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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
brandon.harry potter....brandon...harrypotter
 | Ok, so my mind is jumping between 2 subjects at the moment. one being brandon day, who if you didnt know, asked me to hang out with him, i finally replyed last night with a "Sure we could hang out sometime and he about killed me with happiness when he replyed back with:
"Ok well you just let me know when, and what you want to do, because i am ok with doing whatever.
Doesn't matter because know matter what i am sure i will have a good time."
O__O my head has been up in the stars all day. i havent replyed back to THAT messege though xD not sure what to say lmao.
And then to the other subject, harry potter. i havent quite been mopping that i dont get paid untill AFTER the harry potter book comes out because, well, how can i mope when im on the verge of nabbing an awesome guy xD but still, ive been sad about it xD i think im going to try and get my dad to pay for it so i can have some fun at Barnes and noble at 12:01 AM on the 20/21 of this month :]
also on the 21st ansatsushawdi has invited me to a campout thing where people i wont know will be there. oh joy x.x; to be honest, i have a hard time hanging out with people i dont know. i mean, sure i know brianne but i dont want to hang on her all night and not say a word :/ i think i need to suck it up and go though, it might be fun, i might make new friends ^^; who knows. the bad thing is- i have to work that day so i wont get there till after 9 xD so i dunno if i will be up to going :/ ill try, i really want to go.
Ugh, today at work was GREAT. The manager i have on these days made me realise how much i really do hate my weekend manager. This manager, doesnt make me feel like crap when i make a mistake. in fact she just laughs it off and goes on about how shes done it a million times. where as when i make a mistake with the other manager, i feel like shes going to fire me on the spot xD or kill me. whichever is more conveniant to her.
jenny was also there, she had fun with the helium and the balloons that i store up front xD it was great.
well, i think thats about it =] i hope you all have a lovely day..
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
 | My 2 days off were ok. I went to see Ratatoulle on tuesday, that was pretty good. And on monday i dyed my hair. its kind of carrotie blonde now, its different but i like it ^^
:/ so....Brandon Asked me to hang out with him. which is pretty cool. xD i...havent replied yet... xD i need to mentally prepare myself for that lol. i mean, sure, we could casually hang out but, in my mind...i would be freaking out every second that we hung out. :/ Did i mention that he was Gorgeous? Cause he is.... ><;;;;; *sigh* its easy for me to express myself over the internet. But in person i just freeze up you know? i dont want to ruin anything weather is be a friendship or more *coughhack* just because i cant control my nerves >< i mean, excuse me for going all negative on you all but why on earth would he want to hang out with me? im not great, in fact, i have openly expressed to him that i pretty much have no life xD you dont think its like.. a pity hang out do you? cause.... that would kill me. i mean.. i doubt it is but god, thats the last thing i need.
*sigh* i wish i wasnt so shy xD but then again, i always wish that.
:/ its already 4 AM. i have to be at work today. its in the evening but still.. it would suck if i slept all day.
ugh, sorry this is so short. i have nothing to say i guess xD have a nice day everyone.
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Monday, July 16, 2007
 | Today at work wasnt so bad. i kind of think that the manager doesnt HATE me, she's just like that to everyone. or so i hope xDD but anyway, i had to stay like, an hour later then usual because on sunday we get this church rush and they all leave at the same time so she needed 2 people on the registers(and her and i are the only ones that know how to use them) so i did.
And before i even went to work my dear Ivory went on a date :] and i was waiting all day for her to get back from it and tell me how it went but she must have gone to bed early ;.; cause she didnt even answer my text messeges :/ now im dying with anticipation to know how it went lol!
Im happy :D 2 days off and tommarrow im going to dye my hair and finally make it up to the library lol.other then that... i have nothing to do!
well, thats pretty much it... i hope your guys weekend was good =D
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
 | .... i had a bad day. the first part wasnt bad, i was enjoying my day BEFORE work. except for the fact that my mother gave away most of our kittens without even letting me know so i never got to say goodbye to them. and at work, you all know i was dreading it anyway cause my bitchy manager. well, she made my day hell. first of all, i accidently sat a waitress twice, and she just looked at me, sighed... and went into the backroom and i heard her going around bitching about it to all the waitresses. and then she tells me that im seating people the wrong way, but my other manager(the good one) told me to do it that way >< i honestly, think that she is the one that is doing it wrong. OH and my friend, jenny, wasnt even working, so i had no one to talk to the whole time...So anyway, i was feeling really crappy, i did really bad at work, im sure it made her hate me more to. and to top it all off, as i was leaving, this girl that was holding the door for everyone that was leaving, looked at me, and closed the door on me O.o i dont know why, i didnt even do anything to her. it was really mean.
