
Much love,
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Hey you guys well i'm glad that most of you liked my new drawing lol^^ I know Kiralover didn't enjoy it much..seeing that Sasuke is kissing Sakura lol^^ i'm sorry Kiralover!!
Anyway i had my midterm the other day & i just got the results today....I PASSED W/ AN *A*!!!!!!! lol^^ i'm so proud of myself right now^_^ well i gotta go now my class is about to start^^ take care & be good *hugs*
much love,
Comments (10) |
Monday, October 31, 2005
Fanart Uppdate!! HAPPY HOLLOWEEN!!!!!

Hi guys well I'm doin' fine i hope you guys are too^_^
I updated my fan art...i hope you guys like the new drawing lol^^ i'm pretty sure you all seen the original one before though so it's nothing too exciting lol^^
well nothing much here just getting ready to go to bed cuz i'm really tired ^^' so i hope you guys will have an awesome Monday...OOOh monday's Holloween...hope you guys have a good one^_^...i have to work that day so it won't be too cool for me -_-;; well take care
much love,
Comments (11) |
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hey guys...well nothing much here, just enjoying the rest of my saturday nite^^ friend Blanca came over to visite my....i was surprised, because she cam over at (usually i'm asleep) so she woke me up...i just wanted to sleep lol^^....well we ended up going to the mall & just hung out, it was fun^_^
Oh & as for the doggy update:::
I still have him...i'm trying to find his owner..i temporarely named him oreo lol^^ cuz he looks like a cookie^_^ ..... to answer your question lordsesshomaru [are you taking the dog to a shelter or something?}
i might have to put him to a shelter....i can't leave him in the street never know waht can happen. awell i now gotta go & get to your wonderful sites *hugs* take care
P.S. I recently joined this club^_^

much love,
Comments (4) |
Friday, October 28, 2005
Cute puppy^_^

Hy guys well i'm dong okay, i just had my english midterm yesterday...i don't think i did too well lol^^' we had to choose a topic to write (something about social problems) & chose the most...dumbest one lol^^'....i don't really feel like sayin' lol^^'
lesse what else can i say?....oh yeah this lil cute puppy followed me home today...I think he's a chiuhauha (spelling?) he was white w/ brown adorable^_^....the sad part is that i couldn't find the rightfull owner.....& i can't keep him b/c we have 3 dogs already....hopefully his owner will show up. well take care you all^^
p.s. I'll try n' visit you all, i know i say that alot know, but it really does get difficult to get to everyone lol^^'
much love,
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Current mood:

aww you guys are so sweet, thank you *hugs* i sorta feel much better since i read all your comments, don't worry i'm doin okay now, somewaht...well i was talking to my best friend again...she sounded extremely worried about me...i guess that's what you call a true friend right^^ i feel so blessed. It remimds me of the time i was there for her when she needed to talk. We talked on the phone for 3hrs (honestly, i don't really stay that long on the phone lol.
Well i just wanted to thank you guys^_^ you're the best myo friends *hugs tight* I know i've said that before, but i really mean it!! Wow i feel much better now that i said that lol^^
anyway, tomorrow..or rather today (according to the otaku time) i'm not really sure i'm doing but...i'm sure it'll be borring lol^^ well i gotta take off take care
Still working on getting to all your sites ^^'
much love,
Comments (18) |
Monday, October 24, 2005

Hi ppls, i'm still alive, I finally have the time to post my life...if you care lol^^
Well, i must confess're probably wondering "why would she post her deep thoughts online, where anyone can read??" Well's killing me to just keep it bottled up inside. I can't take it anymore.....These past couple of days now i've felt sorta down. when my bro tried to cheer me up yesterday...i felt even more low...i don't know what's going on...i guess i feel so depressed. I tried talking to my best friend, but not even she can change my mood....i don't like this feeling at all......sometimes i feel like crying, but it won't happen.....anyway i'm sorry for this depressing post *sighs* please take care
i'll try to get to your sites, but i can't promise that i'll get to everyones & i'm sorry.
much love,
Comments (12) |
Monday, October 17, 2005
Busy weekend -_-

Hi ppls sorry i know i haven't been updating much, Schools got me jamed wit homework....i hate homework!! & Work's got me aswell!! well here's how it went down on the weekend:
Had to go to college for my counceling appointment...It seems like i'm doin good^_^
On top of that i had to go to work...& you know how that is right? -_-;; then i came home all tired & i wanted to update but i was really tired.
hmm....well i didn't really do much, just trying to finish my stupid essay on "child obesity" that's a terrible condition to be in. I hope you guys are healthy^_^
Wow it's raining [I love the rain] the Thunder's really LOUD!! & the Lightning is frecken bright!! anyway i'm still trying to finish my essay....oh yeah i didn't have to go to my 2 classes today^_^ yay!!!! the teach wasen't there so yay!!
I'll try to visit u guys ^^ take care
much love,
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