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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
 | ~_~;; i never updated! well, christmas was pretty good. In the morning no one in my family got along so we were in a pretty bad mood but while the day progressed we were all ok. It didnt help that on christmas eve i didnt get any sleep xD so i was awake for like, 2 days lol.
Yesterday i only got like 2 hours of sleep too because my sister wanted to go spend her giftcard before she had to go to work that day so we woke up at like 9 AM ;.; all i got was a pretty awesome hoodie and some really hott jeans ^^; i have one more giftcard to spend though which im hoping to do today ^^;;
Yesterday my sister baught that lego starwars game, she has yet to play it though, she really wanted to game Okami but the giftcard she got was only 40 dollars and thats how much the game was and she couldnt have paid the tax lol xD she almost baught the box set to excel saga but again with the tax problem ;.;
I happened to have gotten a digital camera for christmas so im totally happy ^^; i havent taken any pictures yet though lol...
well i guess thats pretty much it, i hope everyone has a nice day!
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
a new love
 | I think ive fallen in love with Old movies o.o it used to be the only 2 movies i would ever watch that we're old enough to be black and white were 1. House on haunted hill and 2. The haunting(which were both remade but the classics are way better, and actually interesting)
But anyway so nothing was on TV last night and i was pretty bored, so i turned it to some black and white movie. and like, i watched TCM for like 5 hours after that O.o it didnt help that some true classics came on like the secret garden(Which is wonderful, the remake was wonderful too)
But anyway, so yeah, i find it really wierd now that i LOVE classic movies ~.~:
anyway, i hope everyone has a wonderful christmas eve, ill probably be really busy and tired =P i havent had much sleep lately...
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Friday, December 22, 2006
 | So lately ive been looking around for a place to host music but i cant seem to find any place. So if anyone has any suggestions on where you can upload MP3's onto the internet it would SO HELPFUL.
~_~; its stopped snowing on thursday, the sun came out. But everywhere else in colorado the blizzard seems to be going on xD thers still alot of snow everywhere though ~_~;; i hate snow. I guess.. have anice day everyone
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Thursday, December 21, 2006
 | OMG IT IS SO COLD HERE. and it snowed so MUCH. theres like 20 inches of snow on the ground(16 unches on my porch) and its still snowing! it was really surprising! we havent had a blizzard like this in colo for like, years. I HATE SNOW ;.; lol.
But anyway, christmas is getting closer i cant wait ;.;! lol. this is sad but all i really want to do is spend the giftcards i got xD cause im obbsessed with clothes ;.; its an unhealthy thing.
Right now im doing nothing pretty much :/ my parents are watching the new version of the omen but i hate that chick thats in it *cant remember her name* the one that plays the evil kids mother <<;
Oh yeah, did i mention that i put up my fishtank a couple days ago? i baught 2 yellow spotted puffer fish(theyre so cute) for it, one died though ;.; so dad baught me another lol. the fishtank is pretty bare though, so i need to buy it like..decorative plants and stuff i guess ~_~; my fish look pretty bored. and one looks like its going to die(because i had to put it in my dads fishtank for awhile and he has ebil fish..)
well thats pretty much it. i hope everyones week is going good!
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
 | Yesterday christmas shopping was so long. And in the end we got the perfect stuff i think. For my dad we got him The Godfather, he loves that movie, he also got the video game so its kind of like a set now ^^ and then we got my mom some earings(now she wont steal mine)
We got my grandmother this tin(she likes boxes and stuff) and we're trying to think of something really nice to fill it with but as of yet we have no idea what she would love. we got my other grandparents these huge Rooster mugs, because they have this whole theme going on with roosters in there kitchen <<; its wierd.
Im getting sister this purse(which she badly needs because im tired of putting all her crap in my purse) and i have no idea what she got me! lol.
And then, kind of at the spure of the moment, my sister baught an old Nintendo 64 system and this game called "Banjo Tooie" o.o which was like, our favorite game back in the day! we were playing it last night and it was so freaking awesome lol xD we also still own a couple awesome Nintendo games but we're not sure where we put them ~_~ its been so long, we've been trying to sift through old boxes in the basement but cant find anything!
Then we baught mexican food for dinner, it was really spicy though, i woke up with the dryest throat ever this morning x.x
Today, im not sure what we're doing because we pretty much spent all the money we had, i actually wouldnt mind being lazy today though lol.
