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Saturday, September 16, 2006
 | Today im doing nothing >< its windy and cold and i kind of feel like crap <<;; theres NOTHING TO DO IM SO BORED! :/ im wasting my time on again *sigh*
And its ok, it wasnt that scary to me because ive learned to deal with my mother and i know how she is, i would have never let my mother hurt anyone in my family and neither would my father. I mean, O.o my dad would NEVER get violent on my mom but if she were trying to kill one of us well, she doesnt stand a chance against my dad who is a 3rd dan black belt <<;;
I just, im really tired of both of love, i love my dad to death and sure i put up with mom because he thinks he needs her, but.. sometimes i feel he's my enemy just as much as she is. my whole family is one big mess and always has been... but... you'd think we would fix it after so many years of chaos. I dont think either of my parents realise how much theyre marrage has effected me and my sister, i think my dad feels that his actions dont effect anyone but him but, well.. i live in the goddamn house to and i can hear every word that comes out of there mouths of course it effects me.
-_- anyway, ill stop venting about it lol. i got around to some of you yesterday ^^ YAY! ill try to do that today as well.. have a nice day all.
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Friday, September 15, 2006
 | Well, because of many reason i couldnt get my wisdom teeth out just yet. which sucks. i took xrays again and theyre deffinatly pushing against my back teeth, i hope i can atleast get the 2 bottom ones out because the top ones arent even doing anything bad as of now.
and also, my family is CRAZY! No, my mother is CRAZY! lets just say she tried to STAB MY DAD WITH SCISSORS last night, and yes, alcohal was it always is when she goes insane. I didnt know what to do o.o i almost called the cops! But instead i called my grandma and she took my mother to the hospital(cause my mom was acting like she was innocent and kept saying she had a fever...) But its over now, and guess what theyre doing? acting like it didnt happen! they always act like it didnt happen. im getting really tired of my mother you guys... i never wanted her back in my life, but my dad was convinced he needed her. but, i mean.. he's saying its better now then when she was a drugy but, its deffintaly not, was last night not proof enough for him?! seriously, i dont know if i can take anymore from them... and i know my sister cant, i dont see why she doesnt just move out already lol. Then she wouldnt have to deal with all of it!
But anyway, so last night i was up till like, 4 AM. no one woke me up for school, surprise surprise... i guess my good sleeping schedule is messed up now :/ damn.
I hope you all have a nice day ^^
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
 | This will be quick and small ^.^ Wednesday, nothing interesting happened and im just about to go to bed... But tommarrow(thursday) i have to get my wisdom teeth pulled :/ which im not looking forward to lol. But all well, it must be done, theyre pushing agains my back teeth and its been bothering me for awhile ^_^ so ill be happy when its over with.
thats it for today. sorry again for not visiting anyone. ive been so busy.
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
 | YEY i finally get to update lol ^.^ Ive been going to bed so early i havent been able to update <<;;
Tuesday, i didnt go to school <<;; lol i was to lazy and when i got up i really couldnt help but say i wanted to stay thats what i did -_- im feeling bad about it now cause i know i should have gone... but... all well!!
I got new clothes for the gay aerobics class they put me in. i like them theyre really comfertable and look good on me lol ^.~
What else? i never got to watch the whole set to fushigi yugi.. >< i only got to watch some of it and it has to be returned tommarrow ): so hopefully we can check it out again sometime.
OH YEAH! me and my sister are going to make cookies! not just any cookies but fruits basket cookies ^^ theyre gonna be shaped and decorated as everyone from the sohma family thats cursed but in theyre animal forms! though we still dont have a picture of the horse <<;;;;;
thats kind of it, im happy that i got to update but now im happy that i get to go to bed lol ^^; im so tired!!
have a nice day everyone!
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
 | I MISSED TRINITY BLOOD BLEACH AND EUREKA 7!!!!!!!! T____T IM SO MAD AT MYSELF! i fell asleep at like, 9 and never woke up!!!!!!!! ugh. im so sad... i hate it when i miss the first show ): now i have to go read what it was about ><
God, the weekend went fast. i cant beleive school is tommarrow! ;.; it feels like the weekend never came!!!
Well, the scottish parade was nice, i really hate driving up to Estes Park because, driving in the mountains makes me sick ;.; But when we got there it was worth it, Estes Park is just so Beautiful, the clouds were handing really low over the mountains it was just *_* Wow lol. i wished i had a camera ^^; After the parade we went to eat and i had this green chili hamburger thing *.* Best hamburger ive ever had! Except i deffinatly couldnt eat it all lol x.x it was to big for me lol.
Oh, and when we were coming home, there was a car crash in the mountains, On the side of the road we were on, it was backed up pretty bad, but on the other side of the street as we were aloud to start moving again, the other side of the street was backed up for miles, all the way past the mountains and almost back into my town! it was terrible!!!! x.x;; i felt bad for them lol.
