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myOtaku.com: LinkShelbit

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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rinoa812 (02/24/06)

Hey! love your site. I am just now watching alchemist. Im on episode 26 right after the very tragic death of my favorite char. lol. And Im gonna take the link quiz on your page because I love Legend of Zelda.

icecream0626 (02/13/06)

Ello thanks for signing my gb!
Nice site, I love FMA ^_^ Oh for writing I just write whatever is on my mind. I used to do alot of fantasy but now it's more realistic fiction.
Stop by anytime, byez!

hakuru (02/13/06)

cool site ed is ok for me but al is better

Kikaroo (02/12/06)

nice site added u in my gb......do u think Edward is cute or what?!?!?!^-^

MoonStarPrincess (02/07/06)

hey, i love ur avi, i wanna a cookie, anyway, i will add u as a friend, well pm me sometime if u want

fullmetalsgirl (02/06/06)

Hey thanx for signing my gb. I really like your site alot. and your avi is sooooooo cute!! I love it...and Ed! I'm gonna add you as a friend hope you don't mind. I hope we can be great friends and cya around!
Much Love,

ririchan12 (02/05/06)

hi love the site hope u can come to mine

BeautifulAnime (02/04/06)

cool site. love it! thanx for signing my gb. i really apprieciate it. hey i hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend. anyways i hope you liked my site. i'm going to add pictures and lots of music videos.


kuramayoko45 (02/04/06)

Nice blue and black site. I think your avatar is funny!^_^


sasuke-kun6464 (02/04/06)

hi there! nice site.i love the avatar! come to my site sometime.addin you as a friend.bye

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