And then, when i got home, with a massive headache, me and my sister decide to rent movies, well, she wanted to see this STUPID scary movie. and i have to be honest, i was in no mood to sit through a scary movie, and i tell her this and she fricken gets pissed off at me just because i dont want to watch a scary movie. and i know, i didnt have ANY suggestions on any other movies i wanted to see but there really werent any good ones, and im not going to sit through a movie i dont want to see, its a total waste of my time. Maybe she doesnt mind wasting her time watching a crappy movie but i certaintly do. *sigh*
So then i rush into my room, all mad, my sister yells something really mean at me and then...i see that the blanket that covers my window to keep the sun out in the morning, had fallen. and it takes me FOREVER to pin it back up and its so hard for me to reach the spot it needs to be pinned cause im so short. and it was like.. i know its stupid but... i just sat down on my bed and started to cry. i just really hope tommarrow isnt as bad. though it probably will be because i have the same manager tommarrow ;.;
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
 | I just got home from seeing the 5th HP movie ^^ it was great, i enjoyed it a lot, in my opinion, the best of all the movies. If you've seen it and haven't read the books...i er..strongly... suggest you to read them. cause sometimes its hard for me to imagine how people that don't read the books understand anything in the movies xD they didn't even explain the vale or anything, and it was more like a rock doorway with some mist >< in fact, sirius' death was the worst part, i was totally disappointed with it, they could have done it so well yet...they didn't.
So, some responses to your comments- me and brandon have a very interesting relationship. he asked me to "Hang out" once... and i wasn't in a very good point in my life "Hang out" with anyone. now im beginning to wonder if it was just me pushing away something good because i didnt think i could handle it. and still now, i dont think i could handle it O.o not that you guys understand any of that you don't know what i was going through or what brandon day is like xD so enough of my rambling about that x.x;;;
i have to work! ;.; with the manager that i hate...*sigh* i hope my friend jenny is working, she always makes things better at work xD cause she's so hyper and she is constantly up front bugging me. she's a great waitress too, all her customers tell me that they loved her and stuff lmao. she got hired the day i did :/ maybe thats why we get along so well... have a nice weekend everyone ^^
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Friday, July 13, 2007
 | Do today, as i was leaving work i spotted this really hot guy i grew up with, Brandon. I didn't say hi or anything because, well, xD i dunno.. i just didnt. it was while i was leaving work and today i had to walk home so.. i just walked away real quick xD And then when i got home i got a myspace messege from him. and was all "Hey you work at perkins right? i think i saw you.." and i was like "Well god, you could have said hi or something" xD lmao. he's so hot though, i probably would have just stared at him and wouldnt have said anything *.*; but anyway O.o;;
So, i love my new cell phone. seriously, i love it to death xD i learned that i can search the web on it. in fact, i was on myspace just a minute ago, and then i got tired of scrolling(it takes forever) and ended up just using my computer xD but it was awesome!!!
GAHH ive been so behind when it comes to like, reading and writing. i havent written any chapters of my stories for months... i havent written anything in fact ~_~; and tons of my friends have updated there fanfictions and stuff and expect me to leave them a comment, cause normally i read them right away. x.x; tommorrow i have a day off, so maybe i can catch up xD
Hmm.. well thats about it for today, have a nice day everyone >3
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
harry potter
 | UGH ITS OUT! ~_~; i cant even go see it until 1. my day off which isn't until Monday xD well, i have Friday off but my sister doesn't so i cant get then either. and then i cant go see it until 2. i read the book, which wont take me very long but who knows since i have to work ;.; and then 3. maybe its better to wait a while so that the cinema isn't so jam packed. and oh yeah 4. when i get money xD i could ask my parents but...meh.. i hate asking them for money.
Lol, so as you all know, my friend has finally started to read harry potter and she is definitely a snape obbssesser. in fact, 7/7/07 is the day she devoted her life to reading snape fan fiction xD i feel bad, wait until she reads the 6th book! its hard for me to even think of! ;.; i still... *cough* no I'm not going into a harry potter discussion <<;;
So the other day i told you all i got a new cell phone right? >3 it kicks ass. i added the song "Hey there Delilah" as my ring tone. i love that song. and all of yesterday i was texting Ivory xD it was fun...