Then when we got home delphine and me went to her pottery class, we braught the DVD player with us so we could watch Fushigi yugi, after awhile 2 other people came in and one guy bitched about how he couldnt stand hearing what we were watching and asked us if we could turn it off, so he could listen to music so we did but i sat there bored out of my mind for 2 hours after that ><
when we got home i went to walmart with dad and then came home ^^ i guess i was pretty tired O.o going to sleep at 9 PM! now im on a sleeping schedule that i dont like very much <<;; but is better for school i guess :/
THIS IS LONG! ill stop right here, i hope you have a good day everyone ^^
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
 | Friday was fine. I went to anime club and it was all around craziness ~_~ lol. theyre were quite a few people <<; I wasnt sure if i was going to go to the party that night that they were having, but when i got home delphine told me that My grandmother was taking us to the scottish Parade tommarrow and i had to be ready by 8 AM. now, i deffinatly wouldnt have been able to go to the party, AND THEN left at 8 AM where i head onto a parade for who knows how many hours x.x that mess up my sleeping schedule that i just got fixed! So i didnt go ;.; which made me all sad the rest of the day ><; all well.
Anime tonight! hopefully im awake to watch it! lol.. i cant wait <<;;
what else? nothing.
MY WALLPAPER. lol, sorry i was to lazy to put the link up yesterday. but to anyone that hasnt gone to see it... Click here to check it out!
Thats it for today, im to lazy to think of a random queston.... lol.
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Friday, September 8, 2006
 | Thursday wasnt so bad, my teachers werent jerks, not even my computer apps teacher! even though i know he hates me <<;;
~_~ School is in about half an hour, ive decided im not going to aerobics untill next week lol. First of all because she hasnt replyed to my email about what im supposed to bring and since im wearing a skirt today im pretty sure i wont be able to do anything anyway ~_^ Plus, anime club is today so i want to make sure i know where bri is cause i dunno where it is lol <<;
I FORGOT TO TELL YOU ALL! MALISSA CHECKED OUT FUSHIGI YUGI FROM THE LIBRARY AND THERES LIKE, 3 DISK SO I THINK IT MIGHT BE THE WHOLE SERIES! im super happy cause i love fushigi yugi lol. if im not to to tired im going to try and watch it this weekend!
>< no one really went to see my wallpaper! i was sad ): i dont have the link to it right now so ill mention it on saterday...
Have anice weekend!
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Thursday, September 7, 2006
 | Ugh, i just got up from sleeping for like, 10 hours x.x its 1 AM(well now its 2 AM i guess ive been up longer then i though) But anyway, im dreading school./ i have to go to computer apps. Which is way boring and the teacher hates me(he doesnt have a clue what he's doing so i guess that feeling is mutial.)
Im pissed, because i can only be dropped from one class this semester because then i would be lower then 5 classes and thats not aloud. Im also really mad because its not my fault! The first day of school i tried to schedule an appointment with my councelor about it all so i could add and drop classes but she never made an appointment with me and now its to late to add any classes. This also means.. i actually have to GO TO arobics! O.o wtf? I cant beleive she's making me do this. that also means no more watching anime with ansatsushawdi that period ;.; not fair!
so now im stuck in these dumbass classes that i never even got a say in if i really wanted to be in them. The year is kind of starting to suck already. and i think my friend megan hates me! >< which is deffinatly not what i need right now!
Getting off all the crappy stuff, i finally got my new wally up!!! Click Here to go see it and i really hope you do ;.; i really like this one lol. Its from love hina BTW.
have a nice day everyone!
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006
 | NUUUUUUUUU! ;.; i was supposed to fix my sleeping schedule this weekend but NEVER DID! Now im on a terrible sleeping schedule! im only going to get like, an hour of sleep before i have to go to school T_T I hope i can do it, im supposed to go to get my job application at the pizza place today!
Oki, well i really dont want to go to school today ^^ i hate the classes i have on these days. -_-' but all well, it must be done...
Im excited! is it this saterday that trinity blade and bleach come on? i think so... o.o BUT ANYWAY thats why im excited lol ^^ i cant wait to watch them as well as the new eureka 7 episodes! >3 Nya!
Well.. o.o thats about it lol. OK so right after i post this, im going to go visit whoevers updated ^^ cause its about time i get to that ;.; and ill try and get to everyone else if i can, i dunno if im aloud to be on myOtaku at school or not but i might just do it anyway on my off period.. though.. If i get suspended this early in the schoolyear -_- i dunno what my grandmother would say lol. all well.. ^.^ they should specify whats aloud and whats not, i mean, i know were only aloud to use the school comps. for school related things. O.o but..well.. myO isnt doing them any harm really... <<;; lol..
Random Question: Who's your favorite final fantasy charector?(if you have one..<<;;)
My answer, Yuffie, shes so pwnful and i hope the cosplay as her one year ^^. and also.. cloud of course *.* *droolz*
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Monday, September 4, 2006
 | Oh, i was so bored when myO was down lol ~_~;
But anyway... Lately ive been addicted to its a pet roleplay site and its not that great but the pets.. are so CUTE! lol ^^;; and im sucker for cute things <<; but anywho, thats been taking up all my time!
Im happy, theres no school monday... and oh! I might get a job at a pizza place near my house! My family has been friends with the owner for like, ever and my dad says that if i mention who my grandpa is i have a really good chance of being hired ^.^ Which makes me super excited, its not only really close but i wouldnt mind working in a little pizza place especially in a place thats been like, tradition in my family(long story..) and if i make enough money by september 15th ill go to the anime convention for SURE! lol.
Hmmm.. well thats kind of all i have to talk about so, ill try and visit you all today ^.^
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