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Kokiri Forest ---> In a Hollow Tree
Member Since
College student/ Work
Real Name
You can call me ~Kyoko~
Anime Fan Since
Forever (Sailor Moon, that's how far i remember )
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Megaman, Bleach, D.N.Angel, Ruronin Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gundam Wings/08th MSTeem/Seed, Hellsing, Lain, Get Backers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Shamploo...The list goes on guys
I'd like to make it as a manga artist or something related
base ball, basket ball, video games MORE THAN ANITHING, wathcing anime and reading mangas^^
Drawing (anime style or real life) I can do odd flips lol^^
| links lil faerie
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Just another BusyThursday
Currrent mood: stressed
Caused by: to much work

Sorry, i know this is a late post^^' well I finished my Math class & i just went to starbucks...i'm telling you guys, i'm hooked on that^^
I didn't get to everyones sites yesterday, i appolagyze!! My Art class starts like @ 3.45 so i might not get to you all at once. lesse...*thinks of what else to say* Oh so how's your day goiing?^_^ take care
Much love,
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Feel good time!!^^
Current mood: cheerfull
Caused by: woke up on the rightside of the bed lol^^

((warning post may look wack...cus i'm in the school library lol^^))
Hi ppls
Well today i'm doing great, not to much work wheing me down this time, for i conquered all lol^^ *does a victory dance*
^^ Thank you for taking the questioneer thing...i know most of you are sick of doing that by now lol i was just curious to what you all think of me lol
^^i read all your responses & i thought they were cute^_^ *hugs all* some where surprising *_* too lol^^ but it was all good...
Oh remember when i said i was gonna get a new cd Well i wasen't sure what to sis told me to get David Banner's Certified (sp?) i like the song Play lol^^ (i know it's a sick song, but it has a good beat lol^^)
Well i gotta go my class is 'bout to start in 10 min^^ take care *hugs* i shall visit your sites when i get out of my class^^
much love,
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Current mood: a bit tirred
Caused by: business

Nothing much going on today, except school homework & ofcourse work -_-;; *sighs* Oh yeah i'm also going to BestBuy to get a new cd...not sure which one yet^^' i just need some new music you know lol^^
Oh here's a lil questioneer that i found in Deadsy's site, i thought it'd be interesting to see your answers lol^^
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
Take care
much love,
Comments (18) |
Monday, September 26, 2005
{Insert Tittle} sorry i couldn't think of a tittle lol^^
Current mood: cool^^
Caused by: an awesome bath^_^

Well another week hugh! I don't really like mondays lol^^
My weekend was pretty interesting...My sis came over...i was soo happy ((i hardly get to see her)) She took me out to a club...i'm not realy the type that goes clubbing much^^' she goes like every night lol^^ but it was fun. We also went to the theaters^^' i love The Corpse's like the 3rd time i see it...waht do you guys thing of it??^^
Other than that I was on Myo getting to your sites...Sorry if i missed anyone, but myo was acting up & i couldn't visit everyone..i apologyze. So how'd your weekend go?^_^ gotta go & see you all *hugs*
Side Note: I'm drinking Starbucks now weeeee
Much love,
Comments (10) |
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Current mood: So So
Caused by: ppl being affected by the hurricane

How are you guys, good i hope^^
Me i'm just glad to have watched The Corpse Bride. It was awesome!!!! i loved it^_^ Tim Burton is amazing!! anyway i think imma watchit again, only because my sis wants me to see it wit her^^....either way i'm not complaning, i don't mind c'ing it all over again XD
Oh yeah this is what my Gaian avi looks like now^^:

I'm trying to complete my angel look lol^^
Well in other news...I'm praying for those who are affected by the bad hurricane, it's horrible that all this is happening! so my heart goes out to all the fams whoa are having a difficult time!
Take care & i'll try n' visit you all *hugs*^^
Much love
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Friday, September 23, 2005
TGIF ^^'
Current mood: Happy^_^
Caused by: Friday/movie day lol^^

W00t It's Friday..ya'll kno what that means!!^_^
Well today is a good day for worries or anything..& i'mma go watch The Corpse Bride with my bro today, well i'm dragging him along lol^^!!!^_^ & mail a letter to a sertain special someone too^^
lesse....Oh yesterday i bought my art textbook that my teach was ridiculously expensive for such a small textbook $108.10 -_-;;...Well i'll go & visit you gys's sites^_^ so ready or not i'm commin lol^^ *hugs*
Much love,
Comments (10) |
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Current mood: cheerfull^_^
Caused by: good day

Hey ya'll what up, how ya been?^_^
Well i'm doing great i just finished my math class...we where suppossed to have a chapter test, but the teach posponed it to next tuesday. It sux because i was sooo ready to ace it!! oh well i guess it couldn't hurt to study a bit more lol^^. Now I'm just waiting for my Art class to start (starts @ 3.45pm) I love my art class it's so fun...especially when i get to draw my anime stuff^_^
Other than that my whole day's been great...except for the's sooo hot >.< i'm not fond of the heat!
Well i gotta go & check out your wonderfull sites^_^ *hugs*
much love,

~cute pic no?^^
Comments (9) |
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
New Theme^_^
Time of post: 11.59pm
Current mood: sleepy
Caused by:
late post lol^^

Well My new theme is currently Sakura Haruno^^ i love her she's cool^^
anyway, i didn't really get to tell you what hapened yesterday cuz i was in a hurry...Well it was raining & i was wearing my new jeans 'n stuff, minding my own business. So i stopped on the read street light waiting for it to turn green so i can cross....& this one dude just passes by & there's this huge puddle....He just rushes through there...getting me all soacked & wet!! I was soo pissed (my new gear was ruined!!!!) >_< so i had to go to school like was embarrasing as hell!! i hope that doesn't happen again.
Oh i appolagyze if i didin't get to all of your sites gets hard to keep up w/ so many...i think i need to clean up my friendlist^^' I'll try to get to everyone's sites today^^
Much love,
Comments (15) |
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
hi guys sorry i haven't been on for a's kinda taking over...have so much homework it's not even funny -_-;; & so is Gaia taking over...but that's no excuse i know *anime sweatdrop* Well i'll try to be on reagularly & comment on your sites...i miss you all *hugs* Well that's all happening in my life now....Oh yeah it rained too^_^
Well take care you all
Much love,
Comments (8) |
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Sneeky XD
Hi guys well My teach is sooo borring i can't stand his voice any longer *falls on the floor dead* i'm not supossta be online, but i'm sneeking in just to say hi to you all XD anyway when i get home i'll visit your sites^^ i gotta go sensei is comming ttyl *tries to close all the windows fast* ^^'
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