Hmm, not much else to say x.x have a nice day everyone!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
 | My Monday was nice :] i went shopping lol. i have a new obsession with hair bands. i got some nice ones for work and a turquoise one cause it looks awesome. i baught.. lots of clothes ^^; my weekness. i baught a really expensive shirt that i love. and a cute short sleeved jacket with purple hearts and black skulls printed on it- i love it! and some other clothes that arent as great. i also bought us lunch ^^; and then we went to see transformers. which was a pretty awesome action packed summer film! xD i enjoyed it. hot guy...awesome graphics... it was great.
I still have yet to take care of my library books x.x lmao. im terrible but i keep forgetting! ><;
Oh! and i bought a cellphone :] and i put the song "Hey there Delilah" by the plain white t's as my ring tone. i love that song! and it has a tip calculator which i love cause i hate doing percents xD and i feel for the waitresses because working at a restaurant i know that the tips are like, key to them.
Oh! and harry potter is inching closer! =D i cant wait!!!!!!
speaking of work, on the weekend i had a new manager. she was...such a bitch xD but i know she doesn't mean to. i learned that she will be the official night manager which sucks, because i work nights.. :/ im really gonna miss my other manager...
im contemplating on what i should buy with my next paycheck. for some reason.. i haven't been in an anime/manga mood. and that annoys me O.o what kind of anime fan am i?!? im a little ashamed, my sister buys tons of anime and i have yet to watch any of it... im not quite sure whats wrong with me, maybe i just have other priorities on my mind like aggressive ink and work.. and well, basically anything with writing rules my mind ALL THE TIME. i dunno :/ i miss being so obsessed with anime though.
ending my rant, i wanted to ask nicely if you all would visit my sisters new wallpaper. its chobits and she worked really hard on it and it totally kicks ass. heres a link:
Click here to see the most awesome wallpaper ever!!!
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
 | Eep, i haven't updated in awhile!!! Not much to report actually ^^; i had to work Wednesday and Thursday, and then yesterday and today ~_~; Luckily its my sisters day off and i don't work until the evening so we're about to head off to the mall ^^; although we really should go to the library :/ because we have 6 overdue books xD lmao. thats the opposite way of the mall though *sigh* i get paid tomorrow! so guess who's paying the Library fine we're gonna have! yep me..
Today, i don't think ill buy much at the mall really, ^^ i think ill buy us all lunch(when i say us i mean me my sister and my mother..)
:/ wow, i guess i didn't really have anything important to say. ill update again tomorrow! have a nice day!
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
 | Happy 4th of july to those of you in the US ^^ and to those who dont- i hope you have a wonderful day as well!
Today we're going over to my grandparents to eat ^^ we have to do it around Noon though because then i have to get home and go to work! luckily, i only work 3 hours so ill get out just before the sun goes down, and then me and the family will probably go and watch fireworks at a nearby golf course. We can see the fireworks from out house easily but- when we got to the golf course theyre like, right above us ^^; so its better.
Im starting to feel really distant from my grandmother on my dads side. Recently my uncle(my dads brother) moved back into our state and is living at our family farm with my grandmother.(he just got divorced, i really miss my aunt..) well anyway, ever since he came back over here, its like she hardly ever comes around ya know? And she just sold the farm to him and somehow its caused this fued between her and my father... theyre just not getting along. and i mean, i dont know why my dad is so mad that his brother baught the farm! its been like, a key place for our family and we had to sell it, better we do it in the family right?! i mean, my dad certaintly couldnt have baught it! i wish they all would get over because that side of my family is like... the good side, and for some reason i blame my mom because i know she hates my grandmother and she keeps putting ideas and bad thoughts into my dads head about her...
*sigh* anyway. so my friend beth(who i seem to be talking alot of about lately O.o) has started readig harry potter(i know i already mentioned this) but i have also been re-reading the books with her ^^ i wanted to read each one as she did but i find it hard because I need to read atleast to the 5th one before the 5th movie comes out, and i have no doubt that she deffinatly wont get to the 5th one by then xD i think i may have to pull ahead of her :/ hopefully i can retain all the knowledge so i can still discuss each book with her. O.o i love discussing books for some reason!
Wow, i think this is to long... ^^ ill stop here, have a nice day everyone!
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