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Professional Sheep Critic.(is your sheep good enough?) And a waitress.
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I managed to ditch a whole semester of school. DITCHING IS BAD!
Anime Fan Since
Since i was little, But realized what it was around 6th grade.
Favorite Anime
Get my GED, The Licsense.
WRITING, reading, internet, music, culture, vampires, mermaids, art, subeta, harry potter, fantasy, bitching...mya you all know. xD
Im good at writing. at least i think i am lol. its my passion, without it i would wither away and die.
| LiquidSilver
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
 | well, i still cant seem to comment anyone, im getting kind of annoyed. because i know a lot of you expect me to visit you ~_~; and i feel super bad lol. but im not quite sure what to do about it :/
so, not much to report. it rained all day, it was cold... i didnt enjoy it. so yeah lol.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
 | first of, i cant post any comments for some reason! so yeah, ive been trying to comment everyone but its not working <<; and i dunno if anyone else is having this problem!!!
and also, eureka 7 was awesome!!! i cant wait for next week! i didnt watch trinity blood and bleach though ~_~; lol.
this weekend is depressing though, because this weekend is NDK and my friends are going but i dont have any money to ;.; so right now theyre having a kickass time and home <<;;;
well thats it, ill try to comment everyone if it lets me x.x;
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
 | Right now.. im really not feeling to well, at first i was just dizzy but now im feeling really sick ~.~ and i dont want to get off cause my friend codey is online and he's like, sad cause his girlfriend broke up with him and he's like, opening up to me ~_~ i would feel terribly bad if i just left him like he is x.x;
im a little sad cause Ivory isnt on >< im like totally bored and no one cool is on(minus codey but eh, he isnt in the mood right now ya know?)
So, ive been driving a lot ^^ lol i think im doing pretty good, its a lot easier to park my tiny car rather then my grandmothers huge van x.x which is what i was practicing parking with at first.
yeah, thats about it lol, not much to say i guess. ill try and visit you all.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
 | Hiya ^^ so yardwork wasnt so bad we worked from 9:30 AM till 12:30 PM ^^ i saved a ladybug and named it lola! <<; mwahahaha... after that..we got icecream! yay! and i got to drive home! but my grandma has this big van so i was really nervous, she made me go on the backroads wheres theres tons of turns and stuff ~_~ i guess i did ok. except at one point im all "ooo i love the color of that house!" and when i looked back at the road i was like.. in the middle <<; then freaked out and like, jerked the car the other way xD
but other then that i was pretty good! we ended up working on parking to.. ~_~; im still kinda sucky at it..
sooo.. not much to say really.. ^^ i just started to post one of my original fanfics up on or whatever it is... only got one review :/ nuu! so im re-editing another chapter(i wrote this fanfic like..3 years ago...) and im about to put it up. its about vampires of course ^^ my most <<; i guess lol. if anyone wants to read it just Click here and scroll down ^^ nya!
oh! on sunday we ended up going to this store called "party america" and there was all this awesome halloween crap!!!!! i loved it and i totally wanted to have like, a halloween party or something!!! oh, and they had all these pirate costumes except they were whore-like. and i dont really like to look like a whore.. not even in a costume. but there was this really awesomeful one that was Hot but not..Whoreish!!!!! lol. i luffed it, and if i end up doing something for halloween where i need to dress up im totally getting it!
what else? nothing... :/ im like, starving right now and bored to death so i think im gonna go to kitchen nya!
ill try and visit today!
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
 | *dances* so i got my permit..yay ^.^ and i ended up not having to do yardwork on saterday! instead i have to do it sunday ;.; which is technically today! ugh! but its supposed to be pretty warm so im hoping the sun will stay out for as long as i have to be out there ~_~;
So, we went to the library and checked out the 2nd box set of fushigi yugi and the first DVD of Dragon drive. i heard of dragon drive a long time ago in an issue of newtype USA. i really wanted to see it because it reminded me of digimon ^^ and i luff digimon for some reason <<; though i cant bring myself to watch it anymore *sigh* but anyway, it was pretty good, in fact im just about to go download the ending theme ^^ and the beggining(i used to already have the beggining but then it got deleted somehow..)
ANIME NIGHT! i have yet to watch trinity blood, bleach, and eureka 7(its on right now in fact but im waiting till the 2nd time it comes on..) and also! The last episode of Samurai 7 aired ^^ i havent watched samurai 7 for months but its my sisters favorite series so i ended up watching it anyway and it was a really good ending... for those of you who havent seen it should totally check it out! so now that S7 is over, theyre going to show Basalisk! yay! lol.
i finally got around to playing the new video game, its ok.. i really wanted a shooting game or something scary at the moment but it will work ^^ however, i enjoy watching my sister play it more then playing it myself for some reason lol.
i think thats about it lol. ill try and visit everyone, have a nice weekend!
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Friday, September 29, 2006
 | Hey everyone ^^ not really much to say.. ~_~ except im still confused about my friend megan, ive been holding off emailing her about the situation because i want to talk to her in person about it but i havent seen her all week and i know for a fact im not going to see her today because im getting my permit(which is a little pathetic, considering i should have my liscence by now..) and im also going to the library. which means im not going to school lol ~_~;
this weekend we have to help my grandmother in the yard, which im dreading because...its getting cold! and i certaintly dont want to go outside and work in the yard while im freezing. but thats ok.. . ill just have to live through it!
So, me and delphine have been so bored lately that we decided to go sell KH 1 and 2 and get another video game. well O.o they didnt have very many good ones... and we ended up getting prince of persia. i havent started to play it yet but my sister has and i just keep watching her play it lol. for some reason i think more clearly when im not the one playing it so its easier for me to figure out what to do. so delphine hates it when i watch her cause then i boss her around while she's playing xD
what else? nothing.. im kind of depressed still :/ i dunno what im going to do lol.. but, through this week of depression i managed to write out the first chapter of my new fic!!!! YAY! its kind of sketchy so i havent put it up yet, im waiting for my friend to read it but she hasnt been on lol ~_~ ; she's like, my fanfic buddy so i trust her advice and stuff ^^;
ive got some new pics! ill post them below, ill just post the small versions but of course the larger versions are better, and if you want, you can view them on my myspace page ^^ leave a comment teehee! Oh and one picture im going to post the large version or else you cant see it right..
*dances* ivory drew the wings in for me lol :P

