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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
 | Well, i went to get an application For perkins on wednesday and ill be going in tommarrow morning so i can personally hand it in to the manager ^.~
So, today i went to the groccery store to buy something for dinner and while going into the store i spotted my either grade teacher going out, we passed and smiled, i didnt even realise it was him untill i was going down one of the isles and i was like "...Was that Mr. Von Holten?!" and yes, i did say it out loud, luckily i was the only one in the isle. i wouldnt be surprised if he didnt realise it was me, first of all, i look way different then i did in 8th grade of course. and 2nd.. well, see.. i always tried to suck up to this teacher because, he was my English teacher and i was always... the favorite to all my english teachers ^^; not him though, so i suppose i sucked up big time as much as i could and instead of becoming his favorite, im sure he thought i was some wierd stalker student of his xD *sigh* he was the reason i didnt get into Honors english in my freshmen year DAMNIT i found that really hurtful because he would always say my writing was great :/ and then he let me down by puting me in the normal class. all well lol xD
ALSO today my sister baught a new DS game! in fact she baught super mario 64 for the DS. which is a game that came with nintendo 64's when they came out. i loved that game on the 64 and on the DS its even better because it has terribly crack-like addicting mini games and you can be Luigi wario and yoshi which is an option that the 64 game never had ^^ its wonderful. i highly reccamend to anyone that has a DS.
Today song is from the Movie Rent, which i watched again the other night and once again i cried because it was sad xD i love that movie, so i must put up a song. its only the main song that played on the trailor, i couldnt decide between that one and another one ^.~ ill put the other one up tommarrow teehee.
Have a nice day everyone!
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
 | Hello! My tuesday was boring.... i played sudoku for like 6 hours on my sisters DS xD and then the season premiere of Kathy Griffin: my life on the D-list came on. i love her... she's so funny xD so that ruled 2 hours of my life....
And today my mothers friend said that if i went and applied at the perkins and put her name on the application her mother would hire me ^^ so im pretty happy..... that most likely means i have a job xD
Hmm, well.. hopefully i will come and visit you guys tommarrow xD ive been slacking on that. im Sorry!!!!!!!!!
have a nice day all.
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
 | Hello! how is everyones weekend going? Mine is fine and dandy. Boring as ever of course.
I finally finished one of my books yesterday! it took me three hours to read from the beggining to the last 2 chapters, which i couldnt bring myself to read untill yesterday o.o' now i am dying with anticipation for the next book in the series to be released lol.
Speaking of books, i bit of inspiration hit me the other day. I was filling out this thread i had made asking "If you were a book, what would it be about?" And as i sat there and thought of me being a book, a whole bunch of wonderful gooey plot bunnies spewed out of me ^^; i will not get to excited, as i am only able to come with these ideas, yet never write them out. Hopefully this will get my Imaginative and creative Juices flowing for just a little bit *places hands in praying position* Please give me atleast an hour of motivation to write!
*sigh* i suppose i shall tell you my idea, just because i cant help but feel alittle excited about it ^^ and i feel that if i dont express it then i shall burst and loose it. Its focused on a young girl who has many...ehh.. persona's i suppose. Kind of like multiple personalities only she does it purpose, so that she will fit in with anyone when needed. ever since she was a child she would always be stuck in her imagination, her dreams were an endless storybook of her very own world. So somewhere in the story, im thinking near the beggining, she gets into an accident, falling into a coma. While asleep she is stuck in this dream world, trying to get out. She realises that all of her other personalities are in this world as well, and while she tries to get out of the world, they try to get rid of her, so that they may take her place in reality. she must overcome them, i suppose they would be obsticles. In the end, she find herself again and she wakes up and lives happily ever after. ^^ atleast for now she does! hopefully my mind doesnt turn to the darkside before then! it enjoys doing so...
So yes, that is it. my new idea. i shall file it and put it away in my folder of many, many, story ideas.
Ive decided to call it "Mask of life" its very fitting.. *nods*
hmm, well, thats about it, ill try an visit today ^^ have a nice day everyone!
