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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
 | ...its 3:40 AM. im on a terrible sleeping schedule! >< and let me tell you it is IMPOSSIBLE to meditate with two hyper little kittens running around the room. x.x seriously! you would think they would be sleeping by now but NOOO its constant hyperness ><
*sigh* now i have a headache...
wierd weather we've been having O.o i think it hailed today but i missed it cause i was sleeping lol.
Got some major plotting done x.x and im still not fully ready to write! ><; not that i would because of major writers clock, i was hoping me plotting would bring me out of it but nope.. :/
Imm... bored :/ ive been reduced to typing in random words on imeem. i just typed in "Aura" ...its actually fun O.o;; i must be tired.
ill be sure to visit.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
 | Well, today i was up untill about...7 AM. then i woke up at 9 AM because i had to go with mom and dad to the town next to mine because he had to see his laywer and dad wanted me to drive back home with mom because she doesnt have a liscense(O.o) and she managed to get lost because she didnt go the awy we came and i clearly told her where to turn and she basically ignored me thinking she knew better then me-obviously not because we got lost. x.x and ontop of all that, it was raining.
after all that i slept untill like 6 PM ^^;;;
wellll here are the pictures! lol.. just click them to view the larger versions, they look better when larger ^^;

=D the last one is uber cute. she looks just like her father! even when she sleeps and her personality. i think ill post some of the other kitten tommarrow.
Also, sorry i didnt visit... like i said i was sleeping all day and i only really just got on myO now when everyone updated all over again ^^;; ill be sure to visit today!!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
 | Hello! i was up until about..6 AM so i slept all day x.x i remember there was lots of thunder though... and it was raining hard.. it was kinda nice listening to the rain fall while i was sleeping though, really relaxing...
Heroes was AWESOME! x.x i cant beleive theres only 5 episodes left. i cant beleive i have to wait another WEEK! GAH!! ;.;
Well, no pictures of my kitty and the sharpie today, im kinda lazy and dont want to deal with my digital camera(it hates me and gives me trouble when i try and put the pics on my computer) so i shall do that tommarrow xD i promice!
well, remember a few days ago when i told you my cat had kittens but they all died? O.o she had one this morning.. whats that..2 days later?! that cant be good... it was dead as well :/ poor kitten. poor pheobe ;.; all her kittens dying... how sad!
Well.. i just watched the trailor to OOTP! xD it makes me want to read the book all over again but as i remember the 5th is my least favorite xD but the trailor was good, i swear i smelled movie theatre popcorn while i was watching it O.o here it is for anyone that wants to see it: (im to lazy to log into youtube so heres the URL xD)
Oh yes, some people asked why i cant go to prom O.o which i thought was odd cause i clearly stated why i couldnt but just incase you read wrong its because im no longer in highschool...i dropped out.
well, i think thats it, ill be sure to visit! have a nice day everyone!
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Monday, April 23, 2007
 | Well, sunday was fine.. i guess. No one was really awake O.o my parents keep sleeping during the day, its wierd...but anyway, so i was alone the whole day pretty much. nice weather though...
Eureka 7 was AWESOME! i cant beleive...all that happened x.x im gonna die next week when they air the last episode. then ill have to find a new favorite anime ;.; NUUU! i love E7 so much! i cant beleive its ending.. i heart its a bittersweet ending... an ok one but Renton and Eureka dont exactly get to live happily ever after ;.; i WONDER WHAT THE HELL THAT MEANS. gah.. a whole week x.x its unbarable, yet i dont want it come at the same time xD haha
Well, Heroes comes tonight! >D Hellz yeah ive been waiting like a month and half for THIS! it sucks though, cause the riches comes on too, luckily they show the riches all week...
well, im kinda bored and even though i desperatly want to write i cant get myself to.. :/ so maybe ill just outline my new story(called Floating'll kickass...) but god, it gives me a headache cause then i have to think of every single idea ive had for the story and then put it all in order and try and connect the random scenarios in my head so they all sit together. and i need to read up on like, boats xD lol.. and fishing.. and stuff.. lmao. but yeah, ive got a whole lot planned out already for it so i wont be running out of ideas anytime soon.
Im also bored- if im up at 3 AM again tonight, i may enjoy playing around with my webcam =D you all know how much of a camera whore i am! except i need to be in control of the camera or i refuse to be in the shot O.o; im wierd. speaking of pictures, expect to some cute ones tommarrow consisting of one of my kittens killing my hot pink sharpie pen xD WHO WILL WIN?! INCREDIBLY PINK YET DRIES PURPLE SHARPIE? OR GREYISH BLACKISH BROWNISH BASTERD KITTEN THAT WEIGHS NO MORE THEN A PEPSI CAN?! im a bit hyper O.o;; it sucks that no one is online, Teh Betheny(also known to all of your as Ivory) has been sick so i havent talked to her but once this whole week ><; it sucks. and im jealous of her cause she gets to go to prom and that is something ill never get to do now. ;.; i want to dress up in some shiny short sexy dress, with shoes that make my feet knumb and hair that is so perfect no even a hurricane could mess it up ;.;
.....all well :/ ill just have to get over it, i decided the drop out, its my own fault *sucks it up* Who knows, if i ever become and amazingtastic writer i can dress up for like.. events...and...stuff.. O.o or something..maybe...oneday *sniffle*
OK im going. xD ill be sure to visit... ttyl my LOVES!
