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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
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Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
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Friday, October 27, 2006 day? o.o
 | well, my didnt turn out at all like i planned lol. first of all, we didnt go to the library.. but we really need to x.x;
and instead, first dad let me drive to Walmart ^^ while there, me and my sister just walked around bored ~_~; and then when finally dad said he was done getting what he needed we all went out to eat o.o together. as a family. which is odd. because we just dont do that... but all well, i got free dinner^^ yuss!! and then i went with my sister to kohls because she got a gift cirtificate. man, its really hard for her to find clothes x.x everything i was telling her to try on she said no to pretty much. in fact, the 2 items she did get she picked out. which is wierd because she can never decide for herself... but what she got was really nice and im happy for her! but it made me really want to go shopping because i saw tons of cute things! lol... oh, if only xmas would come sooner ^^ lol.
so yeah, right now.. im about to paint my nails and then..nothing. ive got nothing to do and im completely bored.
...last episode of inuyasha x.x; i missed it, actually its on right now but eh, i dont want to go watch it lol. my sister was very disapointed though :/ so im guessing it wasnt that good...
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
 | Hey ^^ im really bored.
So, wednesday was my sisters birthday! you can go say happy birthday to her still though on her otaku(delphine is her SN) im sure she'd like that.
so i ended up sleeping in really late, and then when we woke up we went to barnes and noble and my sister baught the book "the complete survival guide to zombies" or something like that. i read a little part of it and it was pretty funny lol!
she also got this sudoku book x.x; and i can tell shes going to get addicted to it!
so, were going to the library tommarrow.. we have to return books x.x we have a fine! gah! plus we have to go to the other library to to turn in dragon drive DVD 2 ^^ i really like dragon drive lol! and also i got to read volume 5 of ranma 1/2 and volume 16 of fushigi yugi ^^ OMG and i found out that volume 11 to DNAngel was out!!! i didnt know!!! im so happy x.x i cant wait to read it!
but anyway, thats all thats going on with me, i hope your guys' week is going well.
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
 | o.o Eureka 7 WAS AWESOME! OMG OMG OMG! it was so awesome *.*;; thats like, the end of there season right? ;.; is the next season even released??!?! i hope so ;.; i want to see more!!! SOOO BAD!
lol...getting over that. bleach and trinity blood were pretty good to.
so, saterday, i made pumpkin cookies ^^ theyre good. though we had to use a different recipe then usual so theyre not like the last ones.. but eh. all well.
sunday.. i think im going to clean my room and hook up my computer ~_~; and then maybe sit down and try to write some? i still havent figure out what im going to write about next months x.x ugh.
well, not much else to say so, have a nice day everyone.
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
 | Hello! my friday was uninteresting unfortunatly. i didnt really do anything. well, actually, when i was coming home from the store and i was going into the driveway i was about to push on the break but my foot slipped and i hit the gas ^^; almost ran into this fence next to the driveway lol. x.x;; i always seem to do stupid things like that when im driving with my sister! luckily i didnt stare dumbly at the stituation for to long and hit the brake ^^:;; but ugh, i felt stupid. my sister freaked out, then laughed. lol
and saterday i think we'll make some pumpkin cookies ^^ maybe send them to my aunt and uncle ~_~ we never send them anything.
hmm well im terribly bored, its raining... no ones on YIM and yeah :/ i think ill.. i dunno. go visit people that have updated there otakus lol ^^ have a nice weekend everyone.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006 lame
 | Lol did anyone notice that in the subject to my last blog i put "Crap legs" instead of "crab legs" lol.. since im such a lame person who's easily ammused i sat there for like 3 minutes laughing about it ~_~;
so today we went groccery shopping. and did you know that theres pumpkin icecream? Well there is so i baught some. havent tried it yet though ~_~; i will later.
so i wouldnt be surpised if you remember or not but a couple weeks(or months..dont rmemeber) i posted about my friend megan. well, lately she's been commenting me more on myspace(i dont see her since im not in school anymore) and im kind of annoyed, thers apart of me that is just totally willing to let her be my friend but how long untill she decides she doesnt again? and plus i think its more that she is feeling bad that she's been mean to certain people sophmore year and now she wants to fix things with all of them(yeah megan was a total slutty bitch last year.. the sad thing is that she admits to it..)
so yeah, thats all pretty much.. and i still havent gotten any ideas for the writing thing x.x;
ill try and visit. and i mean that this time!
