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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Friday, March 7, 2008
 | AHH! i dont know where to post o.o here or on theotaku... :/ i have stuff to say too so i guess i would be happier to wherever more people would look O.o so yes, head on over here: subscribe to me? i havent really checked out anything on there...
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
 | I everyone :3 its been a little while, myotaku's been really inactive lately D= only like 3 people update on my list <<; and even then, im to lazy to go comment lol ;.; im sorry! im terrible ):
So my cowboy bebop box-set got here, its not as nice as i thought it would be XD i thought it would be a thin pack but its a super-thin pack so they dont have theyre own individual like..dvd box ): but thats ok, for the price it was most definitely worth it and its the first box-set ive ever owned(which is sad because my sister owns tons of them <<; my anime collection is pwned by hers)
I work at 9 AM tomorrow and im worried i wont get enough sleep ): im on a terrible sleeping schedule and sundays are really hectic at the restaurant so i dont want to be off and mess things up ~_~ i guess we'll see.(i also get paid tomorrow!)
MY BIRTHDAY IS THIS MONTH! on march 17th ill be turning 18 and i cant for the life of me think of what i want ~_~;; it feels like i should get something exciting but at the same time, i dont want anyone to waste any money on me lol <<;
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Monday, February 25, 2008
 | I feel much better then when i did the last time i updated ^^ i was really stressed out and tired and so i tried to think about something i missed. It being still snowy in Colorado we havent had rain in a really long time and its something i miss :3 so i just sat in the dark and listened to a cd full of rain and thunder ^^ it was incredibly relaxing and even though i didnt sleep, i was much calmer ~_~;;
Im on a terrible sleeping schedule now though :/ i slept all day today and woke up at 6 PM >< WHICH ISNT GOOD. i hate being up all night...
My cowboy bebop box set still hasn't gotten here yet :/ hopefully by wednesday it will be...
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
 | ...i think im gonna quit my job.
its currently 8:40 AM and ive been up since 1 PM yesterday. im really distraught about something i just did but...i dont want to type it all out ~_~ let me just say, its made me think about how inconvenient my job is to everyone and how i should quit and start on something new in my life like finally getting back to school and finding a less stressful job.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
 | Tuesday! My last day off until MONDAY! lol You know, when my manager became head manager i knew she wanted to give me more hours, but i didnt know she wanted to give me SO MANY more hours ^^ i thought maybe 3-4 more hours but instead she gave 12 more hours ~_~;; Im enjoying it though.
Im Super nervous however. I now work on sunday mornings, and for a restaurant that specializes in breakfast we're super busy then ): i just hope that i dont mess up or anything and make the morning shift even more stressful.
Anyway, so i just paid and it was a pretty small check, after paying what i owe my sister and my dad i had just enough money to buy the complete collection of Cowboy Bebop. and now im completely broke for another 2 weeks. I feel happy about it though ^^ its my first completed box-set to be honest(i normally spend all my money on manga).
Ive been thinking of dying my hair black...just for the heck of it!
Hnn. I have nothing else to rant about today so i hope you all have a nice week ^^
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Monday, February 18, 2008
Boo #5
 | Helloo! Happy monday all! I dunno why, but i felt like updating ^^
So it was my first week with my new long schedule at work, it wasnt so bad i guess. i have to say though, we had a lot more problems this week then usual :/ and on Saterday, i had this little kid scream his head off at me because...well we give kids free cookies that are half sugar and half chocolate chip but this kids wanted a cinnamon Cookie. We dont even SELL cinnamon cookies O.o he was FREAKING OUT. ~_~; i went home early that day, which i was thankful for because of my massive headache but i was also a bit sad that it was so un-busy at work :/
OH and then i said i would work on monday >< IN THE MORNING. Yeesh, money motivates me to much :/ i hate working in the morning. BUT i get paid also so yay.
I was surprised when someone said how i always have great deals when it comes to anime online^^ to be honest, I DONT lol. Its kind of a new thing actually O.o ive just been in the mood to buy a bazillion box-sets so i go on the search for them.
Speaking of great deals i have AN AMAZING ONE for all of you today ^^. The complete collection of cowboy bebop for 39.99 with free shipping. ....Not good enough you say? well you may buy it USED(but in top condition) from the users at for only 25.99 X.x plus a small 3 dollars for shipping! I WILL CERTAINLY BE BUYING IT. Cowboy bebop is a classic that all anime fans should watch, and own. :3
Oh yes, and someone also asked what my favorite manga was, and thats easy- CHIBI VAMPIRE. at least for the moment. DNAngel follows closely and so does Eerie Queerie :3
thats it for today X.x i have an early morning *sigh*.