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
 | Hah, i had the most boring saterday EVER. i went groccerry shopping but that was it.. ;.; and now i have a headache lol.. so i wont be able to read tonight! ;.; Nuuuuuu!
sunday i have nothing to do as well.. :/ gosh darn my lameness!
welllll my other cat pheobe had her kittens today. all of them died sadly(she had three), very unfortunate... i feel really bad because i wasnt awake when they were born and if i had been i know they would have lived(because all she needed was direction or someone there with her...) but all well i guess :( Quoting one of my favorite fantasy series(the pendragon series) that was the way it was meant to be!.
Speaking of that series, i just found out the 8th book in this 10 part series is coming out in may and im kicking myself because i still havent read number 7. i own it.. i just..feel i need to read all 6 AGAIN because i dont really remember much. and that annoys me because ill have to push my reading list back yet again just so i can read these 6 books. if i get into them, i predict it will take me...a week and 2 days! hopefully. :/ theyre not that big each one i got so enthralled with that i read each one on the day they came out ^^: except for the first 4.. because i was actually in school then... so i had something to do.
Anyway O.o i shall stop rambling about pointless crap. Have a nice day! Oh, and go and plant a tree(Whoo for earth day!)
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
 | Well, my friday was ok, pretty uneventful but the weather was very nice! so that made me happy ^^
ummmmmm i switched to another playlist, this one is just american music(well...except one song.. by porno graffiti but theyre just so awesome) so yes, give it a listen, im enjoying it! lol.
right now... im waiting for my sister to make a chocolate cake xD i dunno why we make deserts so late at night! We didnt have any butter those so i played rock paper scissors with dad to see who would get it. I won.... MWAHAHA!
thats about it lol, i hope you all have a nice weekend, and like always, ill be sure to visit!
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Friday, April 20, 2007
 | Sorry i haven't updated! i just havent really... been on at the right time to update is all! lol. if that makes any sense.
Well, lets see.... did some yardwork wednesday. ~_~; and then i got icecream!
Thursday- i did nothing but watch my grandmothers dog, in fact its 10 PM at night and she still hasnt stopped by to pick her up x.x;;;
Well, my list grew a bit more(playlist i mean) im alittle surprised at the songs i have on it... mostly anime of course but there are tons more american songs i love that i just havent bothered to put on it yet o.o i suppose i could though. xD right now im in love with song number 1 and song number 53. oh and 52! lol. <<; i love my playlist. *worships imeem* if you could download the music from imeem..i would die of happiness..
anyway, yeah, thats it! ill be sure to visit you all! have a nice friday!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
 | Well, the weeds are officially sprayed! =D
also, the cookies were good! and my tuesday was decent-i got lunch again! we went to this sandwhich places right next to our house called daddy-o's. i love it!
well first of all... i added more songs to my playlist xD i think its almost to 60 songs o.o i dont plan on stopping, i love searching like, random words and then finding totally awesome songs xD
at like, 8:30 PM we went to barnes and noble ^^ i got a caramel machiato. it was good.... we didnt buy anything else though O.o;;;;
Well, im filling out an application and i realised, i dont have any references O.o what do i do? leave it blank?! who do i put?!?! ;.; i feel
well, i have to get off and go watch "smoking aces" O.o which i didnt want to see, i dont even know what its about, i dunno where my sister got the idea that i wanted to see it. honestly, i just wanna be online for like another half an hour and then go to my room and read my book xD its getting really good. all well, ill suffer through it. maybe if i stay on long enough she wont want to watch it till tommarrow lol. *crosses fingers*
Tommarrow, or today depending on when your reading this, me and my sister will be going to see blades of glory. which is good, im in the mood for a stupid funny movie xD so yay.
well, like always, ill visit. have anice day everyone!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
 | Hello! look at me updating all early like i used to xD for once i havent fallen asleep and right now im waiting for my sister to get done making more peanut butter cookies <<; since we've declared im incapable of handling such things.
the rest of my monday was uneventful, i made dinner... :/ watched the riches(i love that show) and i did go to hobby lobby for like..20 minutes. O.o its wierd, tons of hot guys work at hobby lobby.. xD the only good part about that store lmao.
tommarrow, i dunno what ill do! hopefully the weather will be nice because i have some weed killer thats all ready to take out the the evil weeds that have infested themselves in the back yard... <<; damn things, they grew so much they actually have little purple flowers ;.; i suppose im sort of to blame-should have killed them like a month ago. ~_~
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Monday, April 16, 2007
 | Well im updating kind of late <<; lets see, on sunday i went to see Disturbia, it was ok, for a movie that i really didnt want to see lol.
Before the movie started we went to this sub place up at our mall, i dont remember the name, it was good though... and then we went shopping, or my sister did because she has all the money xD lmao.
We also went to my sisters college library and i finally got a library card for there(it has more books then my towns library) i also checked out "The Historian" which im LOVING. O.o if i ever get a job, be sure to yell at me if i spend all my money on books...and manga.. O.o; because i will if i can. *cough*
well, my monday is boring :/ malissa baught me lunch before she went to work ^^ that was awesome. But yeah :/ now i will spend the rest of the day alone pretty much... and its cloudy outside ;.;
well, ill be sure to visit, have a nice day all!
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