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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
 | Well, i happen to be in a good mood right now ^^ even though im really tired cause its almost 2 Am...
But yes, im happy, im not quite sure why thought xP
tuesday, me and my sister went to the mall, and we found these realy nice japanese and chinese art coloring books, they were really cool so my sister baught them ^^ i made her take the coloring book apart though so that she could scan the pages and print out doubles :P lmao. Its nice, because you really have to focus on shading and bold coloring, which i dont often do(i dont often draw/color for that matter) but ive been thinking of picking up my sketchbook and doing alittle somethign o.o maybe i can draw atleast since i havent been able to write!? however im feeling like im getting close =D i just dont know why i cant seem to write damnit!!!!
hmm, it seems ive misplaced my Pride and prejudice CD O.o which sucks cause i paid 15 bucks for that damn cd. Im lucky however, if i cant find it i can always burn the burned copy i made my sister ^^ but i really hope i didnt lose it.. ;.;
what else?! i dunno!!! not much honestly.. other then i baught more clothes :/ now i have like, tons for summer lol. (and im sure ill buy more if i get the chance!)
well yes, it seems i have nothing at all to say! so i hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
 | Not the greatest birthday ever. seriously. the whole day, i was stuck at home because everyone was at work, and i was carless. and it was a little depressing O.o i think i balanced it out with compulsively stuffing my face :/ seriously, ive never eaten so much in my life. No worries though.. :/ ill have spend a few hours working out just incase i gained anything(which is doubtful)
But when someone did come home(my sister) i ended up going clothes shopping, i know SURPRISE THERE. but i got a really cute top(that was green cause i realised i own NO GREEN) and some totally hot capris.
.... then we came home O.o and i did nothing, again. and when my dad came home it seemed like he didnt even give a damn, he basically just went to bed... i mean, i know he's been working hard but whats a "Hey, youngest daughter, happy birthday!"
;.; whatever.
and then i got freaking pissed cause all day i was waiting for stupid ass codey to leave me a happy birthday comment, and i was SO SURE that he forgot. and yeah, that would piss me off because ive known him for more then 4 years and i would NEVER forget his birthday, so you know, i would feel really hurt if he forgot mine. luckily, he didnt... and then when i told him i bet Ivory that he would he was "hurt that i bet on him" and i was like "O.o what do you expect, you hardly ever chat with me anymore" and he's all "So, your number 3 on my top 12 on myspace" that doesnt make up for the fact it feels like he's totally forgetting about me. Which i know he is.
*sigh*overall, i was less then content with this birthday, however, it wasnt the worst...oh no *pushes thought of worst birthday into back of mind*
...i hope you all had a great st. patricks day. i- just wanted a bottle of wine the whole time ;.; and no, i never got one.
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
i honestly, have no plans xD everyone has to work... :/ and stuff... so..blah.. it will be just another boring day!!! 17! yay! im happy! *dances*
well, i never wrote like i said i would xD however today when i woke up i got online and wrote a couple paragraphs of my story "the Forbidden place" which i never actually wrote at all, its just been a really well thought out plan thats been stuck in my head, that originated in a dream!
Im hoping to write again in alittle while, but im feeling alittle sick ;.; so yeah, theres no way i can write when im feeling sick xD
wellllll happy st. patricks day everyone !
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Friday, March 16, 2007
2 AM
 | Bah. lately ive been going to sleep at like, 12 AM which is actually really good, cause then i wake up at like 8 or 9 AM... :/ but today i was sitting in my room in the dark for like, 2 hours trying to sleep and all i could think of was my HP fic... ~_~ so now im online, trying to get myself to get ready to write the 2nd chapter <<; of course i wish it were my vamp story but hey, i wont complain.. bursts of inspiration are hard to come by lately xD ill take all i can get!
O.o hey, my list seems to be highlighting people that updated today and yesterday but its not highlighting everyone that updated yesterday... is it doing this for anyone else? i just thought it was wierd cause its never done that before xD
well, the day with my grandmother went ok, we didnt really talk about school like i thought we would, which was good. but she somehow talked me into going home and doing the dishes O.o and just to let you know-i dont DO dishes. usually my sister does xD or my mom, but both of them are being lazy and making excuses so i guess it was good that i did them ~_~;;
blah, right now im going through all the excuses i can in my head on why i cant write such as:
Its to cold.
I cant think of any good music to play.