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Friday, February 15, 2008
 | Eesh, valentines day. mine kinda sucked :/ work was brutal, the old people were terribly restless today. i got yelled at a lot for, well, there stupidity pretty much. Did i mention that they gave me more hours? well they did :3 yayness
Anyway, i managed to get my hands on Chibi vampire volume 7 which came out today ^^ i also bought volume 2 of zombie-loan and the VERY LAST issue of the anime magazine Newtype USA ): they're replacing it with a much cheaper magazine, i completely forgot what it was called but im sad about it :/
Meh, i guess i didnt have much to blog about, but just to let you all know, the complete collection of princess tutu came out and its only 27.49 on and FREE SHIPPING. X.x which is a fantastic deal. hopefully its still around by Monday when i get paid ~.^
Also, the amazingly thin pack of gunslinger girl is out and its only 21.99 X.x i love those thin pack prices O.o but the first time i saw it, it confused me because it was SO SMALL. i honestly do like how it looks like one volume, but really its the complete set ^^ i like the big box-sets that are really creative looking, for example the box-set of Beck looks like an Amp xD Im easily amused ~_~
Ok, im done rambling. have a nice friday ^^
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Saturday, February 9, 2008
 | Whoo! Im tired X.x ive been up since 3 AM and at the moment its 10:30 PM. i just got off of work though and we were BUSY ^^ But guess what? THEY GAVE ME MORE HOURS FINALLY. they added 8 more hours on to my weekly schedule so i should be make a 200 dollar check :/ which is like, nothing really but if my next paycheck really is 200 dollars i can give it all to my dad and i FINALLY wont owe him a penny ~.^ which makes me happeh.
Man, i am so tired of the snow! O.o its probably going to snow tomorrow and i tell ya, i cant wait for it to be gone for good. As well as wind O.o you know, like the really cold bone-chilling wind. I fucking hate wind.
I cant wait for rain and the way it makes my neighborhood look really green :3 lol.
Meh, i didnt much to say today so i hope you all have a nice weekend and DONT FORGET. I made some valentines avatars and you can find them at my DA account, theres a link in my info section above ^^
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Friday, February 8, 2008
 | Well, i finally got around to getting my paycheck and i cant spend anything until like, sunday or tuesday ><. it was a surprisingly big paycheck =D So i can pay my dad back some of what i owe him,i still owe him 225 dollars for my laptop! If they hadnt cut my hours so drastically i probably would have paid him back by now ):
So, i had been meaning to update this whole time to tell you guys about this amazing anime DVD sale going on at but i completely forgot O.o and now its over and i myself didnt get anything from it either. BUT my sister did! she managed to get 10 dvds for 50 bucks! HOW CHEAP IS THAT?!?! 10 dvds normally(especially if they come with box-sets which some of hers did) would cost well over 100 bucks. Im super sad i missed it and im super sorry i didnt tell you all ;.;
However, i do believe theres another sale going on at although i dont thinks as great as the last. You should all check it out though!
So before i go, im going to leave you all with some valentines avatars i made and i also want to say that i Hope Elvesatemyramen is doing ok ;.;
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Monday, February 4, 2008
 | New background is finally up ^^ see! not very different! :3
So, i really dont have anything to mention on here O.o my sunday- really really boring.
Oh, i know. So, coming this 15th, i will have known an online friend for 5 years. It makes me excited and it makes me think of a lot of things. For example, now we're both turning 18 this coming march and she will be going off to college. She'll be moving away from her family, from her town.
And here i am lol. While i may just go to the community college thats half an hour away, im still...stuck here? Im still struggling with the things i struggled with back then its just that i know how to handle it.
I never could have imagined that i could grow such a strong bond with someone that i have never met. And these past 5 years this online friend...well, she knows everything about me.
While those years passed and we became close, i never thought about weather or not it was odd that i could get online and suddenly im spilling everything out to this, person that lives half away across the country. And, the fact that i could do that, well, i just feel really thankful.
So many things happened the past 8 years of my life, and i dont think i would even be alive today if i hadnt had my online friends, especially her. I mean, there was a time where i felt incredibly ostracized from my friends and there was a time where i felt like i had no one. the only thing that kept me from....i dunno... going over the edge was those online friends because they made me feel.... like i wasnt alone. they made my think that even though i end up spending a whole day, a whole week, a whole year, without someone physically close that i could call a friend, that i had someone out there that cared about me. That could say i love you and i hope your ok and really meaning it.
And it was even more wonderful when i knew that i could was bringing that feeling to someone else too.
While im completely grateful online friends....for her.... Im scared as well.
she's moving on now, she doesnt need me to be there for her. Much like codey(an online friend i knew even longer then her) Did. And you know what? Codey is now...nonexistent in my life. Not only is this going to happen to her when she leaves, but it also makes me realize not moving on. how i still need someone to tell me that they're there for me and you know what? I cant stop wondering why im not moving on. I cant help but thing, god this is unfair, i should be moving on too! not stuck here! writing in my blog about how i hate the world.
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