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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Monday, July 2, 2007
 | How was everyones weekend? mine was ok..
sunday i went swimming with my family. xD my dad is so evil when he's in a pool, he's always the one that makes trouble and enjoys junking you or throwing something at you <<; it was fun though. But i got a new sunburn ><;;;; right around my cheekbone area and a but on my shoulders. it doesnt hurt though soo thats good ^^ you know, my sister has never had a sunburn? she was born with really dark skin(people always ask her if she speaks spanish because of it..) so instead of getting a sunburn she just gets a tan. so yeah, she doesnt even know what a sunburn feels like! x.x she's lucky..
bah, i have overdue library books xD and we cant go to the library because my sister is out of gas :/ and my dad is to cheap to get her any(even though he should because he "borrowed" her last 15 bucks) Which sucks, now we'll have a fine ;.; damnit!
So, im surprised im mentioning beth so much but- her telephone and internet arent working. she said her and her dad have been trying everything to fix it but they cant i was thinking "O.o why the hell arent you calling your telephone service provider!?!@" i mean, wouldnt that be the first thing you would do!? *sigh* all well, whats worse is that she's running out of minute on her cellphone xD so i cant spam her with text messeges for fun... :/
Well, thats about it. ill leave you guys with a cute picture of my kittens.

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Sunday, July 1, 2007
 | As much as i love my job, and the people i work with. The whole proccess of me getting to work Full time is really going slow. Im not even sure if i will ever get to work full time. at the moment, i only work 2 days a week. 2 fucking days! thats not what i signed up for.
Im thinking of applying at a local clothing store because, theyre hiring. and if theres anything i know-its clothes. and apprently working a cash register ><;
Im not saying i dont want to keep those 2 days, but i mean, if thats all im working- then i deffinatly can allow myself to get another job on top of it. atleast untill my manager see's me fit enough to either be a server, or put me on full time.
so my dearest online friend Beth(who you all dont really know- but her username on here is Ivory) finally read the first book to the harry potter series ^^ and im happy to say she is just as addicted as i am. I have been trying to get her to read it for YEARS! *.* im so happy :D now i can go all insane fangirl mode on her! MWAHAHAHA!!
Well, i really have nothing else to say lol, ill ttyl everyone.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
 | Hello ^^ how is everyone?
my day was ok =D work was pretty busy like i had hoped- i got out a half an hour late xD it went by fast though.
Well, my parents went to a concert tonight, so when i got home i realised they didnt leave us anything for dinner ~_~; being the broke woman that we are, we only had 15 dollars xD we baught an already cooked chicken. it was good O.o really good. and now i am like, so full i could POP! x.x; oh and we didnt even eat untill like 10 PM at night xD lol.
eh, im bored. i wish My Bethy were on *sigh* this whole summer ive only talked to her like.. 2 twice ;.;
I dont think i ever mentioned this but way back on tuesday me and my sister went to see 1408. it was actually pretty good. though, i really like John Cusak ^^; so i tend to like his movies(ice harvest was awesome..). My sister said it wasnt at all like the Short story that it spawned from, but she said it was still pretty good ^^
Hmm, ok i suppose thats it! all of you have a fantastic day and ill try and come and visit since i dont have to work...
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
 | I never went to the family picnic thing. It didnt start untill 3 PM, so i would have had no time to go all the way up to my grandma's house, have fun, and then come all the way home and get ready for work... >< then my grandma tried to convince me to walk to work so that my dad could go. and as much as i hate to walk, i totally would have if he really wanted to go but- it was raining. or about to atleast and i cant go into work all wet and soggy. :/
work was ok. My manager, tanna, was telling me how she wouldnt get rid of me and that eventually i would get into server i just need to losen up. ~_~; she really makes me feel awkward xD Miranda' the girl that got me the job was there today so that made me a little happier ^^ it was so dead though! i would love for it to just contantly be busy and then ill enjoy it xD but there were like, 30 people that came in my whole shift. so i never had anything to do xD
Today i have to work to.. ~_~; hopefully it will be busier... because if its not, she's going to let me go home early and that means i wont have a ride home and so ill have to walk xD cause my sister doesnt get home untill 8 PM and my parents are going to a concert.. and usually my boss will let me go before that if we're dead.. >< all well.
I was surprised that you guys thought it read fast o.o because, i kind of think i read at a normal speed(atleast compared to my sister..) especially since it was just the first harry potter book(which is supposed to be a kids book so its not that large) So yes, im sure if you all picked up the first one xD you would read it just as quickly!
have a superawesomtastic day ^^
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
 | >< well its wednesday. i supposedly have to work today but when i called yesterday to see what time(cause i dont quite remember) neither of my managers were there and i talked to someone i didnt know! she said i wasnt on the schedule but- i know i am :/ ill have to call this morning to be sure i go in at 5.
honestly, i dunno how i feel about all of it. I feel.. wierd.. and confused. the whole week they said i was doing good ya know and then they take me off server and put me soley on hostess. i tell ya though, im gonna give it my all today- speak as loud and happy as i can ;.; its hard though, because i honestly dont realise when my voice is so quiet :/
Today, we also have some family picnic thing- i dont know hardly any of my family and my sister wont be there so.. it will most likely suck for me ~_~; lol. all well.
