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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
 | New song up- i think ill add a new song every time i update xD i like this one, if i ever get married- i shall play it at my wedding!
I had a good wednesday!! it was somewhat boring, but still nice. the weather was great! it must have been like, 75 out *_* i went for a walk with my dog.. who is like.. O.o majorly hyper.
And then we had mexican food for dinner, which was SO GOOD. we hardly ever get mexican food!
O.o and that was all.. but it was still a good day... im bored xD i think ill make someone an avatar.. dont be surprised if you receive one from me! lol.
have a nice day all!
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
 | well, monday was Boringtastic for me! =D
...Heroes came on though, that was awesome, only 2 more episodes X.X i cant wait!
so, in the book i was telling you guys about, i specificly got it to read about the actualy "Feejee Mermaid" and did you, they used to take the head and torso of a monkey and attach it to the end of a fish to make it appear as a mermaid? thats not the terrible part(well..not really..) some people would go as far as STEALING CHILDREN, torturing them, and doing the same thing with there head and torsos?! O.O how wrong..and sick is that?!?!? Jeez... im happy i wasnt a kid, in london, around 1822 xD
Here are the pictures i promiced: my kittens exploring the computer! click for bigger versions..

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Monday, May 7, 2007
 | Well, the weather was really nice when i updated yesterday but after that it got all crappy and rainy >< which sucked..
We went to the library anyway though, and i got this book on cryptozoology. its called "The Feejee Mermaid" I have always been interested in that fact, when i was like 8.. i wanted to be cryptozooligest? meh, i was wierd.. and for those of you who dont know what crypozoology is, well its the study of evidence tending to substantiate the existence of, or the search for, creatures whose reported existence is unproved. In other words.. Bigfoot.. or.. my favorite-the mothman! Lol, i was also a stupid little kid and beleived in these things XD now i find them purely entertaining.. luckily that silly dream went onto becoming an archeologist, which i still wish i could be, but i am an idiot xD so that will never happen.
ANYWAY getting passed my smashed dreams... i also got another book very sad ;.; i hate sad books, but i love this one because its done by a favorite author of mine(i have so many).
That pretty much was my day.. O.o i went to walmart, buts its not really worth mentioning.. oh! other then the part where i was in the car.. and we were at a red light, well i look over and theres this kid staring at me from his car. he was hot, i wont deny it.. he smiled, i looked away in er.. Embarressment? annoyance? maybe both? well anyway, it sucked because the car he was in pretty much drove beside my car like.. practically the whole way home xD he kept looking over.. *sigh* flirting from a car does not do it for me..
Well that is all! ill try and visit today! have a nice day everyone!!
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
 | hello! its 10 AM ~_~ im REALLY BORED. its my sisters day off so we're going to the library.. *yay*
and...after that i have nothing to do :/ boring day..
I am lazy therefore i did not upload the pictures. however, enjoy this one:

Oh! and i made this:

Its for my new story.. hopefully ill get the story up sometime ~__~
and also, if you havent noticed, i made a new avatar ^^; i went graphics crazy yesterday. i love it..
*sigh* well thats about it. have a nice day everyone.. :/ hopefully it wont be as boring as mine...
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
 | Well, iwas in the most horrible most last night so i didnt update. but now im happy so im updating ^.^
last night i got into a fight with Ivory. About Pot xD and drugs. it was stupid. And i realised that im wierd and everything i ever like.. do or say i think really far ahead about how it will effect me and stuff. O.o im assuming its all this plotting i do for my stories... cause thats basically what you do when you plot out a story xD im wierd.. *sigh*
well not much else to say,tommarrow ill try and update with some pictures of the kittens exploring the computer xD theyre so cute.
the song i have on my profile is like, my current favorite ^^ so give it a listen. its sung by Hitomi shimatani.
Also, i made this for Simpleplanluver cause i was bored xD im not good with avatars so im really happy it turned out nice.

