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Kokiri Forest ---> In a Hollow Tree
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College student/ Work
Real Name
You can call me ~Kyoko~
Anime Fan Since
Forever (Sailor Moon, that's how far i remember )
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Megaman, Bleach, D.N.Angel, Ruronin Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gundam Wings/08th MSTeem/Seed, Hellsing, Lain, Get Backers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Shamploo...The list goes on guys
I'd like to make it as a manga artist or something related
base ball, basket ball, video games MORE THAN ANITHING, wathcing anime and reading mangas^^
Drawing (anime style or real life) I can do odd flips lol^^
| links lil faerie
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Friday, October 14, 2005

Wow i haven't updated in a while & i already feel like iv'e been missing out on anything here in myo lol^^'
Well...i over worked myself this week. My teacher usually collects the math homework on the day of the I had rushed my self & did all of Chapter 5.1-5.6 (ofcourse we did every other odd, but still too many questiong >_<) and when i got to class i was so worried, cuz i wasen't ready for the test....but it turnes out.....the test was next Thursday.....i feel so dumb!! well at least i completed all my i'm ahead of everyone^_^
Sorry i'm still trying to keep up w/ everyone's site so bare w/ me please lol^^' take care ya'll
much love,

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hi ppls^^, well i apologyze for not visiting everyone, i'll try & get to everyone....i know you guys are sweet & saying things like "oh don't worry about it" but i just wanna make sure i get to your site, because if i don't then i'll feel that you might think i'm leaving you out or something. *hugs*
Oh & check this out Sharingan Itachi made me a botton^^

thank you so much *hugs* i love it!
so if you guys that posted my old botton if you want you can change it...or not, it's up to you.
Well that's all for today & yeah i'm having an awesome day^^ you guys are the best myo friends!!!^^
take care
much love,

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Monday, October 10, 2005
Time of Post: 8.45a

Hi you guys^_^
well my weekend was okay, nothing much really just went out w/ my friends on saturday & hang out at the mall. oh yeah there's some really wierd ppl out there, someone actually asked me to blow on their ear....i was like "...." & then me & my friends just walked away like "wtf??" anyway besides that I had to go to Target yestreday to get some new lipgloss lol^^ & waiting for my dad to finish getting his haircut^^
Other than that i'm at the college library & my day's going good so far. Before i forget My friend Darrel Just turned 20 yesterday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN^^!!
so how's your day going ppls^_^
I'll try & get to everyones site today^_^
mych love,
Comments (15) |
Friday, October 7, 2005
^^' i can't think of a title...i'm too lazy lol
Current mood: happy
Caused by: friday w00t!!

Wow lesse....oh ^^' so w00t tomorrow's Friday TGIF!! Actually according to otaku time it's friday already...i don't have classes on friday so that's good, then again...i have to study....awe who am i kidding, i never study on a friday...& i'm sure nobody does right? XD
So i'm going over my friends house (Blanca)...not sure what we're doing but we always have an awesome time^^
you know what...the weather is wierd some days it's cold & windy but now it's freken hot, i'm not fond of the heat >.< well my day's gonna be great today^_^ how's your day going? take care
much love,
Comments (12) |
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Current mood: cheerfull/worried
Caused by: a good day/math test

Well the worst is over lol^^ ...i just got through my math test, wait....20 questions, some were easy^_^...i hate the word problems...those are what kill me >.< over all i'm not too sure about me passing it -_-;;
Anyway....oh for those of you who wondered what flavor the lollypop was.....*drumroll* it was cherry^_^ of my faves^_^
so Hazel Keys1985 guessed it, congrats!! *gives you a cookie*^^
take care & i'm off to visit you guys^_^
much love,
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Hey guys, i haven't been here since Monday & i already miss you guys *hugs* well school & work are keeping me extremely busy...sometimes i just wanna get away from it all!!>.< That's why i'm here lol^^
oooh, i just found a lolly pop in my's a Jolly rancher kind ^^yummy. *wonders who put it there* well i'll try to get to all your sites today^_^ take care
much love,

Comments (11) |
Monday, October 3, 2005
At school..bleh-_-;;
Hey you guys^^ well i'm at school now so yeah my post looks so wrong lol^^...if i was at home it'll look better lol^^ lesse...oh & i finished my essay yay!! *does a victory dance*^_^
oh & i'm gald you guys like my new look^_^....i did noticed that a lot of ppl are making Sakura tha's funny...oh well. anyway i'll try to get to all your sites today after i get outta class lol^^ well i haven't much to report here, i am doing okay though...i hope you are to, take care ^^
much love,

Comments (10) |
Sunday, October 2, 2005
changes lol^^
I know i seem to be changing my site around^^' i'm just trying to find a good look to settle with lol^^ so bare with me^^ well that's all for today...i gotta finish my finish my homework ttyl *hugs*
Oh & thank you captainfirelily for helping with the mp3 code^_^ *hugs*
p.s what do you guys think of this look so far? ^^'
much love,

Comments (13) |
Saturday, October 1, 2005
trying something^^
Aww you guys are awesome, you stick by me no matter what *hugs*^^ i feel so lucky to have online friend who care^_^
I'm just trying something...don't worry it's somewhat temporary lol^^
ooh i love this song^_^

much love,
Comments (13) |
Friday, September 30, 2005
TGIF!!! ^_^
Current mood: cool^^
Vaused by: no pressure

Ayyy sorry again i couldn't make it again to all your sites...i came home late, feeling tired & i tried to play catch up w/ getting to your sites on time, unfortunately....i couldn't make it to the rest of yours -_-;; damn time zones lol^^
Well today....I'm not under a lot of stress, which is awsome!!
but, i do have to type up my essay on "How to be a good friend" interesting tittle..since i don't think i'm doing a good job on it w/ you guys^^' ....other than that, i have to go to Verizon & pay my cell bill XD ....I'l try to get to most of you're sites..well i'll ttyl take care *hugs*^^
much love,

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