Yesterday we went to our local arts and crafts store to get some manga paper- cause my sister ran out. i HATE THAT PLACE. for some reason i always come out feeling really sickly and dizzy O.o its wierd.
Well, ive finally gotten around to reading all the harry potter books over. I finished the first last night(only took me like 3 hours..) so i might start the next one tonight *hopefully*
Hmm. i think thats it. you all have a nice day.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
 | No music today because Imeem is being STUPID! ;.;
Well, sunday i slept like, all day. which i think is what i needed. im still sad about the job thing but all well...
Today we went Shopping! =D which is of course my 3rd favorite thing in the whole world(it goes writing-anime/manga-shopping) and i baught this awesome cami in like, a turquiose type of color cause i seriously dont own enough shade of blue/green. xD i cant wait to get my paycheck cause ima spend it ALL on summer clothes. and then ill save the rest of my paychecks xD i just want to blow the first one..
well, nothing more to say.. my day was boring. Have a good MONDAY! i probably wont...
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Sunday, June 24, 2007
 | Ugh. talk about a bad day. At Work they took me off of server training. Guess why? Because apparently Im to quiet and come off shy.
...and you know what? i know that i am. but i mean, in my head i sound normal so i dont realise that im talking so softly. Im not sure what to do. i cant really prove to my manager that i can change especiialy since she took me off the floor and back on the register. i hate the register. its so boring, all i do is stand there. i miss being server so much. and im so mad at myself for being that way ya know? My Shy nature has always gotten in the way of me having a life. weather be finding friends, finding love, School, and now work. Its ruining my life. and im not quite sure how i can change it this time because if spent a lot of my life trying to change it and i still have yet to figure out how. You can just tell me to be more outspoken and then ill do it, it doesnt work that way! i dont know what im going to do. im in a pretty shitty mood. i just want to sleep.. im so tired.. i hardly got any sleep last night ;.;
oh and i never went to the cherry blossom festival, it didnt work out. maybe next year...
ill see you all later.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
 | Well, i CAN go to the festival as long as im back in time to get ready for work. Im trying to get myself to go to sleep(even took some caugh medicine xD) so that ill be able to wake up early but i still dunno xD i would be going with Ansatsushawdi who doesnt update her blog on here but yeah xD hopefully she gets back to me tonight or else :/ well, i wont be able to go lol.
Today at work i did pretty good, i ordered some new shoes out of there catalog because the ones i baught hurt and my manager and fellow servers suggested i get the ones they have because theyre supposed to be comfertable. i cant wait for them to come in! i have 2 more days of work because a day off, and i wanna try em out! also it was someones birthday and so all the waitresses has to go out and sing a song xD it was actually pretty fun lol.
Oh! and no one picked up the phone when i called to be picked up from work, so i had to walk home. it only took me like 5 minutes but it was hot out ;.; and they said that they didnt hear the phone so i guess it was the cellphone i was using.
well, i think thats it ^^ have a nice weekend everyone, ill try to update tommarrow and tell you all about it.
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Friday, June 22, 2007
 | AH! i have to work all the way untill sunday ;.; which sucks. cherry blossom festival is on saterday and theres no way i can go now ;.;
So i think i mentioned this but uh.. my bestest online friend got his girlfriend preggers. xD stupid idiot. i love him but god-hes only 16. anyway, he broke up with her but apparently she still loves him and i feel really bad for her because i know she really needs him especially since shes HAVING HIS CHILD. i understand my friends reasons for leaving her though, he wasnt happy with her, they constantly faught.. he and i both understand what its like to grow up in a broken home and he didnt want that for his child. *sigh* stupid idiot! FEH!
Today i am really tired! lol. i seriously just want to go to bed... but i dunno.. i also cant seem to get myself to O.o;;;
well, this was a crappy post. ill see you all later. have a nice weekend!
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Hidie-ho naighbor!
 | Well, i slept untill 4 PM, woke up..showered and WALKED TO WORK. >< because i had no other way to get there. it was like 90 degrees out. i was wearing all black. it sucked. BUT I MADE IT. and i got to start my server training today and i tell ya- IT WAS HARD. OMGOMGOMG. there is so much you have to remember! and you know how when there is a lot of people at one table and the waitress comes out with like, large trays of food that are like.. Three feet long? Well i had to carry one of those baby's today xD it was heavy.. my arms were shaking and i was so afraid i would drop it. i spilled soup while i was putting it down xD damn!
i think the lady was mad too, even though i hardly spilled it. she didnt even eat it >< when i came back to bust the table- it was still practically full!
Anyway, overall they said i did good, but i honestly dont know if they were just saying that to be nice lol. I dont care, i hope i get better over the next couple of days ;.;
other then that.. didnt do anything else xD i wish i would get paid this week because the cherry blossom festival is on the 23rd and i would love to go!!! ;.;
thats about it. have a nice day everyone!
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