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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
 | Meh i just woke up xD slept in late lol.
i forgot to mention that im sick. well, i mean, i dont hurt anywhere like i dont have a headache or stomach ache or anything. but i have a caugh. and my throat doesnt hurt either its just, it feels like its clogged up x.x its so annoying, and terrible feeling to wake up to really..
So, thanks for visiting yesterday ^^ it made me happy because i actually got to everyone that updated(even though there were only like, 5 people that updated now that my list is way shorter xDD)
Today.. i dunno what im gonna do... i was so happy that yesterday Heroes came on(one of my new favorite shows btw) but GAH its never long enough ;.;
well, i really need to get on playing okami >< my sister wants to sell it since she's beaten it twice already but cant because i havent even played it xD im getting behind on alot of stuff though ~.~;;;
so yesterday my dad's car broke down and we had to go pick him up x.x he was walking and uhh, did i mention that it was only like 10 degrees outside!? i felt bad because i was on the internet for like, half an hour while he was trying to call!!!! ;.;
well.. i guess thats it, ill hopefully be visiting again today(what else do i have to do, dad has the other car..)
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Monday, January 22, 2007
 | Haha, so i got the stain out sort of <<;; its still pretty visible..*cough*
but anyway. it snowed again. of course ;.; which sucks. im so tired of the snow!!!!
also my sister baught "mythical detective loki" and "Gilgamesh" and she also baught volume one of angel sanctuary and volume one of ouran high school host club. which im totally excited about reading. but havent yet <<;;;;; OH and she also baught the box set of kino's journey! which is all great for me because i get to watch all of them xD
hmm.. not much else. I deleted like 30 people from myO friend list o.o it looks very small now lol. Dont worry, if your reading this im pretty sure i didnt delete you but go ahead and check if you want <<; i also took down the buttons obviously because they werent really working and i put up one banner to my new story ^.^ Speaking of stories i just edited my Vampire story. AND IT IS TOTALLY AWESOME. feel free to go read it by CLICKING HERE. if you do read it i would love it if you took 3 seconds to RATE IT. at the bottom of the page. ^^
what else?! nothing lol..bored as hell obviously since i practically re-wrote my first chapter and am currently rewriting the 2nd chapter.
Oh and i visited some of you >3 i feel proud of myself yet mad because i didnt visit ALL OF YOU.
but gah, hopefully i will visit all of you today ^.^ since i doubt ill be doing anything cause of the weather. i hope you all have a nice MONDAY!
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Friday, January 19, 2007
 | So uhh... you all wouldnt happen to know how to get Ink out of carpet would you <<; that would be some great information right now.. ;.;
So yeah, my sister left her calligraphy ink on the little slider keyboard thing thats attached to our desk slid it in really fast not realising that IT WAS OPEN. so umm... ink..all over the off white carpet ;.; im terribly afraid of what my dads going to say. i scrubed it with tons of cleaners >< THE ONE TIME WE DONT HAVE ANY BLEACH!
In the end, i ran out of cleaner and ended up mixing Comet with some hot water xD it worked pretty well the stains still remain. it also splattered on the white wall behind the computer desk. >< and that isnt comming off at all. so yeah, im dead... ;.; lol
Right now? im sad and im doing some reading... trying to find some good stories on quizilla ^^ which im surprised to say i have indeed found some amazing ones xD its refreshing when you find a really well written and interesting story on quizilla when its full of 12 year old girls writting about raping the cast of harry potter <<;
hmm well, not much else ;.; ttyl all.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
 | So, last night i stayed up all night, got some writing done ^^ and then around 1 PM me and my sister went to the library. I got a book called "A great and terrible beauty" and "the bitten" both vampire related books of course. i also got this haunted house book and i thought it was wierd because the main character in the terrible beauty book is called "Gemma" and the first story i read out of the huanted book the wife was called "Gemma" i thought it was wierd because its such a particular name xD coincidence!
We also ended up going out to eat and the olive garden. it was pretty good ^.^ i was so full when we left i just wanted to go home and sleep because i had been up for like 20 hours by that time xD and now im awake again at like, 2:30 in the morning ;.; i feel kind of dizzy and headachey so theres no way ill be able to do some writing untill this feeling goes away(im a picky writer lol...)
what else?! umm... not much really. ive just had a really big urge to write and read and just emmerse myself in all of that type of stuff. its kind of nice, because its like, my passion, and ihavent been inspired enough for months to put it to use...
So, i dont remember if i mentioned the guy that likes me but, well theres a guy that likes me ^^ its so frustrating though, everytime we talk i get the feeling that he wants to ask me on a date in the end he just doesnt>< and im just like "ASK ALREADY DAMNIT!!!" Because, theres no way im asking him, ive never in my life had to ask a guy out <<; it seems to wierd for me to do lol.
gah. so i guess i forgot to mention how i lost another friend. Megan. ;.; which means i lost like, 5 friends because all my other friends are friends with her and will totally forget about me if he says so... its sad and pathetic how they just act like little sheep that she can heard around O.o i dont understand how some people can be that way! But yeah. it really sucks and i guess its just another blow this week ~.~ i hope i can get over it.... losing friends is really hard for me... you know? because i dont have many and i love the ones i have... they just... always take me for granted and use me... or ignore me.
well, i think thats it <<; ill ttyl everyone!
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
 | Well im in a crappy mood. so i didnt visit you all... i feel like a terrible person. and since its the weekend i doubt anyone will see this comment.
But, i was bored and was wondering "Hmm i wonder where bluedemonboy went" so i go to his otaku and is last entry says he's leaving and it was like, 2 months ago ;.; i feel bad i wasnt around to say goodbye to him. This place used to help me through alot you know? I came here just as i started highschool i think, just as everything went downhill for me with my friends. I dont think i ever had a great entry where you guys could really see the old me. This place helped though. Because ifound it at the time where i was feeling super lonely and i guess you guys were like, there to keep me company when it felt like i had no one.