No ones online to share my writing pain.
i have nothing else to do on the internet to keep me distracted.
the window shade is open, its creepy.
i have to pee.
i need something to drink xD
maybe i should download music instead.
i think my hands are getting tired
its to early in the morning, i should be going to bed.
i wont be able to write once i open microsoft works.
~_~ it goes on... seriously, i dont know what the hell is wrong with.. O.o i dont even realise im maknig the excuses usually. hopefully i can try and stop that.
well, DSL is working! everything goes way fast! and i downloaded a whole soundtrack in like 15 minutes! xD it only takes like 1 minute to download a song... its great.. o.o and now i cant easily visit everyones site because myO is moving so fast now, all of your guys' banners and stuff load instantly practically xD i luff it. and plus- i cant be on YIM FOREVER! xD not that i would.. but..its still an awesome though lol.
well, im gonna go and prepare to write ~_~ ttyl everyone.
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
 | Hey everyone! so...its cold! >< which sucks, yesterday it was like 70 degrees out now its like..50 i think.. ;.; i hate cold weather!!!!
So, our DSL still isnt working, we're not sure why, we have everything hooked up just like it should be but :/ i dunno! they said that we should wait for an email from them O.o or something... we already got an email saying our network is turned on but yeah, i guess it really isnt ><; DAMN THEM i seriously cant wait to see what DSL is like. xD
well, i just got back from having coffee with my grandmother :/ oddly enough we didnt talk about school really.. she gave me a birthday card, and we ended up talking about cars O.o meanwhile i was forcing myself to eat the incredibly large peice of banana nut bread that was WAY TO SWEET for me(i hate sweet things. they make me sick) But, my mocha frappucino was yummy ^^;
Hmm what else?! nothing really, im avoiding the large pile of dishes that i have to do because no one else in our family will ><
my sister is being a snob because her Mythical detective loki dvd 2 hasnt come yet and it was supposed to arrive on the 13th ~_~;; im just happy she's at work so i dont have to deal with her, seriously she has been unbearable this week.
well... :/ not much else, i think ill go visit everyone that updated today since im putting off the dishes for as long as i can xD lol.. havea nice day everyone!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
 | Yay! our DSL service turns on today and our DSL stuff should get her as well... i cant wait!
Well, my sister was in the most pissy mood yesterday >< We had planned on going to the library and then the mall(though why on earth would i go to the mall since i have no money) well, we get to the library, and its the library where i dont have a library card at so i have to use my sisters. well, for some reason they dont have the books i put on hold, well.. on the holdshelf. so my sister says "Go look for it around the library" and i think, no... its supposed to be on the holdshelf its prolly in the back and they havent put it out or something. well, when im all "Why dont we ask someone" she gets all mad and goes "No! just go look for it!"
well, after that, she has to go up there and pay a fine we have so i assumed that she would ask them while she was doing this, but NO she doesnt. ANd so yeah, of course im mad at her cause she didnt ask them... and then she is all "Well you could have asked them you were right there!" but i mean O.o its on her library card...
well finally i go "Fine give me your library card and ill ask them!" and she resists giving it to me and goes "Like she'll really help you when its my library card" O.o no Shit! thats why i wanted her to do it!!!! what does she expect me to do, pull my nonexistant library card out of my pocket and try and ask for a book thats on hold for hers? what the hell?!
So then she goes on about how she's tired of doing everything for me but, pfft... whatever... i do everything for her, go places that i hate going with her, hell i hate going anywhere with her but... she has no one else but me to things with so its not like im gonna go "Hey, get a life your already 21!"
*sigh* okay. yeah, that was long, but ir eally needed to rant about that ><
so yeah, my day was boring after that lol, i sat and watched tv... made dinner, watched more tv.. i think my eyes will burn out soon from so much tv watching. but idid watch the series premere of "The riches" which was really good.. xD since heroes is over for now i need something to watch on mondays ~_~
well anyway, i dunno what im gonna do today... i feel like playing Sould Calibur 3 xD for some reason....
i hope you all have a great day!