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
 | Well, wednesday was sucky. everything was ok untill my mom wanted to drive and about had a hissy fit when dad said no. So finally he gives in and we're on our way. and mom almost HITS a car infront of her because she wasnt watching the road. so dad yells at her to hit the break and she gets mad at us saying that she saw the car and she would have stopped in time but it was clear that she didnt see the car at all! so thats what started the fight. And i swear, my parents are like 2 fighting 6 old sibling. Mom started to hit dad as much as she could, and my dad WOULD NEVER hit back of course but my mom is crazy so will go as far as to hurt HERSELF and blame it on my dad. :/ *sigh*
so to avoid all this i took a nap at 4 PM and when i woke up i felt REALLY sick so after peeling some potatos for dinner i went right back to sleep untill 3 AM. ate dinner then xD and here i am! i know, exciting day i had *roles eyes* all well. Anyway, its OFFICIALLY summer in my town, all the schools have been let out as of wednesday so hopefully i can get ahold of Brianne and Christine cause i REALLY want to get to know my anime friends and theyre all i have xD its really doubtful i will though...
Anywho, peachy doesnt appear to be in pain except when she jumps off of things(as in she cant really..) so i dunno :/ her kittens are so cute though! 3 orange little fuzzies is what ive been calling them =D i shall take pictures oneday.
Oh! it hailed today x.x i had to run out and role the windows up in the car while mom and dad faught- hail hurts xD And then when coming inside i noticed that out dog was tangled on his leash so he couldnt get to his doghouse ;.; so i had to make dad go fix him and right after he did the hail stopped xD but it was good he did it now because it hailed AGAIN around 10 PM(there was really loud thudner to, ive never heard such loud thunder <<; sounded like a series of bombs going off xD)
So whats everyones plan for summer? i have none of course xD except get a job. hopefully. meh.
have a nice day everyone! also-todays song is by the hush sound. its awesome ^^
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
 | Well, my sister said we got a virus from when she downloaded a wallpaper from which is surprising! its a good source to showcase your anime wallpapers as well as find anime wallpapers. We've been using it for a long time, its strange this happened now but meh, all welll. We installed our anti-virus system... our computer is back to being nice and fast which makes me happy. no popups! but now the anti Virus system pops up to tell me tehre was a popup everytime there is one xD alittle annoying..
Today it RAINED like mad x.x so much thunder and lightning it was terrible.
UGH UGH UGH! im so made. first of all, i was taking a nap and when i woke up my parents were gone and me and malissa find out male cat had gotten inside x.x and one of our cats is in heat!!! NOOOOOOOO *cries* i really hope he didnt get to her and that we kicked him out in time. It was my dads fault, they had gone to get dinner and dad, EVEN THOUGH HE SAW THE CAT RUN IN THE HOUSE he didnt bother going to get him because he didnt think he would be long. But uh.. O.o they were gone for like 15 minutes. *kills him* so anways, after that i fell right back asleep, not even bothering to eat dinner(we had subway, i put my sandwhich in the refrigerator) and now, when i wake up i find that half my sandwhich has been eaten, and there is only ONE peanut butter cookie left and the kitchen is a mess x.x jeez! i should just never fall asleep again, just so i can keep them all in line!
*fumes* well, have a nice day everyone!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
 | O.o well this is wierd. ever since i got my new computer in... Oh i would say about 2 years ago i havent had a pop-up and suddenly today were getting, well, not alot but a few and our computer is running alot slower then usual. Im gonna run anti-virus once i get off but gosh O.O its so wierd! we havent done anything out of the normal or changed any of our firewall settings so im scratching my head at this one O.o;;
well, nothing new about my cat. who knows... it may have come out without me knowing and she ate it(because thats what she would have done if it had come out with the kitten) but i dunno, she isnt bleeding anymore, she's still leaking a..washed out pinkish fluid though so i hope that doesnt mean bacteria has started to grow ;.; that means an infection. and that might mean DEATH. *sigh*
today ~_~ was such a nice day! it was nice and sunny and we attempted to clean out my sisters car but meh, xD we gave up.
have a nice day everyone!