And even now when my life is still that way(2 years later, patheticness i know)Ive realised that nothing can substitute what i really want, and thats to have a friend that i can truelly trust with anything. because i really havent had one in a long time.
With BDB gone, its made me wonder if i do really even fit in here anymore. i hardly visit anyone, i barely update... and as much as i want to be here i dont seem to want to at the same time. Its confusing... i dont know what im going to do.. Ive made really great friends here, and it seems those people have left by now. i know that there are a few of you that visit me and i take you for granted.
ugh, forgive me, rambling about stupid stuff... lol
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Friday, January 12, 2007
 | Hey! Thanks so much you guys for commenting yesterday your comments made me feel better about the situation ;.; *huggles all of you*
ITS SNOWING AGAIN. im going to go crazy with all this snow >< im so tired of it!!!!!!
The other day we watched The Illusionist. it was pretty darn good ^__^ i actually really liked it. we also saw Little miss sunshine, it was so funny... xD you guys should check it out.
What else? Meh, i guess i forgot to tell you all about Donald ^.^ he's a sweety thats totally crushing on me. Gah, i dunno what im gonna do with him yet im not really in the mood this week to go out with him but theres always a possability for next week xD this is random, but whats up with named Donald and me?! my grandfather and my dad are named donald, and ive had countless teachers with the name xD same with the name dylan, i always go out with guys named dylan. O.o its wierd how stuff like that happens.
Also, Ill be visiting today! since its cold outside and ill pretty much be home alone(not including my mom cause shes always sleeping anyway) So ill visit ^^ and also get started on Okami! ive been meaning to but havent been in the mood. MY SISTERS ALREADY ALMOST FINISHED IT x.x
so yeah, ttyl.
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
 | Ugh, i have to be honest, ive been totally depressed these past few weeks. I mean, yeah life is like it always is, boring and pointless and i cant seem to get myself to do anything to change it, but right now i feel everything just caving in on me again.
Lately i havent been getting along with my sister, surprise surprise ~_~ its just little things, i get so irritated with her and its not even for things she thinks. Its just, she's always kind of looked down on me, and ive always felt like i was never as good as her. And now she's telling me that just because im getting my GED and going to community college im going to have a crappy life. O.o but what the hell? Ive always had a crappy life im sure atleast that will boost it to a decent happy life ~.~ i hate that she told me that , i cant stand how negative she is. And also, it seriously felt like she didnt think i could do it. Like once again her idiot sister does something stupid and now she's going to have a crappy life.whatever..
Anyway, So yeah, in 2 months ill be 17 and ill be aloud to take classes to study for my GED. I dunno, maybe she is right... maybe i cant do it. But i have to. I have no other choice. So i have to.
Did anyone make a new years resolutions btw? I made a couple ^^ one being not to give up on my current story(called tempting demons its so totally awesome i love writing it) and also to become more spiritual. because honestly i've been lacking that lol.
Another is to be more active in what i do ^^;
Well, if i dont stop by to visit you guys today, ill do it friday when ive got nothing to do all day ^^ i promice, because i know i havent been on myO that often these past couple of months unless its to vent and i havent been very fair to any of you guys by not visiting... ttyl
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
 | well, we went to best buy today(btw it snowed AGAIN) and they didnt have excel saga >< im so freaking pissed! that was a great deal... ;.;
Instead my sister baught okami and a book called "I am legend" ~_~ and then we came home and did nothing because dad took the car to go to work(he couldnt take his because he couldnt get it out of the snow..) so yeah, it sucked.. it was boring ;.;
and right now im soooo tired. i think im going to go to bed lol. ttyl
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
 | So yesterdayy was pretty damn boring.. 1. My sister has to work all day and 2. I wasnt aloud to get on the internet because dad was waiting for someone to call. But after awhile i just ended up starting to read the book "Hell house" my sister recently baught it and told me i wasnt aloud to read it because it was to sick and demented but eh, dad said i could xD so it was all ok. im only about 40 pages into it and its pretty good, i cant wait to get into the sick stuff because now i NEED to know what my sister was talking about since she wont tell me XD
after my sister got home we went to get dinner, and then we decided to see a movie. it was called "The pursuit of happiness" you know that movie with will smith and his kid, well, it was supposed to start at 7:45 which is around the time we got there but when we got in the movie theatre the movie was already playing so i think they started it early and we missed like 15 minutes of it ><;
But anyway, i thought it was good because i like movies like that...
also, we were going to stop by best buy to get excel saga but by then it was kind of to late, they were already closed. and so we went to barnes and noble xDDD and my sister baught this one book that sounds really messed up i dont really remember what it was called though lol.
let see, thats about it, i wish the snow would just go away ;.; so then it would be warm enough for me to take a walk or something ;.; it gets so boring alone in the house.
But anyway i hope you guys have a great day ^^ oh yeah! i was so pissed that they had a bleach marathon last saterday >< not fair!!!!!!
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
 | It snowed some more x.x and its going to snow even more then that tommarrow gah! to much snow lol.
So basically ive been totally bored. i finally spent all my giftcards x3 got some pretty awesomeful clothes and a sweater that i fell in love with!
:/ i havent taken any pictures with my camera though ><;;;; I guess i havent felt like it. I think im getting sick ;.; i felt really sick when i woke up and i pretty much collapsed onto my bed and stayed there for an hour. i guess it didnt help that i left the window open too, but the cold air was making me feel a little better..
hmmmm what else? anime tonight HECK YES I CANT WAIT LOL.
ok since this is pointless ill end it. ttyl all
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