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Monday, March 12, 2007
 | Hello! how are all of you? im up early this morning(i woke up at 7AM) and i decided to update my blog. i dont know if i already updated to say that my other cat had kittens, 3 of them, except one died ;.; which sucked... we had named him Rice crispy because 1. we were in a dessert naming mood and 2. he was loud! but yeah :/ he died... but the other 2 are just fine and terribly cute-like seriously, for some reason i instantly loved this batch of kittens!
what else?! well, yesterday my grandmother took me to my favorite store for some birthday shopping xD i got some really cute tops, and i tried to get some for summer, because who knows when someone will just buy me mega amounts of clothes xD but yeah, dad said thats what he wanted to get me for my birthday to(a gift certificate to the same store..cause its my favorite) but he's not so sure because grandma already did xD but i was like "No! its fine! i dont mind!" xD lol, because while i was there, they had really cute capri's that i think will fit me(im really short so its hard to find good capri's)
but anyway O.o sorry you had to read through my shopping obbsessive part in this blog ;.;' i cant help it... lol i love clothes!
but anyway! my sister baught some more anime, im not quite sure what she baught(as in, i dont remember the name...) but its supposidly supposed to be kind of scary and really good.
speaking of anime! im pissed at myself because i havent been watching bleach or Eureka 7 and eureka 7 is almost over so ;.; yeah, *kicks self* and i didnt even watch blood plus!!!!! well, i watched the beggining but then i ended up getting distracted by something ;.; but yeah, from what i watched it was really good! hopefully i will get back into anime mode by next week ): i dunno whats wrong with me, i just havent been wanting to watch anime!
well, this is long ;.; im gonna get off and enjoy the TOTALLY AWESOME WEATHER we've been getting. i hope everyone has a good day!
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
 | Hello my loves!! im in a good mood despite the fact yesterday sucked... ~_~ im on the worst sleeping schedule EVER i ended up falling asleep at like, 1 PM xD and i missed out on the really nice, WARM, weather, as well as my sisters day off ;.; i really wanted to go to the library!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHH
hmm, well guess what?! im getting DSL ^.^!!!!!! im so happy! we dont get it till next week i think but thats fine, as long as we get it :P ive been bugging dad since...well.. since Ivory got it actually, and i gave up recently feeling he wouldnt go for it atleast untill we moved(whenever that may be..) but yeah, dad became awesome and got it because it was cheap...
what else?! not much honestly ^^; i have some ideas for my writing, just cant seem to...put them in my story ~___~ lol, i dunno *kicks self* i know that im inspired im just...lazy? maybe.. *sigh*
oh yes, before i forget, and since i know you all love anime! join my anime forum!!! PLEASE, it needs more members and i would love to have any of you around. here is the link:
Its free to sign up and blah blah blah. have a nice day!!
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Monday, March 5, 2007
 | Well, both kittens died ;.; i was alittle surprised that the 2nd one died because it was very lively untill this morning(well technically yesterday morning) when i was laying with it and its mother. one minute, its alive, i pet it. the next...i look over and its dead ~_~ poor thing. I am going to make sure my kitty peachy, never, has kittens again.
However, im pretty sure my other cat is pregnent O.o damnit! i dont see how or male cat isnt fixed when its so...apparent...that he is!
but anyway, im not worried about her, she's a pro at having babies by now xD but mark my words! this shall be the last little i ever hope to see ~.~;
Well, ive been on a completly terrible sleeping schedule lately, in fact i was up for like 2 days and finally, on the day that i actually had something to do, i practically pass out the whole day ~__~ it was really nice today to! it was like, 55 degrees out! perfect for taking a walk! i was supposed to go to the movies with my sister, and groccery shopping, and the library, however, that didnt happen ~_~ and now my sister has to work *sigh*
Well, yeah, thats about it...ttyl, hope you guys have a wonderful monday!
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
 | Hello! lookit me updating on a weekend again *smacks self*
Hmm, well, uh, my cat had kittens O.o She is the worst mother cat in all the mother cat kingdom! She had two, they were small, and she didnt even want to clean them off, so i looked up on the internet what to do xD and had to whipe them dry with a soft hand towel. theyre fine right now, i finally got the orange one to eat, but the other, meh, i can get it to latch on xD i just cant get it to suckle.. which sucks, its so cute, i hope neither of them die. and my cat, the horrible mother, cares more about getting my attention then caring for her kittens xD ive been through like 14 cat pregnences by now to know what to do i guess ~_~;;; good thing she only had 2.
what else? well, my sister got her paycheck... xD so that means she is going to buy some anime. i still have yet to watch anything new that she's baught >< its odd, but ive actually not been in the mood to watch anime :/ what the hell is wrong with me?!
Ummm...thats about it, havent written any xD damnit. But yeah, hope you all have a great weekend!
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