well, ihope everyones week is going smoothly ^^
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
 | its like 11 AM. x.x i woke up at 9 AM though because for some reason, my dad decided to clean the 9 AM knowing i was asleep x.x and i didnt get to sleep untill like 5 AM. but gah, now im up, all tired yet i cant get back to sleep. i have to go christmas shopping today x.x; i would be doing it now but mom and dad decided to take the care and do some of there own christmas shopping. Im so excited as to what im getting, see, my family isnt very traditional when it comes to christmas. Usually, me and my sister plan out carefully exactly what we want(keeping in mind the price range) and we usually get it right when mom and dad go and buy it lol, we do enjoy seeing presents under the tree, but usually its just presents we wrapped for other family members that we wont see untill christmas <<; its odd, but meh, thats just how my family is, we dont really care about the presents on christmas day. Actually the best part about christmas day is having dinner and see my uncle and my cousin(i'd say my aunt to but..sadly my uncle and my aunt just got seperated, im so freaking sad, i love my aunt, it would be wierd not to think of her as family anymore)
Anyway, back to what im getting. ^^ teehee. i asked for 2 cd's(MCR and Flyleaf) And this really cute handbag that i fell in love with the other day. A digital camera, and 2 gift cards ^^ cause i luff clothes and constantly feel the need to buy them.
and also, my sister's getting me something. Im so excited because that present i actually cant have untill christmas and i know ill love it because honestly, even if my sister is a bitch and all that, she knows exactly what i love *.*; i have no idea what to get her though lol.
Ah but, besides presents, im happy to report, i dont have to make christmas dinner! YUSS!!!!!!!!! im so happy about that xD have a good day all.
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Monday, December 11, 2006
 | ~_~ today is so boring. like, seriously, its so terrible that i can never think of ANYTHING to do. :/
So, just recently i stopped going to this beloved Fanfic site where i keep all my fanfics, so now im kinda stumped on where to put them x.x; i mean, i know i can put that at but like, no one ever goes there :/ so its really hard for me to get people to read them x.x Actually, i forgot to tell you guys, my new story is called tempting demons. I was actually inspired while looking at an angel santuary art book ^^ Its a love story about deception and seduction. I've just barely started to write it and im already in love with it. Though, i find it hard to write anything that doesnt have to do with vampires(cause thats all ive ever written about) so i think i may have to put one in there for my own writing stability lol. the last story that had no vampires in it at all was a total flop and i just barely got like 3000 words into the story before i realised i couldnt write it. :/ and i still love that idea. i think i just need to figure it out some more.
But anyway, i have to go groccery shopping today ~_~;; so i leave you with a banner i made for my new story ^^

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Sunday, December 10, 2006
 | hullo
Anime last night was awesome. ^^
I just got home from driving my parents somewhere, and while stopping at a busy red light there was this old lady in a wheelchair attempting to cross the street. ;.; i wanted to bad to get out and help her because she looked like she was having just the hardest time. My dad almost got out but then, some kind lady got out of her car instead. it was so heartbreaking! poor old people!
well, ive got nothing to do today and my sister has work all day so ill be pretty much alone the whole day ~_~ thats ok though, my sister's being such a bitch today x.x seriously she's snapping at everyone for the littlest things. O.o what the point of being mad when it gets you nowhere? Seriously i just dont understand what she's getting out of it. i guess she may be mad that she has to go to work but still, thats no reason to be so mean over the littlest things. I asked her when she had to leave and pretty much screamed it at me. and then when i got up to leave, because obviously i didnt want to be around her she made some stupid remark about how i ws so sensative, but god, if your gonna be mean, you better expect people to not want to be around you
anyway, that was longer then it should be, if you read that whole thing then i would really surprised lol. have a nice day all.
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Monday, December 4, 2006
 | So. i visited some of you yesterday. i got to almost everyone that had updated by then and then i had to go :( so for those i didnt visit, im sorry, i tried.
So, my day was "meh" worthy. I managed to get a grip on my sleeping and stayed up untill about, mm, 3 PM. that time everyone was gone and i was home alone, so bored ;.; i ended up falling asleep! in fact, i didnt wake up untill 11 PM at night! so, i dont know, am i in an even worse sleeping schedule? actually, no i dont think so. Knowing that i can stay up till 3 PM atleast means that tommarrow if anyones home i wont be as bored >3 so i probably wont fall asleep lol.
Im mad though, i didnt wake up to make dinner so we had something gross, and i had to have it cold xD
And yes, i do have snow. I live in Colorado(as ive said many times before) so snow usually falls by now, though, im sure it will melt before christmas comes. Speaking of Christmas! im putting up the tree tommarrow, it seems about time <<;
Anyway, i hope you all have a great monday ^^
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
 | It SO COLD! it snowed again last night, though hardly but still! i was hoping it would melt alittle today, i guess it did but not much ~_~; So, i fell asleep and slept like, all day, seriously, then got up to make dinner x.x now im totally on a bad sleeping schedule! Me and my sister are supposed to do something tommarrow before she goes to work, and before my grandmother comes over so ill have to be up early x.x ill prolly wing it and just stay up all night lol, cause im sooo not tired..
ANIME! Bleach-good, Eureka 7-AWESOME! man i love that show so much, though they didnt give a preview to the next one, i hope that doesnt mean that they arent going to show it. ILL DIE of anticipation!
Thats...kind of it lol. Oh yeah, new piccy's! Theyre also up on my myspace so yeah, if i have you added you should go comment them ^.~ Theyre kind of big so...ill use the small versions on them..except for one because it doesnt look right when its small xD

I luff photo manip<3
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