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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
 | Season finale of heroes- AWESOME! *.* im so sad i have to wait so long for the next season ;.;
Hmm, well life has been noneventful for me. My forums are doing good, i made 3 new AWESOME layouts for my anime forum. I plan on making more tonight. and my writing contest site is getting pretty active. so far i have 35 members =D it would just be great to get all those 35 people to be active. ;.;
So, in my last post i mentioned how i wanted to get into roleplaying. well my friend had made this RPG that was basically, knock off of silent hill. I think thats totally awesometastic sounding! it has 9 members so far so if anyone wants to join, ill add a link to it at the bottom of my post.
UUUUUUUUUUUUGH. i have so many books to read ;.; 4 of which are from the library, 2 are due back REALLY SOON and i havent even picked them up. and the only one i really want to read is one ive already read and I OWN so i could read it anytime. :/ which is stupid i know xD so much time on my hands and i use it putting off what i really need to do.
Todays playlist is,well, a playlist xD its totally awesome, and all anime related so enjoy. And when i say its awesome-it is so sit down and listen to it damnit xD i love song 11.
Here is the link to the Silent Hill RPG-
and just because i mentioned them, heres the links to my own forums-
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
 | Bah! my DSL connection keeps dropping ;.; of course it had to happen just as my sister got off and i got on ~_~; so yeah, im amazed it let me get to myO xD i know it'll stop soon but god, its so annoying.
So today i watched my grandmothers dog, she always seems to come around when im asleep and my parens are out. then she barges into my room to see if im there xD i hate it.. cause you know, LS loves her sleep.. *nods*
Ive been trying to get into roleplaying, which i use to do alot about..mmm.. 3 years ago xD it was way back when i had a life so i pretty much stopped doing it cause lack of time to. now i dont even remember how RP xD so, i enlisted the help of my dear friend nikki. She is a fellow writer and i love her to DEATH! without her i dont think i would ever get any of my writing done cause i wouldnt have someone to constantly ask there opinion xD
well, nikki, as sweet and as helpful as she tries to be. she kind of has this thing where she doesnt think her storyline's out and just kind of..makes things up as she writes. well, she decided to to make her own RP forum and she told me once its done, she would teach me everything she knows about roleplaying. Yet, as she assembled the forum i realised she didnt have much of an idea... and one thing i do know about making RP sites is, you need to plan EVERYTHING out. xD i didnt want to badger her to much about it, i suppose if need be ill just force the ideas out of her xD *sigh*
well... thats about it ^^; things have been boring around here cause my sister or father is always at work so i never have a car..or money.. ;.; or anything..
as far as i know, there wont be a new song today because of the current state of my DSL connection, but you never know! i may just change it...
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
 | I honestly, have nothing to talk about xD these past 2 days have been UBER boring... but... meh xD i thought i would update cause i found this on Lostchild's website...

xD i laughed my ass off when i saw that. i cant beleive i made that!!i love her though for still having it up <3 thankya darling! i shall shower you in shiny things for as long as i live ^.^
saterday! maybe ill watch bleach for once xD i really need to get back into it... ;.; i also need to watch blood+ damnit!!
Depending on when you come to visit me, im pretty sure todays song is by Emilie Autemn ^.^ enjoy my pretties. enjoy. Also, have a nice weekend! ill try and visit.
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
 | Today we went to see spiderman-3 FINALLY ~_~; it was okay ^^ exactly as good as i expected it to be. so yay.
Speaking of movies, has anyone ever seen the movie "national treasure" ? its one of my(many) favorite movies and i learned today that disney plans on making a sequal that, is supposed to come out in december ^^ i cant wait! i also learned theyre planning on a 3rd and maybe 4th one after that o.o which i think is a bit to much but im sure i will see them if they really do come out <<;;;
GAHHHH! >< so, me and my lovey Ivory had a bet going for this weeks american idle >< and i LOST. o.o; which i cannot BELIEVE and i am frustrated that america is so shallow that they would vote blake over melinda >< its a freaking singing competition and its so obvious that he wasnt as good as her. im pissed xD but i shall pay up of course.. *sigh*
man, i cant beleive its already thursday xD it seems like its still tuesday.. o.o;;
have a nice day everyone! todays song is from spider-man 3. its sung by snow patrol ^^ enjoy, and sorry to those who havent been able to listen O.o im not sure why.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
 | Well, my tuesday was ok. I woke up really late ~_~; and when i did i remembered that "The fountain" and "Pans labyrinth" came out on DVD today ^^ so i went to rent them-got the last copies of both movies =D heck yes! i felt lucky... then i went home and did nothin! after doing nothing i made dinner and for once, i actually did the dishes x.x i know, im amazed by it too.