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
crap legs at 12 AM
 | it snowed! all day it snowed and now its cold and white and...cold x.x;; i hate cold weather, but snow is so pretty!! i feel bad for trick-or-treaters that live in colorado, because usually it snows on the night of halloween and they have to dress warm if they want theyre candy! x.x but eh, that never stopped me and my sister or my friends lol, we went out everyyear to as many houses as possible! and then braught home bags and bags of candy that i usually just forgot about in the end lol. ah, how i love halloween.
but anyway, so im kind of...uninspired at the moment. i cant really think of anything to write about for that thing i was talking about in my last blog. so i asked my sister and she told me that maybe i should first choose a setting. so i did:my hometown of course because its what i know best. and it will be snowy because right now its snowy. that made me a little inspired but it still hasnt helped very much, usually i dont think about the setting first so i feel like im working backwards or something.. but i dunno ~_~;;
So at like, 10:30 my mom decided she wanted crab legs. O.o so she made us go get her some. i didnt go actually, to cold and late for me lol but yeah, we all ended up eating crap legs at 12 AM x.x;; it was wierd. and good. mmm...
lol well im gonna go ~_~; and think more about my novel. ttyl.
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
 | Hello, so i just signed up for this thing called "Nanowrimo" and its a writing competition that happens once a year. you sign up and on november 1st you have to start writing a novel. The goal is to write a 50k word novel in a month. its totally free and if you love writing and want to take a shot at it be my guest at: my SN on there is Myurr so look me up lol ^^' im nervous, i do like to write but nothing like this. i dont know if im even capable on writing that much! but i guess we'll see. and i guess thats all ill be doing in november x.x im excited to! lol.
well thats all ppls so ill ttyl.
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Monday, October 16, 2006
 | Hey! my sunday was pretty boring lol. we rented 3 very boring movies. one of them was click, which was mildy entertaining. and another was the lakehouse. O.o it was... well i have to admit that i love romantic movies and novels and all that mushy stuff but this just didnt do it for me.. you've got sanda bullock and keanu reeves, and i have to say it just wasnt that great of a movie. i was disapointed!!
anyway, other then that we ended up going over to game factor and baught the game "Devil may cry" because we had $10 in store credit. and its totally kickass good! lol. but yeah its fun...
what else? nothing. im about to go to bed and hopefully if im able to get on during the day today ill go visit everyone. But anyway, have a nice day everyone!
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
 | Well im feeling pretty good ^^ friday i woke up and didnt do a damn thing ~_~; then we ended up going to the movies and we saw the grudge 2. typical.. i dunno what i thought of it :/ and of course i got stuck by the worst people in the theatre, 2 giddy idiotic 13 year old girls and a couple that kept making jokes and were VERY LOUD through the whole thing.
after that we went to barnes and noble ^^; didnt buy anything just wanted to look around :/ i wish i had baught something though, i freaking love barnes and noble....
so yeah, i know my lost post was sucky. and i guess in the back of my mind im still really panicky about everything. it seems like everytime i try to fix something, i end up giving up or something happens that makes me stop trying x.x; i always tell myself i need to change but i just cant seem to... i feel really lost and alone lol. in fact.. i just downloaded the first ending theme to bleach and its lyrics made me really sad because its kind of how i feel..
anyway, other then that not much is going on. im bored as ever.. right now im really tired, its like 2 AM x.x;; there goes my good sleeping schedule.
ill try and visit. have a nice weekend ya'll.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
 | Today has pretty much sucked. i got kicked out of school lol. big surprised there.. havent been going anyway. mom and dad have been constantly fighting... theyre freaking drunk as hell right now x.x; theyre acting really crazy... im just so tired i cant wait to go to sleep lol.
Ive been reading this book on interpretting dreams. and the women that wrote it says that when we die we decide to reincarnate ourselves, and if we decide that we basically write out our whole new life like when your gonna die, what hardships youll face, what family and siblings youll have and what you'll do in life. and i think thats totaly crap O.o i mean, pretty much my life has been shitty and it doesnt seem to even get any better and she's telling me that i chose in my past life for it to be this way? thats stupid.
but yeah, so obviously im pretty depressed right now lol, im sorry ya'll i just needed to tell someone about it because i hate keeping things inside. then again i also hate talking about it ~_~;; but whatever. thinks will get better sooner or later, they always do, at least for a little while. i think i can live with it ^^;
...besides its not like everythings been bad. ive been getting a lot of my driving hours in with my sister and how could i be sad on the month of halloween? i love halloween! plus my sisters birthday is on the 25th so at least i know things will be ok then.
ok well im gonna go get some sleep x.x; im so tired! im on this perfect sleeping schedule though <<; which is wierd for me, cause im always on a terrible sleeping schedule lol ^^; well ill try and visit, i havent been able to get on very much lately cause im not aloud to take up the phone during the day(dads waiting for his lawyers and stuff to call) but ill try! and have a nice day!
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