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
 | *sigh* ive been stressing nonstop about my poor kitty. she doesnt appear to be in pain, but she isnt cleaning herself so she's still kind of covered and blood and her fur is kind of matted :/ i get the feeling ill have to take the scissors to her because its just to big a mess(she has terribly long hair, dont worry, ive owned a persian for over 10 years i know how it is with getting knots and stuff out xD)
Im just so nervous, i havent seen her go to the bathroom in atleast 2 days and im feeding and watering her as much as i can. i mean, i know what the vet said but i cant help but feel that its wrong! that the damn thing wont come out unless i take her to the vet *sigh* i would do anything to be able to have money to take her..
anyway, the other day my sister baught a nintendo DS and the game mind breakers or whatever its called. it puts your through a series of tests to see how smart you are. its way addicting and fun.. in fact i think ill go steal it from her now xD your aloud to do this brain test thing everyday to see how you improve over time.. its awesome. xD i want a frackng DS now..
I finally put down the book i own and picked up a library book thats due soon. im pretty sure ill be done with it tonight ^^; so yay. one down.. 3 more to go ;.;
have a nice day everyone!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
 | Well, we atleast called the vet. Mom said that the secretary said the body should try and pass it. Peachy was fine untill this morning, she's acting a little wierd and kind of bleeding ;.; im gonna have mom call them again just to be sure. Also, someone said to just go to the vet anyway even if you couldnt pay xD that wouldnt work, if you cant pay, they always advise you to put your animal to sleep atleast so it doesnt suffer, they dont just help you because they have bleeding hearts.. money rules everything, even life and death.
I was up all night and morning yesterday cause i was freaking out about it, finally i fell asleep at 12 in the afternoon and woke up around 7 PM. :/ then i pretty much did nothing important and around 1 AM i kind of made myself sleep because i was so bored. when i woke up around 5 AM this morning, i found one of her kittens dead. i wasnt surprised, i thought it might die ;.;
anyway, getting past the depressing part... I made an avatar for Purrifying_Goddess here it is:

im not very proud of it, but i think its ok xD i hope she likes it! lol. and some random person asked me to make them an avatar xD i was surprised, avatar making isnt my forte.. or maybe im like my sister and think everything i do is crap xD
What else? hmm... nothing much really, so i hope you all have a nice weekend. i probably wont update this weekend.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
 | Im really scared you guys! my cat had 2 more kittens o.o a whole day later then her others. the terrible thing was- i didnt know and as i entered the room she ran to me, in mid-birth! the umbilical cord snapped and the placenta(that is attatched to the kitten when coming out) didnt come. its still inside her.. i looked it up online and everyone said that i should take her to the vet because it may cause Hemmoraging or a sever infection. so you may be thinking "then take her to the vet" well, this happened at 4 AM, everyone but me was alseep. And now you may be thinking "then wake someone up" well no.. because my parents would be mad and just tell me that she'll be alright. and its 2 hours later, nothing..appears wrong with her. Even if i did tell my parents when they woke up, they would just say that she would be fine because 1. they dont give a damn. and 2. they cant pay the vet bill.
....i feel like i cant do anything! ive been sitting here for 2 fucking hours distressing my friend nikki about it and crying my fucking eyes out. its like...i have to let her possibly die because i have no money. its not fair...
and you all may be thinking thats stupid, that my family should just go and take her to the vet anyway but if you arent Dirt poor i dont expect you to understand how hard it is to decide such things.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
 | So, my cat had kittens. feels like i say that alot. But yeah, i have 4 cats, 3 got pregnent(one got pregnent twice) because, well, our male cat is supposed to be fixed so O.o i dunno. i mean by the looks of him, he looks fixed... so.. we're not sure how that happened xD anyway, my cat peachy had 3 kittens sometime this morning. found them under the couch ~_~;; this is her 2nd time having kittens and she did alot better then the first time. Her first litter died so im amazed this litter is still alive. Though from the looks of one of the kittens-im pretty sure it will die ;.; sad...
well, besides that- my day was full of sleep! i had a wierd dream about spiders and bee's swarming my room x.x; it was...really wierd.. and discusting..
So, im assuming alot of you watch adult swim? well, while eating something and watching futurama, one of those questions from viewers came on but i didnt really read it, and then Adult swim suddenly listed TONS of anime series... O.o i was like... WTF? does anyone know if adult swim is going to be showing alot more anime? cause i REALLY want to know what that list is about.. i saw alot of anime titles of anime that i happen to LOVE so.. yeah xD if you have no idea what im talking about-im sorry! just ignore me!
well, thats about it. Im gonna leave my playlist up for awhile cause im enjoying listening to it myself. have a nice day!
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