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the beautiful Sunshine State
Member Since
High school sophmore and a member of its Anime Club...^^
Real Name
Alex...but my friends call me either Areku or Keket
FINALLY being able to draw freehand and somewhat passing my classes...
Anime Fan Since
Since I was like 3 or 4
Favorite Anime
I like a lot of anime and manga, but my two favorites are Inuyasha and Yu-Gi-Oh!
To go to OSU and make a career out of being an artist
Drawing, singing, swimming, basketball, just chilling
Haven't EXACTLY recognized those yet...^^
| Lioness Hanyou
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, November 11, 2005
I don't have school today! Sweet! (i didn't have school yesterday, too...) Too bad for my cousin... she has to go to school... ^_~ Sorry, Skylar! Anyway, I'm just doing more e-cards and wallpapers because I'm soooo damn bored! I'm happy my jackass little brother is over at a friend's place for the long weekend, but my parents are at work and my PS2 controllers are all frickin defective! But enough complainin. Areku out!
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Monday, October 31, 2005
It's Halloween, y'all! WHOO-HOO!! (once again, I'm in class, so I gotta be fast!) Areku out for the moment...
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Hey y'all! Once again, I'm at school so gotta make this a quick one. I appreciate the few people that gave me positive criticism for my wallpapers. Thanks, guys! Anyway, I just don't want to do Yu-Gi-Oh! wallpapers. But I can't find any site that has good Inuyasha or Fullmetal Alchemist pics. If anyone has a couple of good sites, please let me know, ok? Class in over in 5 (dammit!) Areku out!
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
 you will date seto kaiba
which yu gi oh character would u like to date?( f or girls ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Hey, y'all! I'm at school rite now so I gotta make this fast (my computer applications class is over in like 7 minutes) So I just wanna say that I'm tryin to get my scanner up and see if I can submit any fanart. Wish me luck! Areku out!
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
 Varon from DOOM has a crush on you! Aww, that is so sweet, he will go through great lengths to try and impress you. Don't break his heart just because he is a minor character in Yu Gi Oh. He's a really strong duelist.
Which Yu Gi Oh character would have a crush on you? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, August 18, 2005

In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omen. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like appearance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of wisdom and royalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!
OMG!! 8th grade is sooooo damn hard! Last year we only had homeroom and 6 classes and now we have 7 classes and NO homeroom!! It sux!!! Well anyway, enuff bout that. I'm not being desperate or anything, but I don't have any ideas for Ch. 7 of my fanfic on The story is called 'Secret Life and Lost Love' (an Inuyasha fic) and I'm just puttin it out there. If anyone wants to check it out, go ahead. And if you have any ideas, PM me and lemme know, ok? Areku out!
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Hey y'all! I just got back from my 5-week trip in Ohio. Well actually I got back @ 6 last nite, but that's not the point. I go back to school on the 4th!!! THAT SUX!! Anyway,that's all for now. Areku out!
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. That's because my family and I were a little stressed. And the reason is... because it's my aunt's wedding today!! Since I'm a Jr. Bridesmaid (and 2 of my little cousins) I have to wear a pink dress. PINK!! (I don't like pink...!) Well, i gotta go. I'm on my aunt's computer and she needs to use it. Areku out for now!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Last Day!
Today is gonna be great @ school. Not only are the last of my exams gonna be done,but it's my very last day of school!! YAY! But I'm, like, scarred for life now,but I'll explain THAT another time. Later,dudes!
~*Lioness Hanyou
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