its hard to read, but it says "time is against me"

The big one..

Comments (7) |
Monday, September 25, 2006
 | ^_^ hullo! im oddly, in a happy mood! School tommarrow(er...technically today...) Blehness... Buts ok, i really need to go because i ended up missing a lot ~_~;;; tommarrow ive got World Geography, comp. apps, and math ~_~;; terribly boring classes.
I never told you all about the raccoons! There were raccoons on the porch the other day eating the catfood we leave out for our cat jack ~_~ i was quite surprised when i opened the door at first i thought they were cats lol xD when we saw them they ran except on of them looked back like "Ill be back" lol.. and then we saw like.. 4 more run accross the street ~_~ it was exciting cause ive never seen a raccoon lol <<; twas cute!!!!!
So yeah, anyway.. not much else to say lol.. im downloading music ^^ and im bored cause no one is on YIM ~_~
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
 | Hello ^.^ just got done watchign Trinity blood, bleach and Eureka 7! i cant wait to see the next ep. of eureka 7 ;.;!!!!!!
Well, i have a terrible headache and no tylonal -_- damn....
this weekend: Is turning out boring and not much better then my week. and ontop of it its getting Cold here ;.; i hate cold weather!
Nothing much to say really.. i got new eyeliner! YUSS! go eyeliner <<;;
-_- yeah, can you tell im bored? i am.. very.. :/
Ill try and visit you all, have a nice day everyone.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
 | i have a feeling my dad passed his GED lol. now he's planning on taking welding classes at the collage my sister goes to ^^
About my friend. pfft. well i send her messege asking her why(i havent been to school so i havent been able to see her) and she has yet to reply back, in fact, she ended up requesting to be my friend again but she didnt reply to my messege. im still really hurt O.o what the hell could that mean? that she's only adding me because i told her i was hurt? or what?!?! i dunno :/ i always seem to have bad luck when it comes to friends -_- seriously.. i always end up getting screwed over by them. im getting so tired of it.
im still a little depressed right now lol.. i just got into a fight with my sister ~_~; which made it worse :/ but all well. im so so so happy tommarrow is friday. maybe when this week is over things will get better :/ i really hope so...
well thats about it ^^ have a nice day everyone.
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
 | Jeez. this week... *sigh* sometimes i just wish i could sleep forever ^^; i have really hated getting up every morning.. lets just say.. some friend of mine...deleted me from myspace. and as stupid as that sounds, it really hurt O.o it sucks when you lose a friend. and this is a good friend of mine.. its just... i dunno.. i guess i havent been hanging out with her very much but its just..when im around her and the others.. its like i dont really exist. its like they barely notice me.. does anyone know how that feels? Im so tired of feeling that way... i just wish she would understand.. i want to be her friend, i always have ive always tried to be there for her.. but its just like im trying to keep a friendship that really isnt meant to be. But still.. it hurts lol. i dont NOT want to be her friend. i just wish things would be better betsween us.
So anyway, my dad is working to get his GED. he dropped out when he was 16 and well, i think its really great that he's finally doing something that he wants. he's worked hard his whole life for his family and its nice to know he's finally able to do this for himself ^^
speaking of a GED... i was talking to my councelor.. *sigh* she says its not impossible for me to pass, but it will be hard. And to be honest, she wants me to do all of these makeup classes but i dont have the money to pay for them :/ it cost $100 each class! and i have a lot of classes to make up. *sigh* i feel really burnt out right now ^^ i really want to just give up. i know i cant.. but i want to so bad... all of its just getting to me ya know? last night i just broke down lol -__-; even right now i just want to lay in the dark and like, cry... or scream..
...ill get over it though. i always do ^.^ im just not quite sure yet how im going to fix it all and get over everything ~_~;
well, ill try and visit some of you today. take care!
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