:/ then i watched the movies around.. 10 PM or so. pans labyrinth was really good, of course. and the fountain.. O.o was confusing. i think i got it for the most part but.. one part i didnt quite understand how with the story ~_~; i still enjoyed it though!
so, todays song is from pans labyrinth. i really like it! enjoy.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
 | Well, monday was better. my mother is still obviously mad and she's being hidiously cruel to my dad. but.. she slept most of the day so i hardly saw her.
We went groccery shopping today! it was boring... of course <<; when we got home we ended up going to our towns library(which we hardly ever go to) and we got fruits basket, er, 14 i think(we werent sure where we had left off x.x) as well as an american manga called "sorceress secretaries" its cute ^^ ive never read an american manga. atleast i dont think i have!
speaking on manga, my sister reminded me of this article she had read and told me about some time ago. it had to do with what anime/manga fans call "Manga-cows". basically, a manga cow is someone that you would see at sitting at a bookstore reading a stack of manga right there in the bookstore. because basically theyre not buying the manga xD theyre kind of..grazing.. like cows xD i think its a hilarious term and i have to be honest, i hate those people! i would never feel right sitting down at a bookstore and reading a manga rather then just buying it. Granted, alot of bookstores have big comfy chairs and allow you to sit and read but, i still dont like it. so yes, i also enjoy say "manga-cow" xD i find it so amusing..
on our way home. its started to HAIL x.x i havent seen it hail in YEARS and it wasnt very fun driving through it ~_~
when i got home, i made dinner! i used the grill! x.x i kind of burnt some of the food but in all it was pretty good ^^
todays song is from the soundtrack of the movie "Ever after" which i ended up watching while making the groccery list xD i hate that movie, but i sat there and watched the whole thing. so.. yeah. have a nice day all! ill visit like usual..
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Monday, May 14, 2007
mothers day hell
 | Theres major swearing up ahead, so sheild your virgin eyes children!
Well, first off, me and my sister went to the library and then to the mall, we had realised that we never told my mom we had left so while at the mall, i called her and said "sorry we didnt say we were leaving, we're at the mall" she said "ok have fun" and she joked about how we should get her something.
well, when we come home we find her not at the house.. we have no idea where she is because she didnt leave us a note or anything. so after 2 hours of waiting, me and my sister went to walmart to buy something for dinner, while there i called home to see if she was home, well she was, so im standing in walmart yelling at her trying to figure out why and where she went! in the end i was just like "We'll talk about it when we get home.
so we get home, we're talking, we of course dont beleive her story that she was just out on a walk(On a 2 hours walk? doubtful) well, then she's like "I think i left my glasses at the gas station" so she tries to take my sisters car to go get them but when we tell her she cant take the car(she has no liscense) she gets pissed off, and starts calling us horrible names...and then walks out. well, 10 minutes later me and my sister take the car to find her, and she's sitting in someones yard saying that she fell and cut her foot. so we're like "Get in the car then we''ll go home" but she refused to get into the car. well right when she finally does get up to get into the car she decides she going to walk home. pissed, we said fine and drove home(it was only a couple of blogs to our house) so im standing on the corner now waiting to see her and when i do she starts to talk so some guy. well, me and my sister start to walk over to them, but before we could get there, they turned and started to walk to his house. so, we yell "mom?!" and she turns to us and yells "JUST HANG ON" and goes off into his house. so we go home, because i started to cry and talk whine about how she always does this and im tired of it. when she gets home, she makes up some story about him just helping her with her leg that she cut. well after that she goes "THAT GUY STOLE 2 DOLLARS OUT OF MY PURSE I NEED TO GO BACK" i go with her, and watch them as they talk, never once did they talk about money or anything, i just heard them talking about..calling eachother and i learned the guys name was carl.
when we get home, im pissed because i know she's lying. so, she gets out of the car, and theres 2 newspapers in our driveway so she throws the newspapers into the street and yells something about how my dad never treats her like a queen or something like that and as im bringing the newspapers back i yell she doesn deserve to be treated lik a queen and then she goes "neither do you" and im like "I dont!" and well, i dont remember the exact words about that but she's sitting there outside, YELLING at me about how she's the mother and she'll put me in my place so..i...i went over and smacked her right upside the head. Fuck.. i hope i hit her hard to. so , course, she freaks out and tries to hit me back.. well. then i scream for my sister and run inside and just.. i dunno, i just burst out crying.
ok, lets see if i can remember everything. Well, after that she was pissed, obviously because i smacked her she goes about saying how i no longer have a mother and blah blah blah. O.o when did i have a mother? certaintly not when she runs around doing messed up shit like she's always done. Ive never considered her a mother.
