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myOtaku.com: LinkShelbit

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Guestbook Entries:

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SmartLight (02/03/06)

Ya anime may is cool.But in some animes they mess up the stoy.Take samurai deeper kyo for example.They went away from the plot line from the start.The manga was better oh well.Nice site.Hope you add more to it

fullmetalgeek101 (01/28/06)

Thank you so much for signing my guestbook!! I'm adding you as a friend! K?I really like the colors in your site! ^_~ PM me anytime!


sakura ismal (01/28/06)

cool site i like the coloring and the avatar is cute to if you don't care i'll add you as a friend well see-ya


hotdogdude (01/27/06)

hi ur site rocks!!come see mine if u have time:)fullmetal ROCKS!!i am adding u as a friend:)

Shugo.hack (01/25/06)

Hey thanks for signing my gb. I'm glad you liked my site. I'll add you as a friend so feel free to pm me anytime or just email me and let me know its you^^. Hope to talk to you again sometime and nice site you have too^^. Later for now pal^^.

Demonslayersongo (01/21/06)

thanks for signing my gb.

SesshomaruMistres (01/20/06)

Heya, thanx for stopping by :) Cool site you've got here, I love black :) Take care *hugs*

PhilosophersStone (01/20/06)

yes, i know what you mean.
Whatever happened to good anime?
Thank you for signing my guestbook, and if you don't mind i'm adding you.

CosmicSailor (01/19/06)

Thank you for signing my guestbook, I'm happy to return the favor.

Yes, green is one of my favorite colors, but the BG won't be solid too much longer, I'm working on a dragon picture to put in it's place, but since it's my first dragon art, it's taking me way too long to get it done. I like your page's color scheme, the black and blue go very good together.

It's killing me that my cable's been pulled again, I lost it in October, so I'm way out of the loop on what's going on in FMA. Eventually I'll get caught up with it. Oh well, C'est la vie.

Anime Dreams!

Not A Shrimp (01/11/06)

you signed my guestbook, so i'll sign yours =3 im not that new to this site, but i've changed my usrname a lot since i first logged on...
im gonna add u 2 my friend list, aight? ^_^

ps: your called Eward? so am i!

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