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myOtaku.com: LinkShelbit

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Chaos Necromancer (01/09/06)

i like your site its kwl edward elrick is awsome!i'll add you as a friend and i gues ill pm you since you like 2 chatt on here!

Fluffys1lover (01/09/06)

Hey your site awsome. Do you think we could bee friends? That would be so cool. Hey thats so cool were both really in to FMA and I'm in love with Edward to but I think I love Al more. I was told by friend to come and check out your site. I'm so glade I did!>^.^< I hope you don't mind but I added you to my friends list! You can pm anytime! Please come to my site and I would love to here your opinion on how to improve it! >^.^< Well gotta go bye!

grimreaper666 (01/07/06)

hey awsome site keep it up

kikyo9900 (01/06/06)

thanks for signing my gb im adding you as a friend ok

Music Is In Me (01/05/06)

you know what me and u have a lot in common
i started watching anime because of sailor moon too
and i love ed
there more we have in common i just feel lazy
hey do you like eminen
pm me so we can talk music/anime or just chill
im out

darkangel501 (01/02/06)

snazzy site yeps
love the colors and what not

lordsesshomaru (12/23/05)

Thanks for signing my guestbook! You have a nice site too. ^_^ ttyl

Trigun2 (12/21/05)

whatz up nice pagge

Human Inuyasha (12/21/05)

hay whast up i always drop by the ppls site whe sign my gb ty and pm me some time i will add more pics soon

thundermouse01 (12/20/05)

Youre kewl! your my new friend! hope you like yaoi fanatics! haha!

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