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Kokiri Forest ---> In a Hollow Tree
Member Since
College student/ Work
Real Name
You can call me ~Kyoko~
Anime Fan Since
Forever (Sailor Moon, that's how far i remember )
Favorite Anime
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Megaman, Bleach, D.N.Angel, Ruronin Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Gravitation, Naruto, Chrono Crusade, Gundam Wings/08th MSTeem/Seed, Hellsing, Lain, Get Backers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Shamploo...The list goes on guys
I'd like to make it as a manga artist or something related
base ball, basket ball, video games MORE THAN ANITHING, wathcing anime and reading mangas^^
Drawing (anime style or real life) I can do odd flips lol^^
| links lil faerie
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Hey you guys sorry for not being here in a while....well i just started school today & i must say taht it was a good first day of school^_^...normally the first days are awfull, but it was good this year^_^.
Well i have to go now so i'll try to get to all of you guys, if i miss anyone i'm truly sorry.
take care *hugs*
Oh & another late card from Privitetamama

thank you i love it^_^
Comments (9) |
Friday, September 2, 2005
Hey guys sorry i haven't been updating & visiting, the problem is that i'mma start my classes on Tuesday so i'm getting all my stuff together. Which lead to less time on the comp T_T
I'll stil try to update or visit you guys when i can. I appologyse....I guess some of you already deleted me off your list, right? Well I'm writing this quickly b/c i have to go somewhere now & i'm late so i'll catch you guys later bye *hugs*^^
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Text HereTime of Post: 9.45a
Current mood:

Caused by: a good day
Hey you guys^^
well thank you for wishing my a happy birthday, I got another card from Kiralover ^^

thank you^^
Well i did have a good time in my party yesterday^^ It wasen't a huge party or anything, just a BarBQ & family gathering^^ was good because some of my good friends were able to make it^^. Oh & the cake was good too...Strawbery (my fave^_^)
So w/ all that said I don't know what i'm doing today, but i'll try to get to all of your sites^_^
Pic of the day:

Much love,
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
My Birthday today^_^
Time of post: 1.29a
Current mood: Excited^^
Caused by: Birthday!!

Yay today's my 20th birthday ^_^ wow i feel soo old ^^' Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday..thank you so much i love you all, u guys are the best!!*hugs all friends*^^
Here are some gifs i got from some of you.

thank you SyntheticTears ^^

Thank you Deadsy^^
I love them^_^
Well i'm not sure i can visit your sites today because i think i'mma have a party and should be fun^_^ Thank you guys again *hugs u all* sorry i'm hugging you too much lol^^'
Oh & lordsesshomaru, yeah those perverted 8 legged nasties are bugging me aswell lol^^ hope i don't see much of them though.
well i gotta go now i'll visit you all tomorrow ^_^.
Pic of the day:

much love
Comments (6) |
Monday, August 29, 2005
Time of post: 1.06am
Current mood:sleepy
Caused by: posting late lol^^

Hello wonderful ppl^^
I see most of you have seen te Inuyasha movie 1-4^^ i just need to see 3 & 4 hehe^^
So yesterday
i posted my new drawindg so those of you who couldn't see it now's your's not THAT good, i guess it's something lol^^
Now that i got that outta the way....
oh yeah i also had one of those days that lordsesshomaru had....
I took a shower at 10.30pm (i love takings showers especially @'s just so refreshing)
anyway i was taking a shower when i saw this Fatass spider bihind me just was creeping me out so i just did the next best thing & smashed it w/ the palm of my was kinda gross yeah ...>.<..., but i got rid of it. Ofcourse i had to rinse w/ the soap!! well that was my night...blech i hope it doesn't happen again!!
well it's getting late i should go to bed *yawns* night night.
Pic of the day:

Much love,
One more day till my birthday^_^...tomorrow!!
Comments (12) |
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Fanart update^_^
Time of post: 9.47am
Current mood: happy^^
Caused by: i fixed my scanner!!

Hey guys^_^
Did you happen to catch Inuyasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass on Adult Swimm yesterday night or should i say earlyer today^^.

I love that movie^_^. I wanna se the 3rd movie, but i can't seem to find it anywhere in anime stores T_T.
Anyway yesterday I went to the dentist (just a regular check up nothing more) w00t i'm completely free from cavities!!^^
After that i had to help my sis w/ her shopping...she needed a shoping buddy, & i was kinda bore just waiting till she was done trying on some clothes -_-...although i did get a lil something for myself^_^. Oh & thx you guys for wishing me a happy bday^^ *hugs*....It's in 2 days, & i still can't figure out what my fam is planning lol^^
On other news i got my scanner working^^ & posted my art today^_^ go check it out!! you'll have to wait 48 hrs though^^' oh & be honest & tell me what you think...i love the feedback even if it's negative. (it just means i have to work on somethings^^
pic of the day:

have a great sunday^_^
Comments (15) |
Friday, August 26, 2005
Time of post: 10.35am
Current mood: eh..
Caused by: babysitting

well today i'm sorta stuck babysitting my lil cousin >_< kinda sux though, cuz she loves these idiotic shows that are supposedly educational, & yet so annoying...and she wants me to watch it w/ her & i'm like "somebody please kill me already...i can't take another second of this torture" Anyway I'm thinking of getting Vol2 of Naruto (manga)....& no ofcourse i'm not new to it, i just haven't had the time to collect them all lol^^.
Well oh yeah remember when i said i was woking on a new art? Well i finished but my scanner is being an ass >.< *starts begging the scanner to work* ::please work...please!! If you work i won't kick you or say you're a piece of Sh*t anymore...::
I'll see what i can do^^
My god where have the days gone...My 20th birthday is almost comming^_^...I'm not sure waht my fam is planning for that day, It's like they're talking in code language...i hate it when they do that lol^^.
Pic of the day:

take care *hugs^^*
Comments (13) |
Thursday, August 25, 2005
EOP&S ^^
Time of posting: 12.57am
Current mood:

caused by: getting up early XD
Hi you wonderfull ppl^^
I'm doing okay^_^
well today i have to go to my College & get registered for the EOP& S thing so i can get my book grants...those books are expensive & the sucky part is taht sometimes teachers don't even use it!! & it pisses me off >.<
Well in other news I've recenlty been hanging out on Gaia. so if you guys have an account there my name is Precious Kyoko-san
i hope i see at least some of you there^_^
Well take care & i love you all *blows kisses*
Pic of the day:

Comments (12) |
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Late post ^^'
time Posted: 12.42am
Current mood: tired & sleepy
Caused by: pulling an all nighter

Hey guys *yawns* it's a bit late for me to be posting. I'm really tired, but i want to update & change the site a lil.
well i decided to use my fist bg of this theme ^^ i personally like the color....i just wish it would show a little more of Sasuke XD.
Earlyer today i was babysitting...which was borring & not really fun-_-; anyway i gotta go & get some rest. I'll get to your sites soon i hope^^.
take care you all
Pic of the day:

Comments (10) |
Monday, August 22, 2005
Current mood: thankfull w/ a side of terrible
Caused by: you guys & me not able to make it to you all *head down in shame* guys

Thank you for all your warm comments. I/ve been visiting some of your sites....unfortunately i wasen't able to visit you all >.< I hope you're not mad at me or think i'm singeling you out or anything. I try to get to you're sites but it's hard when you're sharing w/ your siblings...anyway today i'll try to visit u all^^
Oh & my day's going good incase you were wondering lol^^
Pic of the day:

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