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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
 | So Elvesatemyramen has been Showing off her beautiful Dollfie.. Which is an incredible life-like ball jointed doll made in japan.
I have had an interest in Dollfies for quite awhile but since she braught it up i ended up searching for one i liked ^^; which ive done in the past but meh, ill still show you all!(warning image spam ahead..)
I love her! *.* she's out of stock on the site though! ><; no fair!!!!!!
Lol, thats all i really had to say. today is my last day off and then i have to go back to work and start my server training! ;.; im nervous. lol. have a nice day all.
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Monday, June 18, 2007
 | Well, we ended up going swimming ^^ i have a sunburn on my left shoulder, but not my right O.o which is wierd, i dunno how that happened lmao. i look funny, ill have to be sure to avoice spagetti strap shirts for awhile which sucks! cause thats half my wardrobe xD
Then we did indeed go see my cousins baseball game. where i acted like a brat and complained about how i wanted to leave cause it was so damn boring ><; but i dunno.. i was really annoyed because my mom came with us and honestly- i wish she hadnt! she doesnt fit in with that part of the family and when she says she came to support her Nephew i begin to wonder what happened to the woman that likes to talk bad about that nephew and his mother and father all the time O.o She contradicts herself so much just to fit her situation.
after that i sat around xD it was so hot today! oh and then we went to walmart and my sister baught me a cute pair of socks with these hot pink owls on them- cute!!!!
well, thats about it.. im going to try and be lazy on this monday ^^ hopefully my bethy gets on.. i havent talked to her in like a week so im feeling abit down!
have a nice day everyone.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
 | So, i ended up going to sleep at uhh. 6 AM xD and didnt wake up untill 3:30 PM which gave me about an hour and a half untill work. which i glady sat around and did nothing! while at work, i realised that i hadnt made a very good impression on my first day and everyone kept saying "Im glad your smiling today! you didnt at all yestrerday!" and they got in a discusion about how much they like my smile. which is odd-i hate my smile lol! But today was alot better then my first day, i think im getting ahold of it all and i dont have to work untill wednesday! YUSS! ^^ and thats when i start my server training.
When we got home, i ate dinner ^^ which dad actually took care of so i didnt have to yell at him like last time lol. and then we went to barnes and noble at like, 9:30 at night xD its open untill 11 PM so yeah. we baught my dad a father day card that had cows wearing sombrero's and playing cars and inside it say "moo chase Gracias!" *snicker* my dad loved it. so that made me happy.
Tommarrow(well.. today technically) i have to go see my cousin play baseball ~_~ which btw i hate baseball but meh-atleast its something to do!
i didnt have enough time to visit anyone! sorry about that! >< im such a terrible person!
Have anice day everyone!
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
 | Lol i had a totaly of 0 comments yesterday xD i suppose thats a sign i need to go visit some of you finally. xD im sorry ive been so lazy about that!
but anways! i forgot to mention this yesterday(not that it matters) but i was at the groccery store standing in line and some 40 year old guy tried to hit on me o.o;;; it was NASTYY!! and hilarious at the same time lol. he seemed alittle drunk.. <<;
so today i learned my manager wants to train me as a Server and a hostess meaning, i have to use the cash register and serve tables <<; probably not in the same shift lmao cause that would be impossible.
I also learned how this whole waitress thing goes- all the tables have there own number that you do need to remember yourself, theyre also color coded(on a table chart) and each waitress has there own area of tables they wait on. i havent learned any of the waitressing part because i just did my hostess training and let me tell you- the cash register is so freaking hard! the line gets SO long i end up having to go really fast, luckily i didnt mess up to bad. the worst part was when someone tries to buy a pie or cookies or anything else from the bakery and then you have to add it onto there total ammount ~_~;
when i got home i realised my parents didnt take care of dinner. which pissed me of! i mean.. for gods sake.. i worked untill 9 PM and you still expect me to come home and fix you dinner?! not only prepare it but run out and buy it too! jeez >< some parents they are... i was so mad..
I ended up going to walmart and picking something cheap up for dinner and then i just started to blow the money on junk food xD i was pissed and feeling uncaring at the time.
then when we left my sister baught me a root beer float ^^ which made it better and we were like, so freaking hyper on the way home xD and it was already like 10:30 at night...
right now its like 1:30 AM. i am so tired but i dont want to sleep! i dont have to work untill 6 PM tomarrow. i tell you though, STANDING FOR SO MANY HOURS KILLS MY BACK.
Hmm, i think thats it! i think i will finally go to bed. and hopefully get on and visit you all before work!
have a nice weekend!
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Friday, June 15, 2007
 | so, thursday i had to finish my oriantation, though i guess i didnt tell you about wednesday did i? well on wednesday i went in and signed like, a billion papers xD and we were supposed to watch this film about like, how to act in your workplace and all that crap but they were having a meeting so she made me come back on thursday. so thursday-i did. the film was SO FREAKING BORING xD but i got through it and tommarrow i start my official Training. i work at night from 5-9/10. atleast for my training i do.
other then that, on thursday i went for a walk. which was really nice cause it was really sunny and warm out.