When dad gets home, he's pissed and doesnt know whats going on. i gladly tell him what i know about what happened and mom somehow created this lie about the guy she was talking to and it hardly made sense. she's pissed at me because according to her im lying about everything but im not! and its frustrating being told that your lying when you know that your not and really she lying!
So we're all fucking mad. im sitting in my room with the door closed crying my heart out, like my whole body was literally just shaking. Well, she comes over and like, bangs on my door 5 or 6 times really loudly and yells something horrible that i dont remember. I just know the whole night she kept screaming that i was a fucking lying ass bitch. or i was a little skinny ass whore or whatever she could think of calling me.
and she also keeps going around "Great fucking mothers day this was" O.o uh sorry, your only treated and apraised that your a mother if 1. You act like one. and 2. you deserve to be treated like that. which she doesnt because SHE'S NOT ONLY FUCKING INSANE SHE'S ALSO RUINED MY LIFE FOR THE PAST WHAT? 5 YEARS? jee, let me shower her in gifts and money and love because she's just done a fucking great job at being my mother. and hey while im at it, why dont i go dig up hitler and they both can catch up on how they have no soul?!
After that, basically she goes crazy all night, yelling at us as loud as she can. she freaking BROKE everything she owned on purpose!(including a 300 dollar sterio) and she really doesnt think she's crazy? she trashed her bedroom and everything in it.. and why? Because she was mad? sane people DONT DO THAT! they just dont!
Im freaking amazed our naighbors didnt call the cops, though i partly wish they could have so they could have found the DRUGS she hiding in her room and she can be locked up in a jail cell for HOPEFULLY another 2 years and i can for once, get peace.
...and you know, this will change nothing, after all this, it will blow over and we'll all go back to avoiding the problem. and she's the problem but dad refuses to live without her.
i honestly think if i had a gun right now, i could shoot her. i know that sounds alittle stupid and immature and feel free to roll your eyes but i seriously could... i fucking HATE HATE HATE HATE THAT WOMEN.
*sigh* and today *monday* hopefully me and my sister can get past this and go to the movies, which we wanted to do yesterday but, well, since everything happened the way it did we couldnt.
todays song helped me alot yesterday. im in love with it, its another piano instromental but...well.. its special to me now xD so like it damnit!
...ill probably visit everyone. have a nice day everyone!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
 | Hello! my saterday was..meh :/ pretty much alone again besides my mother, who was annoying... i really dont have anything to update about so...
So, the other day i was up really late and i saw this add for "Tater mitts" O.o which is basically, a pair of gloves with.. some type of gravel looking attatched to them. basically, all your supposed to do is put on these tater mitts, and rub your potato under some water. I...dont know why i hate this! i find it incredible stupid and a little discusting.. on the add they even did it to an apple O.o i dunno, i found them to be hilariously stupid. heres a picture!

Todays song is a piano version of "Simple and clean" by utada hikaru, i find it beautifully ...serene. have a nice day everyone!
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
 | LMAO xD its hilarious you think my sister is so cool- feel free to visit her Myo by Clicken!
xD seriously, even she thought it was funny.. because first off- she forces me to go places with her, and she knows i dont ever want to go to those places so to make up for it she butters me up with starbucks and manga xD but bah.. i dont care!! it works xD
Well, todays song is one i just randomly found on imeem, and i like it! =D i should put a piano related song 'cause, well, thats all ive been listening to lately but meh, ill put one tommarrow!
today(well.. yesterday) i was home alone for like.. 5 hours.. :/ everyone had left meh! but i kinda enjoyed it.. being alone.. something i usually hate xD i ended up giving the dog a bath! which she needed...then she went and rolled in the dirt! ~_~ meh..
Oh! i found my Pride and prejudice soundtrack xD which i was so mad that i lost. it was burried under a whole bunch of blank cd's that i could have sworn i looked through when i was looking for it like..3 months ago xD im happy.. i LUFFFFF that cd..
Wellll the library called and said my book was in. this book ive been waiting like.. a month or so for it to come in xD so im happy!!!
well, i think thats it.. ill visit everyone today i promice!!! i hope you all have a forseriously wondertasticful day!!(o.o im hyper...)
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Friday, May 11, 2007
 | New song(like i said, i shall put a new one up everytime i update xD) this one is from silent hill 4, i really like it.
Well, i didnt do much today, the weather was nice again but my sister had to work so i was pretty much alone all day. but since she got paid today, after she came home we went to barnes and noble xD and for kicks she baught me this book called "Crones book of magical Words" XD She also baught XXXholic and another book. AND she baught me a mocha frappucino which was good xD i love frappucino's
Tommarrow.. will be boring xD hopefully ill visit you guys.
Have a nice day everyone!
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