have a nice day all.
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Friday, May 4, 2007
 | If your not apart of bother reading this.. you wont understand or care.
My sisters account on was deleted last night. All because of this damn war over..a fake item on a little game?! O.o what the fuck? At first i think, how can someone be so childish.. over something they didnt make up. But then i look at the people that are fighting over it. the people that TRUELLY started this war. and realise, theyre nothing but Incredibly Perverse, mental people that obviously get off on seeing...things.. that would litterally scar any normal human being for life. If your apart of, i guarantee it, i wont like you, infact.. if i had the chance to walk past you on the street, i will stop and spit at your feet, hopefully shouting to the world that you against human kind and everything you stand for as a human being.
Sure, its not all the user of the 4chan website. sure you dont give a damn about the "Longcat" and how subeta has adopted it as a new item for its game. But..just knowing that your a member of that website tells me that you obviously arent mentally stable in some way shape or form and you really do need help.
For those on 420chan who "Say" they will stop hacking into subeta, destroying peoples accounts and giving out personal information, not to mention putting the staff to new limits of stress..i dont buy it. You most of all, get off on this power you think you have O.o "Oh yay i ruin someones fun, i can ruin a PET SITE, that totally makes up for my lack of ability to have a normal life with actualy people and hey... friends? who cares about those! im to busy destroying the fun of others.."
....The bottom line is, you dont own longcat. You never have, you STOLE it yourselves and subeta has every legal right to use it. theyre not profiting from it, theyre just enjoying it as you have. So go..fuck yourselves.
And to the users of subeta who feel this is the staff's fault... Im ashamed! i really am. You have every right to be afraid that something bad will happen to your account, but dont blame it on our beloved staff! blame it on 4chan for being so childish they cant get over this.. Longcat O.o Subeta, keith, the staff, they are hurting, and going through even worse then you. Some, getting harrassed over the phone, through the mail! and all that happened to you was..your account got deleted O.o really supportive, really understanding.... *sigh* please note my sarcasm..
Subeta is a game, and i love it.. and im not going to back down from some lowly perverse old men that get there kicks at someones demise.
just remember, if the longcat goes away.. 420chan WONT. The only thing they will do, is laugh that they defeated us and press on untill there is nothing left of subeta.
Subeta, is trapped in a corner, basically.. no matter what they do, these people will always try to bring us down.. and we cant do a thing because we cant catch these people.
.....that is all.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
 | eeps, its 4 AM and i just woke up. i fell asleep around.. 7 PM.. <<; i woke up a couple hours after and my foot had fallen asleep and when i got up to go to the kitchen i HURT SO BAD. i seriously fell back on my bed <<;
So, as you guys know im working on aggressive ink which is a website that has to do with writing contests. well, i decided to invite one of my friends from quizilla. she said she would love to join in, but she couldnt give me her name because she didnt want me to be biased when judging O.o WTF!? i know she hardly knows me, but.. it really hurt my feelings that she would actually feel that i would be BIASED WHILE JUDGING! if anything, im fucking worried She'll invite some of her friends and she would biased because she doesnt know anyone but them on the board(where as i know and love everyone equally) >< it just pissed me off...
So, we went to the mall earlier today and they had this great deal on funimation DVD's for like, 5 for 15 bucks. We baught 3 cased closed DVDS(because i love that show) 1 kadocha DVD and one Kiddy grade DVD ^^; it was awesome..
Well, have a nice day everyone!
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Monday, April 30, 2007
logn night
 | Well.... x.x i stayed up all night, and so did my sister. We went to starbucks at like 8AM xD and rented a movie. Which we watched and then we went to the mall! my sister, sadly didnt buy anything(she ALMOST did several times but she's really picky..) the only thing she really baught was me a book, one of my favorites in fact, its called "Kusheils dart" for being one of my favorites i really havent read the other 2 after it but i always wanted to(i dunno why i havent..) and i noticed awhile ago that there was a new one released so now im excited to finally read all of them.
after the mall, we both fell asleep untill like 6PM. then we got dinner, and i feel asleep again xD right now its 4 AM x.x and i feel stupid about this, but im so mad because the first thing i did when i woke up was go to the kitchen cause i new i had a bottle of pepsi waiting for me(i love pepsi) but someone drank half of it! >< i am so freaking mad... everyone knew it was mine... someone around here is just a freaking jerk.
well, im gonna... go work on my forum! have a wonderful day all!
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
 | well, its over. Eureka seven has ended. it was a great ending! so... Satisfying to see Renton and Eureka become one ;.; it made my night.
After that though i got really sickly ~.~ like throwing up sickly. Right now im drinking of ice water ^^ its helping alot so im sure i wont be feeling this way for very long but..gah.. it ruined my happiness xD
Well, my forum is slowly gaining people, i have to thank my friend nikki big time because she was part of the reason i have the people i have xD
have a nice day!!!
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
 | First off, i changed my Playlist ^^ i love it. ill add more songs to it....later. Also:
I've been wanting to start a writing community where people can come and well, find others that also like to write but also enter various writing Contests weather it be original fiction,Nonfiction, fanfiction, lyrics, poems, ANY TYPE OF WRITING.
While i have a large dream for this, one that involves money, an actual website, and prizes... i am poor and dont know enough HTML or CSS to carry out that dream so im sure it will just be reduced to a basic forum with writing contests.
What i need before i can start anything are people that want to share in this idea and be moderators/judges/admin. of course i would need people that have time and if you were a judge you would be willing to read what would seem endles amounts of entries and feel that they can fairly judge and choose a winner.
As i cant give away real prizes (yet..) i thought it also may be fun to give away banners or icons or some type of graphic that is specialized to the person that won or maybe banners that say "So-and-so won this months something or other contest!" O.o or something like that lol. That would also mean i would need graphics makers.
So... if ANYONE AT ALL feels they want to be apart of this feel free to Messege me, and if you know anyone that you think would want to be apart of this send them my way.
...I want people that will really be dedicated in this project and have enough time for it..
If you would like to just be apart and join in on the contests feel free to messege me and ill keep posted on when the site is up and running.
...any questions you have... MESSSEGE ME.
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