GAH i really need to catch up on my anime, i saw that they started bleach over, ill start to watch it again once it gets to where i left off. My sister has like 3 box sets and a whole lot of volume 1 dvds of anime that i still havent watched and she's had them for like, months. O.o really good anime too...i just..i dunno... i just havent felt in a very anime mood. ><; which pisses me off cause i used to love anime. and i still do! i think im pushing it away though to focus on my writing but...xD i have yet to write anything so i guess it was pointless.
Uhhhh i think thats it, FRIDAY YAY! have a good one.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
 | Hello! ITS WEDNESDAY! you know what that means right? I start my job today!!! =D im excited, on tuesday we searched everywhere for a black button down collared shirt x.x the price tag said 20 bucks! but really it was like.. 10 dollars. so yay! its kind of nice, i look all kool in my all black clothes xD lmao. *rolls eyes. I took a picture lol..ok i took 3 xD but ill only show you..meh.. 1. xD

So uhh.. i made a layout for my quizilla homepage, its pretty awesome so Click here to check it out. if the scrollbars look wierd, its not my fault.. i use Firefox so scrollbar HTML doesnt work lol, but i *think* they look ok. xD
It rained today x.x but it was still really hot out! so i guess it wasnt so bad.
O.o ok i have nothing to say so i hope you all have a nice day.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
 | So First off, new Picture for my blog, again. i like this one alot more ^^ i shall keep it.
Today i went to walmart and baught the type of shoes i needed for work ~_~; i hate them, theyre ugly lol. But all well, theyre just for work!
It was really hot today, i think it was around 89 degrees x.x im happy its finally feeling like summer though!
So, awhile back my dad sued Safeway because he got hurt, and today he got the news that he won his case ^^ i dont think we'll receive a whole lot of money but it came at a great time- when we're trying to buy a house. So that was great.
Oh and while we were at walmart my sister baught me one of those oversized balls xD i love those! its green. i named it leopold <<; cause im wierd and enjoy naming inanimate objects...
Well, tomarrow(tuesday) ill be going to get the rest of stuff i need for work x.x; oh yay. ~.~;
ALSO Simplanluvers account mysteriously got deleted and she's really sad about it so please go visit her new site to cheer her up! Click here to do so.
well, todays song is from loveless. in honor of my new picture, which is loveless by the way. ^^ enjoy and have a nice day!
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Monday, June 11, 2007
 | Hmm, well its monday! ~_~ Today im going to try and get ahold of my grandmother and see if she'll pay for my clothes that i need for work ^^ i need black slacks and a button down shirt :/ preferably black lol. I CANT WAIT TILL WEDNESDAY. i think its kool that im a waitress xD hopefully i dont screw up and get fired ;.; i would die.
We decided to take my dad to the drive-in for his birthday. we hardly ever go to the drive-in so it'll be fun!
Im sure you noticed my new picture for my blog. i dont like it, i shall change it and make it MORE colorful. Not sure which anime ill do though ~_~;; any suggestions?
Anyway, in honor of my new blog picture which i will change, i will put a euraka 7 song ^^ enjoy. and have a nice day everyone.
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
 | ^^ at the moment im eating wonton soup-YUMMM. it was kind of a spur of the moment thing, and we went to get chinese food at 10 PM xD we were the last costumors, right when they left they closed lol.
Lets see, my interview went ok today, i start training on wednesday =D im a waitress!!!! Wow, after 2 years of going "I really need a job" i finally have one xD hopefully i dont screw up, cause waitresses need to remember alot of crap and do alot of stuff at once ~_~;
Today we went to the mall, but didnt buy anything ~_~ then we went to walmart cause i need these like, workforce shoes 20 bucks! ~_~ jeez. meh... all well.
my dads birthday is coming up, i have no idea what to get him. he likes sci-fi things. and karate. i know he wants a drill but im not sure if thats what my mother is getting him :/ darnit. i just dont know *sigh*
Did anyone catch the premiere of Ergo Proxy and Tengo Tenge on FUSE? i already own the first 4 episodes of EP on DVD so i didnt watch it but Tengo Tenge was like, so cliche xD i loved it. i totally forgot that it was airing today too x.x' luckily while i noticed it was on while flipping through the channel -.-;
UGH has been down for 3 days ;.; and because im so addicted to it im like, going through subeta withdrawels lol. It sucks..theyre having domain problems >,<
well, thats about it, im gonna go eat my soup ^^ have a nice weekend everyone.
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Friday, June 8, 2007
 | I just got done watching "The Messengers". one of the stupidest horror movies ive ever seen! and ive seen alot... so.. yeah. it was TERRIBLE! xD it was good to laugh at it though.
I have an interview tommarrow(or today i guess) ^^ i hope i get the job!!! i WANT the job so bad. i hope they make me a waitress. cause they make alot of money on tips.
so i got the new issue of Newtype today, its so pretty looking xD and it came with an ah! my goddess poster, which was AWESOME. and surprisingly not slutty cause usually they put really slutty posters in there magazine xD
i know im forgetting something but im to tired to think. have a nice day everyone@
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