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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
 | Well, i had a wierd friday the 13th o.o first off, i started my morning with making some peanut butter cookies, which are like, the easiest cookie ever to make O.o mine didnt turn out well. in fact, none of them were really edible ^^; lmao.. i followed the recipe to a T! my sister made some when she got home that day-they turned out perfect >< thus the reason i hate baking ;.; and it hates me.
Well, my sister just got paid that day to so when she got home we went to best buy and she baught this ergo proxy dvd that came with a soundtrack. i dont thing they charged us for the soundtrack though cause it was supposed to be like 30 bucks but it only came to like, 16 o.o;;;;
and then we went to barnes and noble my and she baught 2 books.. i dont remember the titles but one sounds really scary so i shall enjoy reading it. she also baught me a latte ^^ it was good.
Well, i added some more songs to my playlist! it GROWS! lol. enjoy.
ill be sure to visit!
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Friday, April 13, 2007
 | Sorry i didnt update or visit anyone the other day, i really wasnt in the mood lol.
well, not much to update on, we god some new fish, another cichlid and a beta...the beta is like, light pink... i named it Uma xD even though its a male... but it was to pretty to be named anything other!
Also, some of you may remember the user "Sutarumahari" one of my friends who had an account on here, well she is back so please go visit her by Clicking here. and add her as a friend! she is totally awesome.
Well thats about it for me, ill be sure to visit everyone.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
 | well, jeez o.o only 2 people on my list have updated so far today! thats kinda sad :/ ill be sure to visit them though lol.
Well first of all, im officially addicted to Imeem. O.o if anyone has an account there look for me and add me as a friend, i think you can only search people by email address though so yeah, mine is:
Speaking of Imeem, i added more songs to my playlist. Ill probably add even more later today ~_~; that place never bores me! lol.
Also, i finally got pictures off my camera! My image host is being a bitch right now though so ill have to settle with Deviantart and myspace ><
First off, heres my dog, i thought she looked like a heartless from kingdom hearts in this picture xD

and then heres the new kitties... the tabby is Stroudel and the black one is cheesecake.

These look cuter close up so go comment them on myspace if you have me added(theres also a link above if you want to add me)
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
 | Well i just woke up! its 6 AM.. the sun isnt even up yet ~_~;;;;;;;
So, i finished the book i was reading just recently and i put a hold on the sequal, but i just realised that there were 13 other holds on it ;.; i cant beleive i have to wait so long! luckily the library has 4 copies of the book ): so hopefully all those people will read it really quick.... ><
....well, my life hasnt changed at all xD still bored as ever... been wasting even MORE time on o.o and youtube... my life has So much meaning *sigh*
ill visit, have a nice day!
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
 | Well, i fell asleep at like 7 last night and woke up at 6 AM... i didnt really bother to update though ~_~ i was tired lol. my day hasnt been very eventful but im contemplating going to see grindhouse at 4:30 :/ i dunno, since i have yet to get my liscence i would only have my permit as an ID and honestly, its kind of embarressing having to show your permit when your already 17 lol, but yeah, i think i just need to suck it up and not give a damn... i dont know why i have this fear that everyone is watching and judging everything i do. And if they are, i still shouldnt care.
Well.... happy easter! lol
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
 | So whats up? im bored... :/ no ones in YIM Or my anime forum so ima lonely ;.; just wasting time on which im way more addicted to then i should be ~0~
I keep thinking today is saterday and yesterday was friday xD even though ive been reminded several times already it isnt. well actually, if your reading this is probably is saterday, but really its friday night... O.o; nvm... confuzling..
Hmm.. well.. my day was... BORING like it always is, it was super cold to as well as rainy and a bit foggy so yeah.. no way in hell i was going out, hopefully saterday will be better :/ my sister baught Finaly Fantasy 7 so maybe thats what i shall do tommarrow...
:/ oh yeah and for some reason is wouldnt let me upload the songs onto Imeem, the file was "invalid" and that confuses me because it said that when i tried to upload an ending theme to Eureka 7 but then i downloaded one that was like, the same..type... of file and it worked. if that makes sense lol, i dunno how to explain it.. xD all well.
WELL this was pretty much a pointless update so im gonna end it and i hope you all have a nice day!
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Friday, April 6, 2007
 | hey! thanks so much to Reina for informing me of what the instroment was called! that made me so happy lol! anyway-this is what i was talking about:

I remember at the time i was set on learning how to play one of these things lol xD but anyway, i think ill upload the music i have on imeem and add it to my player ^^; so go ahead and watch for it if you wanna listen.
well, im in a happy mood right now, i just got a review on my story posted on fictionpress and im listening to an awesome song(which happens to be the last song on my playlist here)
well, ive been falling behind on my reading ~_~ it seems like the past few days have been filled with chapter updates from all the stories i read. I dunno, i think i need a slight break xD they shall all have to wait awhile till i review lol.
Wellllllll i hope you all have a nice day!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
 | Well, im on a wierd sleeping schedule. i fell asleep at like 1 in the afternoon and woke up at like..5 PM. went to the mall and my sister baught the aquarian age soundtrack and this one CD that was called like "music for a geisha" or something similar, which is awesome, it kind of sounds like those instroments...i dunno what theyre called anymore but theyre like, harps except they sit on the floor. I remember we saw them way back when there was a feature on japanese art in our towns museum and these woman were dressed in beautiful kimono's playing them. :/ anyway, after that we tried to search for music from them but were unsuccesful UNTILL NOW! so yay.
after that, i fell asleep again! and i had only been awake for like 5 hours O.o i dunno why im so tired lately.
well, other then that nothing much has happened :/ ill be sure to visit. have a nice day everyone!
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
 | Wellll how was your guys' day? mine was boring, pretty much sat up all night and read my book, and then fell asleep around..12 noon, then woke up to my sister coming into my room saying "mom and dad baught a car" o.o which was surprising. after falling asleep again i woke up to fighting >< my mom is mad that she cant drive the car but SHE HAS NO LISCENSE, and she's mad at my dad because she thinks just because he wants to drive it he's taking it away from her or something, even though its BOTH theyre car, and he has every right to drive it especially since she cant. And its her own fault that she cant drive it because its her own fault they took away her liscense, its not like we're just going to let her go and break the law and most like run away and sneak around behind our backs with this new car.
I have to admit- i want to drive it. BAD. im officially the only one without a car in my family but hey, ill wait till i get a liscense...then.. *sigh* unlike my sister ill have to buy my own because no one will hand me one like they did to her.
well, i hope you guys like my music player! while making one for my forum(yes i made one for my anime forum to xD) i fell in love with the band "Aural vampire" thers a song on my player here to if you wanna listen.. ^^ ill add more songs tonight, just not sure which ones <<; have a nice day!
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
 | Well not much to update, my day was pretty boring, i just wanted you all to see my awesomeful music player i put up. i tried to put mostly japanese music because, well this is my anime blog xD so yes, i hope you like it. just because i can, i also put some american songs i love. and there will be more, oh yes, there will be more!
i also fixed my myspace banner, i had no idea it didnt link to my myspace <<; so now it does, be sure to add me there if you havent already.
have a nice day everyone!
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