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myOtaku.com: LinkShelbit

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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shadowtiger69 (05/22/06)

+DIES+ WE HAVE THE SAME AVI!!!!!!!!! NANI?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol, love your site tho, and your avatar. ^.~ Lol, see ya around!

Oekaki (05/03/06)

MY Edward Elric! I hang out with the Kingdom Hearts characters and many others....Your artwork rocks!And let's just say your site is...special...^^"

darkZander (04/30/06)

i like your site and colors.i also like your icon its so cut. well hope we can be friends

InuChanFan (04/23/06)

thanks for signing my gb. i like ur site. and thanks for offering to help me. ^_^

Edwards Dr.Pepper (04/20/06)

OH OH OH!! I love FMA and I do think Ed is rather hawt...but I dont really fight for him or sy im married to him or anything..Hey i wanna join that FMA club thing and feel free to add me as a friend cause Im addin you seeya laters!!
~Etsu, Goddess of Soda~

FMAFan07 (04/20/06)

Hello! Hey! Thanks a whole lot for signing my GB! Love the colors on your site! Blue and black are anesome. Plus Edward rocks! I love him a whole lots and plus Alphonse too! FMA rocks too! Add u to my friend list cool with u! cool! See y'all later!

silverdragongirl (04/19/06)

heyy! thanx a lot for signin my gb, i really appreciate it^_^
i like ur site a lot, its a really simple layout, but i like it=3
well, im gunna add u as a friend!
ttyl, byebye!

Mastahbetahs (04/18/06)

yo wazzup...just to let you know that you have a cool site and just wondering if you have time to come check my site out later.....sooo, cya!

Kegome95 (04/17/06)

hey! I was just stopping through sites and I must say that yours looks really cool!! ^-^ See you around

noirassasin (04/17/06)

I love your site! Ed is cute,too, but short!

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